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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1
Permit Number - TC-COM-0923-02239
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/19/2023 | Water - PDSD | APPROVED | |||
10/23/2023 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
10/23/2023 | Design Review | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Project was reviewed by PRS and is pending a Decision Letter. Resubmit plans addressing any conditions in the Decision Letter. | ||
10/06/2023 | External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Daljit Benipal dbenipal@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/29/2023 10:36:44 AM 1. Submit documentation regarding implementation of Special Inspections and Testing program during construction to observe compliance with the Design Concepts and Specifications. 2. Provide a schedule of special inspections as required in IBC Section 1705. 3. Balcony guards are to be designed for the loads provided in IBC 2018 Section 1607.8.1. 4. Structural steel, components and fasteners for the roof screen are to be protected against corrosion in accordance with AISC 360 Section B.13 as indicated in IBC 2018 Section 2203.1. 5. Designer is to coordinate venting and drainage hole requirements for HSS tube members that are galvanized using the hot-dip galvanizing process. Provide for plugs as needed. ◦ AWS D-19.0 calls for welds on galvanized steel to be free of zinc. Field welds on galvanized parts requires the removal of the zinc coating in the area of weld. Provide zinc paint (approved by the galvanizer) and apply as required to the weld and steel area to provide protection. 6. DEFERRED SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Structural general notes are to include any components of the building that may be considered deferred submittals. IBC Section requires deferred submittals to be approved by the building official. If items will be deferred the plans are to clearly note the following per IBC Section * To be reviewed by design professional in responsible charge. * Design professional shall affix a notation that the deferred items are in general conformance with their design of the building. * They shall be submitted for review by the building official. * Shall not be installed until approved by building official. Submit a response letter addressing these correction items and provide bubbles on the revisions to the drawings. Building(B) Reviewer Andrew Bevis abevis@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/26/2023 2:50:08 PM 1. Sheet T3.0: Community spaces 3 and 4 are shown as a singular room with the ability to be separated as needed. However, when these spaces are combined the occupant load will exceed 50 occupants and two exits are required. Two exits have been provided however, the exit separation requirements and door swing requirements have not been met. Provide properly separated exits in accordance with Sections 1007.1.1 and 1010.1.2.1. 2. Sheet T3.0: It appears that hoistway protection has not been provided. Provide hoistway protection in accordance with Section 3006.2.1 and 3006.3. 3. Sheet A0.0: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL W-L-1095) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated January 21, 2015. 4. Sheet A0.0: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL W-L-7018) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated January 27, 2015. 5. Sheet A0.0: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL W-L-1054) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated January 21, 2020. 6. Sheet A0.0: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL W-L-7042) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated October 12, 2017. 7. Sheet A0.2: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL V432) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated March 16, 2023. 8. Sheet A0.2: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL U415) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated February 14, 2022. 9. Sheet A0.2: UL fire resistance rated assemblies typically are comprised of proprietary materials to achieve a complete assembly. Revise the entire assembly (UL U419) on this sheet to reflect the current assembly listed by UL. The current UL listed assembly is dated August 16, 2023. 10. Sheet A4.0: Roof drainage sizing calculations have not been provided. Provide roof drain sizing calculations to the roof plan in accordance with 2018 IPC Section 1106.1 & 1106.2 11. Sheet A4.0: GPM discharge amounts have not been provided for the roof/drain overflows. Provide the roof/drain overflows in accordance with 2018 IPC Section 1106.2 Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jorge Valido jvalido@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/26/2023 6:04:19 PM Plan sheet M1.2 Mechanical Plan First Floor and Second thru Sixth Floors "Key Notes #3 & #4. - Common Dryer exhaust systems in Multi-Story Structures shall be independent of all other exhaust systems -.2018 IMC - Section 504.10 (12) Common Exhaust Systems for Clothes Dryers located in Multi-Story Structures Plan Sheet M1.3 Enlarged Mechanical plan - Typical Dwelling Unit "Key Notes" #4 & #6 - Domestic Kitchen exhaust systems in Multi-Story structures shall be Independent of all other exhaust systems. 2018 IMC - Section 505.5 (12) Common Exhaust Systems for Domestic Kitchens located in Multi-Story Structures Plan Sheet M1.2 Shows RTU #1 return air from elevator shaft. Return air from elevator shaft is not allowed as per - 2018 IMC - Section 601.5 Return air openings (2) Plan sheet M1.3 at Enlarged Mechanical Plan - Typical Dwelling Unit - makes reference to diagram 14 on Plan sheet M3.1. There is no diagram #14 on plan sheet M3.1 - 2018 IBC Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents. Provide Exhaust chase/shaft riser details for all Dryer Exhaust sub-ducted chase - 2018 IBC Section [A] 107.2.1 Information on construction documents Plan Sheet M3.1 Diagram #3 does not provide tie down specifications or instructions - 2018 IMC Section 301.15 and 301.18 Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Approved with Comments Reason: Date Completed : 10/3/2023 3:42:49 PM Electrical Review By: Ron Ross PE E3.0 ENLARGED POWER PLANS 1ST FLOOR: Missing Keynote #7. E3.1 ELECTRICAL DWELLING UNIT PLANS: Missing Keynotes 8 and 14. Missing description for Keynote #16. E4.0 "SES-1" SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM / ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS: Should revise feeder notation to units (Typical)/(A-B, N) as the meter stack is 3 phase and you will not restrict your feeders to the whole floor to A & B only as called out on Floor 7. Comment applies to all floors that call out for only using two out of 3 legs ie all floors. E4.1 "SES-2" SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM / ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS: Missing Keynote #4 Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/5/2023 6:52:14 PM First Plumbing review: 1). need to address building plan review Roof drainage comments 10,11 -IPC 1106.2 2). add DFU load note next to each building drain exit on plan page P1.1 -IPC 710 3). add concentric intake/exhaust illustration to the enlarged laundry gas water detail on P1.4 to correlate with water heater selection on Plan page P2.1-IFGC 304, 503.1 4). Multiple central laundry facility washer drains will need to discharge to a Lint interceptor or lint interceptors, update all affected plumbing pages. -IPC 1003.6 5). Lavatory waste Stack vents A & B on plan page P3.1 need to remain 3" thru roof level -IPC 913.3, 913.4 6). first floor laundry building drain detail C on P3.1 needs to remain 3" in its entirety & can't reduce in direction of flow.. -IPC 406.2, 704.2 7). Plan page P3.1 Laundry stack C riser connection branches at each level need to be clear that the horizontal piping is 3" up to at least the first washer at each level see -IPC 406.2 8). Waste Risers on P3.1 Shows two 1st floor public restrooms, that doesn't correlate with plumbing floor plan P1.1 that shows 3 public restrooms? -IPC 106.3.1 9). Plan page P1.1 & P3.1 need to include a High/low drinking fountain. -IPC 403.1 10). the 3" typical Roof conductor riser diagram on P3.1 needs to include an illustration for the set of the 4" storm conductors shown on P1.3. -IPC 106.3.1 11). Plans need to include a civil drainage utility piping plan for the continuation of the storm as stated on plumbing page P3.1-IPC 106.3.1 |
10/19/2023 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | -Resolve building comments regarding exiting from community rooms 3/4. -Include note stating two way communication for elevators will be installed per IFC 1009.8 -Verify you will not need a fire pump. Our experience indicates you will most probably need a fire pump. If so, will need to add a fire pump room per IBC 913. john.vincent@tucsonaz.gov 5203495581 |
10/18/2023 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | See zoning comment | ||
10/12/2023 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | ZONING REVIEW TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: TC-COM-0923-02239 20 E. Ochoa St. – C-3 Food Service (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL: October 12, 2023 COMMENTS: the following comments are relative to an application for Historic Review (UDC 5.8.8). Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This site is located in the C-3 zone (UDC 4.9.22). Multifamily is a permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-4). 1. Until development package (DP) TD-DEV-0523-00257 is approved by all review entities, Zoning cannot approve this permit. 2. Historic & Design Review must approve this building permit prior to Zoning approval. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov. |
10/17/2023 | Historic | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
09/20/2023 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |