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Permit Number: TC-COM-0824-01568
Parcel: 10610005D

Review Status: In Review

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3

Permit Number - TC-COM-0824-01568
Review Status: In Review
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
N/A Bldg Permits - Post Review PENDING ASSIGNMENT
12/26/2024 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Keith Miller
Date Completed : 12/26/2024 2:08:36 PM
1. Unresolved – General: The response letter contains a Change of Scope Narrative. The new scope of work and deferred submittals need to be included in the construction drawings. Please revise all affected sheets or details.
(2018 IBC section 107)
2. Unresolved - General: Include the window and door schedules specifying the U-Factors. (2018 IBC section 107, 2018 IECC section C402) The warehouse area is shown as being conditioned space with 6 new RTU’s and requires
compliance with the provisions of the 2018 IECC. The removal of the exiting envelope retail storefront and the installation of new walls, roof, and doors creates a new envelope. *** The referenced amended 2018 IECC section
C402.1.1 for low energy buildings states structures that do not utilize air conditioning are exempt from the envelope provisions. However, this building is being conditioned. If total peak design rate of energy usage of all units is less
than 3.4 Btu/h per square foot or less than 1.0 watt per square foot of floor area being conditioned, include the calculations showing the conditions of C402.1.1 #1 are met to be considered a low-energy building. ***
3. Resolved - Sheet X1: Include the uses of the adjacent spaces and required rated separation details per 2018 IBC Table 508.4 as applicable.
4. Resolved - Sheet X1.1: Specify if fire alarms are installed. (2018 IBC section 107)
5. Resolved - Sheet A7: The Keynote marks do not correspond to the building section details. Please coordinate and correct notes and all affected details. (2018 IBC section 107)
6. Unresolved - Sheet A7: Include the envelope insulation details meeting the requirements of the 2018 IECC section C402. The warehouse area is shown as being conditioned space with 6new RTU’s and requires compliance with the provisions of the 2018 IECC. The removal of the exiting envelope retail storefront and the installation of new walls, roof, and doors creates a new envelope. *** The referenced amended 2018 IECC section C402.1.1 for low energy buildings states structures that do not utilize air conditioning are exempt from the envelope provisions. However, this
building is being conditioned. If total peak design rate of energy usage is less than 3.4 Btu/h per square foot or less
than 1.0 watt per square foot of floor area being conditioned, include the calculations showing the conditions of C402.1.1 #1 are met to be considered a low-energy building. ***
7. Unresolved – General: A Special Inspections Intermediate Certificate needs to be submitted with parts A & B completed for verification of the approved Special Inspectors for the special inspections required. (2018 IBC section 1704.2.1, Required Tucson submittal requirements.) *** Provide the full names of the special inspectors. ***
01/07/2025 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT Per the 2024 IFC ( and 2018 IFC) Chapter 10, table 1017.2 and 1017.2.2 check Exit access Travel distance : the max travel distance for Occupancy S-1 with fire sprinklers and other requirements The submitted plans indicates 407.2 feet travel distance which is over the Fire code allowance. Make correction's and resubmit for review and approval.
12/24/2024 PDSD Application Completeness REVIEW COMPLETED