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Permit Number: TC-COM-0823-02094
Parcel: 125101380

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0823-02094
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/13/2023 Site Engineering APPROVED
10/02/2023 Water - PDSD APPROVED
10/02/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
09/05/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Structural(S) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 9/5/2023 5:43:07 PM
See the building review comments.

Building(B) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 9/5/2023 5:41:44 PM
1) General: Detail what equipment is in the play area room. (2018 IBC section 107)

2) General: Include the details showing the envelope energy compliance for the walls, ceiling, windows, and doors. (2018 IECC section C402)

3) General: Provide the gas piping floor plan layout, diagram, and calculations. Include the loads and specifications of all gas fired appliances. (2018 IBC section 107)

4) General: Guards are required for roof hatches within 10 ft of the roof edge. Show the guards as required by 2018 IBC section 1011.13.

5) Sheet A-701 (Toilet Rooms): Include the minimum required accessible toilet compartment space dimensions for both the men's and women's rooms. (2009 ICC A117.1 section 604.9.2)

6) Sheet A-701 (Toilet Rooms): The men's accessible toilet compartment shows the door swinging into the required space. (2009 ICC A117.1 section 604.9.3)

7) Sheet A-701 (Toilet Rooms): Coordinate the women's toilet room door swing direction with all sheets. many sheets show reversed swing. Doors with closers need a minimum of 12 inches of maneuvering clearance on the latch side of the door (not provided on the push side of the women's room). (2009 ICC A117.1 section 404.2.3.5)

8) Sheet A-701 (Toilet Rooms): Show the location of the accessible sign on the latch side of the women's toilet room door. (2009 ICC A117.1 section 703.3.11)

9) Sheets A-908 and P-101 (Details): Some details are not legible. (2018 IBC section 107)

10) Sheet P-101 (Plumbing Drawings): Provide the DWV isometric diagram and drainage fixture unit calculations for pipe sizing. (2018 IPC section 106.3.1, 2018 IBC section 107)

11) Sheet P-101 (Plumbing Drawings): Provide grease interceptor location and details in the drawings and diagrams. (2018 IPC section 106.3.1, 2018 IBC section 107)

12) Sheet P-201 (Plumbing Drawings): Provide the water supply isometric diagram and calculations for pipe sizing. (2018 IPC section 106.3.1, 2018 IBC section 107)

13) Sheet E-201 (Electrical Drawings): The play area light and emergency light details are not shown. (2018 IBC section 1008.3)

14) Sheet E-202 (Electrical Drawings): Only parts of the electrical power plans are shown. Please provide the full floor power plans including the panel locations. (2018 IBC section 107)

15) Sheet M-201 (Mechanical Drawings): Provide the mechanical equipment schedule. (2018 IBC section 107)

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 9/5/2023 5:42:32 PM
See the building review comments.

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 9/5/2023 5:42:18 PM
See the building review comments.

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Keith Miller
Date Completed : 9/5/2023 5:42:51 PM
See the building review comments.
Nicholas Martell, Principal Planner
Commercial Addition
September 28, 2023

The commercial plans have been reviewed by the Zoning Review Section but cannot be approved until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

1. While the plans appear to match TD-DEV-0123-00102, Zoning cannot approve until the Development Package is approved. To resubmit your plans for additional review, please visit: https://tdc-online.tucsonaz.gov/energov_prod/selfservice#/home If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Nicholas.Martell@tucsonaz.gov

Don't hesitate to reach out once the DP is approved and the building plans are resubmitted to avoid a longer review delay.
09/11/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
08/31/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED