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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1
Permit Number - TC-COM-0823-02058
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/25/2023 | Water - PDSD | APPROVED | |||
09/25/2023 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
09/08/2023 | External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Madeline Nelson mnelson@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/5/2023 1:11:46 AM 1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed. If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly. Updates may result in additional comments. 2. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of the site-specific geotechnical report referenced in the Structural General Notes, S1.0. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All building code references must be updated to the current code adopted by the City. 3. S1.0 - DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS AT CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALLS: General notes provided information on bearing capacity used for design. Please provide additional information on what design assumptions were used to design cantilevered retaining walls (Detail 29) such as active and passive soil pressures and any surcharge loads. 4. S1.0 - STEEL DECK NOTES: In the general notes, under "Section M. Steel Deck", Note #1, please provide a value for the minimum diaphragm shear capacity, in pounds per foot, where there is currently only a place holder. 5. S1.2 - STEEL COLUMN BASE PLATES: Detail 13 shows the geometry of typical steel column base plates, but does not provide a minimum weld size for column connection to base plate. Details 123, 124, 126 and 130 provide information on welds in specific applications (ie. braced frames), however other applications (ie. Details 127, 128 and 131) do not have a typical weld size called out. Please specify the required welding for all steel column conditions. 6. S1.3 - COLD-FORMED DETAILS: In Detail 33, please provide a typical spacing of shot pin fasteners for connection of a vertical wall stud an HSS column (Note #7). 7. S1.4 - LEDGER SCHEDULE: On the Ledger Schedule, Note #2, please confirm that the typical ledger splice plate shall be 2" thick x 3 1/2" wide x 24" long. This thickness of steel seems unusual for this application. 8. S2.1/S2.2 - FOUNDATION PLAN: Precast Panels P89 and P96 are currently not supported by a concrete foundation element. Please confirm that this is acceptable, and both panels are being supported only on the 6" slab-on-grade. 9. S2.1/S2.2/S2.3/S2.4 - FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES: On Foundation Plan Note #109, please confirm the minimum length of the typical #4 slab dowels at the perimeter. 10. S2.6/S2.7 - MEZZANINE FRAMING PLANS: Detail 227, Note 3 refers to a typical ledger for connection of the concrete-over-metal-deck to the precast concrete wall. Similarly, Detail 238, Note 3 refers to a ledger for connection of the canopy roof to the exterior cold-formed steel walls. Please provide sizes for both these angle ledgers, either on plan or in the detail. 11. S4.0 - PANEL DETAILS: In Detail P2, Note 5 indicates that the 1/2" steel plates (Note 3) shall only be welded at one end. If this is the case, the steel plates will not effectively transfer loads between panels. This could lead to instability. Please confirm how panels transfer forces through the panel joints. 12. S4.0 - PANEL DETAILS: Typical Detail P8 shows reinforcing information that conflicts with the panel elevations on Sheets S3.0 thru S3.3. Specifically, Detail P8 Notes 4, 5 and 6 conflict with Panel Elevation Keynotes 3 (full width lintels), 4 (diagonal bars) and 5 thru 11 (jamb reinforcement). Please confirm which notes control, revise and resubmit. 13. S5.0 - FOUNDATION DETAILS: Please confirm that in Detail 102, no key is required between the slab-on-grade and the concrete closure pour. This is in contrast to Detail 103, where a key is shown. 14. S5.1 - BRACED FRAME DETAIL: In Detail 124, Notes 3 and 11 refer to steel plates that form the anchorage system for braced frame column. Per the foundation drawings, the column at this location is a C6 column with a 16"x54" base plate. However, Note 11 indicates a "sister" plate that is 18"x30", making the indicated geometry impossible. Please confirm this plate size and resubmit. 15. S5.2 - FOUNDATION DETAIL: In Detail 131, please indicate a minimum depth of the concrete grade beam. Confirm the selected base plate anchors (Note 2), as these anchors conflict with the typical C3 base plate conditions on Sheet S1.4. 16. S6.0 - MEZZANINE DETAILING: Detail 204 is cut on the Mezzanine Floor Plan S2.7. However, this detail calls for plywood sheathing over 3x wood nailers, which conflicts with all surrounding details showing concrete over metal deck. Please revise Detail 204 to show the correct floor framing. 17. S6.0 - TYPICAL LEDGER: Please review the typical ledger supporting the deck in Details 202, 203 and 213. In all instances, Ledger type "L2" is indicated on plan. Detail 202 shows the ledger without a nailer using shot pin fasteners, while Detail 203 shows a nailer with common nails. Detail 213 shows a third arrangement, with no nailer and the angle leg reversed. (Detail 213 also shows metal decking, where the other roof details show plywood.) Confirm that these variations in geometry are part of the design intent by the engineer. 18. S6.0 - STEEL JOIST AT CONCRETE WALL PANEL JOINT: Detail 207 and 209 appear to show conflicting information for typical connection of a steel joist to a precast concrete wall at a panel point. Detail 207, Notes 9 and 10 seem to directly contradict Detail 209, Notes 2 and 3. Please confirm which detail controls and revise to eliminate this conflict. 19. S6.0 - STEEL LEDGER AND SPLICE: Detail 208 shows ledger anchor and splice information that conflicts with the Ledger Schedule on Sheet S1.4. According to the Ledger Schedule, ledger type "L2" (typical at the building roof) shall be fastened with 3/4" x 5" long anchors at 12" oc, which conflicts with Detail 208, Notes 4 and 5. In addition, Detail 208, Note 7 and Section X-X describe splices in the ledger which conflict with Ledger Schedule Notes 2 and 3. Please confirm which detail controls and revise accordingly. 20. S6.1 - BRACED FRAME DETAIL: On Detail 219, Note 4, the HSS brace size indicated (HSS10x10x5/8) conflicts with Details 123 and 124 (HSS10x10x5/16). Please confirm which size controls and resubmit. 21. S6.1/S6.2 - Roof Framing Details 221, 232 and 239 callout wood subpurlins and hangers where no purlins appear to be called out on plan. Is the intention for J1 or J2 joists to occur in every bay of the roof, or only in the bays indicated on plan (ie. at diaphragm straps, ref. Detail 203). 22. S6.1 - STEEL DETAIL: Detail 230 is currently missing Note 6, referring to the typical angle ledger. Where section is cut on plan, no ledger size has been indicated. Please provide an angle size and welding pattern for this ledger. 23. S6.2 - COLD-FORMED DETAIL: In Detail 238, please indicate the required fasteners for installing a Simpson SSC4.25 clip (revised Note 10). 24. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS: Roof Plan S2.9, Gridline 9, shows a beam type "B5" (W30x90) spanning from Grid 9/C to 9/E (100'-0"). Even given the smaller tributary area (8'-0"), this seems like a long span for a beam of that size. Please add a page to the calculation package confirming the strength and deflection of that beam is acceptable for a 100-ft span. 25. M0.1/M0.2 - MECHANICAL LOADS: The mechanical drawings M0.1 and M0.2 list new air handler units, heat pumps and storage tanks weighing between 1,700 lb and 13,000 lb (ref. CWAHU-1 thru 5, DXPU-1 & 2 and CH-1). Please verify that all of this equipment will be installed at ground level or indicate where on the elevated framing these weights will be occur. Building(B) Reviewer Andrew Bevis abevis@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 8/30/2023 10:41:51 AM 1. Sheet A0.3: The boiler room exceeds 500 sq. ft. and may have fuel fired equipment exceeding 400,000 BTUs. This room does not have enough exits. Provide additional exits in accordance with Section 1006.2.2.1. 2. Sheet A0.3: The maintenance shop is required to have two exits due to the occupant load. However, the doors being indicated as exits have doors swinging in the wrong direction. Provide additional exits or properly swinging doors in accordance with 1010.1.2.1. 3. General: Provide a detailed narrative as to the type of chemicals being stored in the chemical storage areas and their correlation to maximum allowable quantities and how they are being stored in accordance with the 2018 IBC Section 415.10.4 and 2018 IFC 5001.5.2. 4. General: Provide a detailed narrative indicating the product being manufactured along with the manufacturing process. 5. General: Provide a narrative as to how the manufactured product is packaged to align with a Class IV commodity. 6. Sheet A0.4: The "mezzanine" office areas have not been included into the occupant load calculations. Provide a space by space occupant load calculation for the entire structure in a matrix view in accordance with Section 1004.3. 7. Sheet A2.5: At least 5% of each type of locker is required to be accessible. Provide the proper number of accessible lockers in accordance with the ADAAG Section 222.1. 8. Sheet A2.5: .Benches are required to be provided in lockers rooms that comply with ADAAG Section 903 in accordance with the ADAAG Section 803.4. 9. Sheet A2.11: At least 5% of each type of locker is required to be accessible. Provide the proper number of accessible lockers in accordance with the ADAAG Section 222.1. 10. Sheet A2.11: Benches are required to be provided in lockers rooms that comply with ADAAG Section 903 in accordance with the ADAAG Section 803.4. 11. Sheet A4.0: Add roof drain sizing calculations to the plumbing plan that derive from -IPC 1106.1 & 1106.2 & Tucson Amendment Appendix B rates of rainfall. 12. Sheet A4.0: GPM discharge amounts have not been provided for the roof/drain overflows. Provide the roof/drain overflows in accordance with 2018 IPC Section 1106.2 Mechanical(M) Reviewer Jorge Valido jvalido@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/5/2023 8:58:08 PM 1) Plan Sheet M3.2 shows Smoke Detectors installed on Supply Air. Install Smoke detectors as per 2018 IMC Section 606.2.1 thru 606.2.3 2) Show smoke detector locations for CWAHU 1, 2, 3, & 5 on Plan sheet M1.2 - 2018 IBC – Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction documents 3) On Plan Sheet M2.1 - (1)CHILLED WATER YARD ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN provide duct work for CHWAHU 4. Show location of Smoke detector 2018 IBC– Section [A]107.2.1Information on construction document Electrical(E) Reviewer Ron Ross rross@safebuilt.com Conditionally Approved Reason: Date Completed : 9/7/2023 3:55:09 PM Electrical Review of Microstar By: Ron Ross PE Approved with the following comments that should be addressed with the construction set. E0.5 ELECTRICAL EXTERIOR PHOTOMETRIC PLAN: Missing Keynote 6. E0.6 ELECTRICAL EXTERIOR CUT SHEETS AND IECC REPORTS: Review and confirm power statistics. Wattage looks low. E3.1 ELECTRICAL ENLARGED PLANS: Can one circuit provide enough power for the lights on each floor? E4.1 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULES: Are the ‘Total Voltage Drop’ calculations valid? Some values are really high. Did they use the Ground wire size for the calculations? Plumbing(P) Reviewer Perry Hendershott phendershott@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 9/7/2023 11:19:12 PM First Plumbing Review: 1). Add GPM load notation next to each set of roof drains on plan page A4.0 -IPC 1106.2 2). Gas piping calculations on page P0.2 need to derive from IFGC 402 3). Add manufacturer names & model numbers for all of the gas connected equipment to the gas equipment schedule on P0.2 -IFGC 301.3 4). Gas plans and or mechanical plans need to include exhaust piping illustrations for all of the gas connected equipment. - IFGC 503.1 5). Gas plans and or mechanical plans need to include Combustion air illustrations/methods along with calculations for the gas connected equipment. -IFGC 304 6). The letters PW shown on the drainage system is not listed anywhere on plan page P0.1? -IPC 106.3.1 7). Label the larger tank of the 2 shown in detail 1 on plan page P1.5 -IPC 106.3.1 8). Plan page P1.4 needs to illustrate the continuation of the building drain coming from the compressor room to its tie in location -IPC 106.3.1 9). Plumbing pages need to include the primary & secondary roof drainage system piping illustrations, from roof to termination points along with sizes, Gpm loads & calculations. -IPC 1101.2, 1106.1, 1106.2, 1106.5, 1108 10). Plumbing fixture schedule on plan page P0.1 needs to include Primary & secondary roof drain assembly information. - IPC 1102.6 11). FD1 & FD2 on plan page P0.1 need trap primers or trap guards- IPC 1002.4.1 12). Lavatory faucets on plan page P0.1 need to be the automatic type - Tucson Plumbing code amendment 419.6 13). Add water heater, trap primer , lift tank details to the plumbing pages -IPC 106.3.1 14). Plumbing plans need to be accompanied by a civil site utility piping plan for the continuation of sanitary , storm , & water service -IPC 106.3.1 ( as stated throughout plumbing plans) |
09/14/2023 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | -Sheet A0.1. Project summary lists AHJ as Rural Metro. Change to Tucson Fire Dept. -Sheet A0.1. Codes and standards summary lists Rural Metro for fire. Change to Tucson Fire Dept. -Sheet A0.1 states manual fire alarm is not required. Sheet A0.3 and A0.4 both state "building to be equipped with manual fire alarm. Conflicting information. -Determine if manual fire alarm will be installed. Determine if building needs occupant notification based on IFC 907. -Provide occupant load "breakdown" and total occupant load of each space/occupancy type. Total OL, for mixed use, may require a building fire alarm. -Add note indicating Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement System (ERCES) may be required. Building shall be tested, by PCWIN, for emergency responder radio coverage and report provided to TFD. ERCES system will be required if testing fails per IFC 510. -Provide hazardous materials inventory statement summary report per H102. Use examples figure 4, figure 5. john.vincent@tucsonaz.gov 5203495581 |
09/01/2023 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | 1. Engineering cannot approve building permit until associated development package is approved. 2. Ensure building footprint and roof drainage match development package Scott Haseman scott.haseman@tucsonaz.gov |
09/01/2023 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | FROM: Iman Monshizadeh PDSD Zoning Review Section PROJECT: TC-COM-0823-02058 Building Plan Review (1st Review) 8655 S DISTRIBUTION WY / I-1 Zone TRANSMITTAL DATE: 09/01/2023 1.COMMENT: Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the associated Development Package TD-DEV-0823-00370. Zoning cannot approve the building plans until the DP is approved. 2. COMMENT: Zoning will review the building plans on the next submittal as it relates to the zoning review purview and compare the building plan footprint, building height, and square footage and location to ensure consistency with the Development Package. 3. COMMENT: Once the plans have been reviewed and approved by PDSD Commercial Plan Reviewers and zoning has verified consistency with the DP, the building plans can be approved by zoning. Resubmittal instructions: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/revisions-and-resubmittals.pdf If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact Iman Monshizadeh at (520) 837-4082 or by email Iman.Monshizadeh@tucsonaz.gov |
08/24/2023 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |