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Permit Number: TC-COM-0823-02036
Parcel: 10705105A

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0823-02036
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/20/2023 Water - PDSD APPROVED
09/20/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review PENDING ASSIGNMENT
09/05/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Structural(S) Reviewer
Madeline Nelson
Date Completed : 9/3/2023 9:16:05 PM
1. GENERAL - UPDATES: For project updates, please submit sheets with all changes clearly marked in revision clouds. Please provide a written response to each comment; updates without a clear response to all comments may not be reviewed.

If you have any questions regarding the comments, you may contact me directly.
Updates may result in additional comments.

2. GENERAL - ENGINEER'S SEAL REQUIRED: The State of Arizona requires that a professional engineer be engaged for certain types of work, including plans for the foundation and structural system of a building. Final construction documents shall include the seal and signature of an engineer licensed in the state of Arizona. If requested, the engineer shall present proof of competence in the area of structural engineering per the Fundamental Canons of the the National Society of Professional Engineers.

3. GENERAL - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: Please have the Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge of this project complete and return the City of Tucson Special Inspections Certificate with signatures. The form can be downloaded at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/city-services/planning-developmentservices/documents/special_inspection_certificate.pdf

4. GENERAL – DEFERRED SUBMITTALS: Per the 2018 IBC, Section 106.3.4, “The registered design professional in responsible charge shall list the deferred submittals on the construction documents for review by the code official.” Due to
the complexity of this project, please provide a complete list of all items that will be designed by a specialty engineer as a deferred submittal and include that list in the Structural Specifications.

5. GENERAL - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Please provide a copy of a site-specific geotechnical report for this project. The report should support the appropriateness of the selected foundation system for the project site. All building code references
must be updated to the current code adopted by the City.

6. GENERAL - CURRENT CODE: The currently adopted building code for the City of Tucson is the 2018 International Building Code. The Structural Specifications on Sheet 25 have been altered to obscure the building code used for the design of this project, however other sheets, including the "Floor Plan - 1st Floor" on Sheet 4 refer to the outdated code IBC 2006.

Please update all final construction drawings to comply with the currently adopted code.

7. GENERAL - DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: The following structural design information shall be included in the construction documents per 2018 IBC Section 1603. Please include the following items with the structural specifications.

1. Risk Category

2. Roof Snow Load, Pg

3. Wind Design Data (Wind Speed, V,ult; Exposure Category; Internal Pressure Coefficient; Design Wind Pressures for exterior components and cladding materials)

4. Seismic Design Data (Seismic Importance Factor, Ie; Site Class; Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters, Ss and S1; Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters, Sds and Sd1; Basic seismic force resisting system; Design base shear; Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs; Response Modification Factor, R; Analysis procedure used)

8. FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS - The concrete slab on grade calls for #4 rebar at 48" oc. This area of steel does not meet the minimum area requirements for Temperature and Shrinkage reinforcement called out in ACI 318, Section
Please revise the specified reinforcement to meet the ratio of 0.0020 (Area of steel : Area of concrete) for 40 ksi rebar or 0.0018 for 60 ksi rebar.

9. FOUNDATION PLAN - At the east end of the building are two wing walls with unlabeled foundation elements supporting them. Please provide a callout to identify the size and reinforcement of the foundation elements.

10. FOUNDATION DETAILS - Please provide the following structural information on Sheet 3, Foundation Details: In Detail 1, please confirm the minimum reinforcement in the 10" wide concrete stem wall. Detail 3 on the same sheet shows the stem
wall approximately 4'-0" tall, however, the specified reinforcement (#4 verticals at 32"oc and (2) #4 horizontal bars) do not meet the minimum area of steel required by ACI 381, Section See Comment #8 for more information. In Detail 2, please provide a size and spacing of transverse bars shown in the Interior Bearing Wall Footing. Please confirm that the maximum spacing of post-installed RamSet anchors is 32" oc and spacing does not need to be adjusted for this smaller, lower-capacity anchor. Finally, in Detail 3, please provide a minimum weld size for connections between steel railing members.

11. FLOOR FRAMING PLAN: Please provide a typical floor framing member size. Floor joist selection should be supported by structural calculations. Please provide callouts for all columns illustrated on plan. Some columns have been labeled as
4x4 or 6x6 posts, but there are multiple locations where columns are unlabeled. Further, if a beam is supported by a stud wall, please specify if multiple wall studs are required to support the beam reaction. Confirm if the typical interior wall framing
(2x4 studs at 24"oc) is sufficient to span two stories where walls are unsupported at the second floor framing (ie. around the stage).

12. FLOOR FRAMING PLAN NOTES - In the Framing Plan Notes, Sheet 6, Note #1 refers to a header schedule to identify the unsized wood headers. Please provide this header schedule. In Plan Note #6, please provide a minimum embedment of
the anchors connecting the ledger to the Rastra wall. Plan Note #10 specifies typical floor sheathing of two layers of 1/2" T&G CDX plywood, which conflicts with the Structural Specifications (3/4" plywood sheathing at floor framing). Please revise either the specs or the plan notes to remove this conflict. Finally, the Floor Framing and Roof Framing sheets contain notes on plan that are unclear. Please clarify when and where to apply the following notes: "Use 1/2" L @ 4'-0"OC", "2x4 blocking @ midspan with 8d nails at 6'-0" oc", "2x4 w/ 2-16d nails at each joist or stud", "2x4 bottom plate with 16d nails at 6'-0" oc".

13. FLOOR FRAMING DETAILS - Detail 2 on Sheet 6 depicts a steel column on an isolated spread footing. This condition does not exist in the drawing set. Please modify this detail to show anchorage of a typical wood post at the foundation. In
Detail 4, Note 6, ledger is supported by Rastra wall with anchors at 48"oc. For a spacing this large, please provide calculations to prove the anchors are sufficient to support floor framing.

14. ROOF FRAMING PLAN NOTES - Plan Note #5 on Sheet 7 specifies typical roof sheathing of 5/8" CDX plywood, which conflicts with the Structural Specifications (1/2" OSB sheathing at roof framing). Please revise either the specs or the plan
notes to remove this conflict.

15. ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES & DETAILS - TRANSFORMER PAD: All new foundation elements shall be within the scope of the structural engineer. Please provide a minimum size and spacing of rebar at the foundation for the proposed
transformer (Ref Pg. 24, Detail 1)

16. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS: Some design assumptions used in the structural calculation package are in conflict with the Structural Specifications, Sheet 25. The calculation package assumes a typical concrete strength of 3,000 psi and a
typical rebar yield strength of 60 ksi. The spec sheet specifies 2,500 psi concrete with 40 ksi rebar.

** The calculation package, pg 14, also assumes a wood species of Structural Select Douglas-Fir-Larch, while the spec sheet calls for DouglasFir #2. Finally, the typical foundation elements in the calculation package assume a footing depth of 3'-6", which is not
reflected in Foundation Detail 1, Sheet 3

** Please note, if the structural calculations are revised to show 40 ksi rebar, the minimum ratio of area of steel to area of concrete per ACI 318 will increase from 0.0018 to 0.0020. This minimum requirement will impact the typical interior wall
footing detail (Sheet 3), as area of steel will need to be increased. See Comment #8 for more information.

Building(B) Reviewer
Andrew Bevis
Date Completed : 9/5/2023 1:31:08 PM
1. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed:
◦ Occupancy Classification(s)
◦ For Mixed Occupancy Buildings, state whether the “non-separated” or “separated” option was chosen from Sections 508.3 / 508.4.
◦ Description of Use
◦ Type of Construction:
◦ Sprinklers:
◦ Allowable Stories vs. Actual Stories
◦ Allowable Height vs. Allowable Height
◦ Allowable Floor Area vs. Allowable Floor Area
◦ Occupant Load (space by space in accordance with Section 1004.3)
◦ Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 503 (if applicable)
◦ Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 503 (if applicable)

2. General: With out the above information a thorough review cannot be completed. Expect additional comments once the information is provided.

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Jorge Valido
Date Completed : 8/31/2023 12:15:29 PM
Provide O/A duct w/MD to FC-5 and FC-6 - IMC 2018 Chapter 4 - Section 403
Provide Exhaust to Mop Sink, Men and Women restrooms on 1st floor - IMC 2018 Chapter 4 - Section 403 & Chapter 5 - Sections 501 and 502

Install Smoke Detectors in FC-8, FC-9 and FC-10 as per 2018 IMC - Section 606.2.1 thru 606.2.3

Provide Commercial Energy Calculations as per 2018 IECC Section C403

Plan Sheet #17 in Mechanical General Notes Schedule under References add 2018 International Mechanical Code - 2018 IMC Section [A] 106.3.1

Provide condenser tie down instruction on Plan Sheet #18 Plan 1 - 2018 IBC Chapter 16 & 2018 IMC Section 301.15

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Date Completed : 9/4/2023 2:53:20 PM
Electrical Review of Church
19. ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN-1ST FLOOR: Should note or call out that lighting schedule is on sheet 23.


Two sets of non-identical General Notes. Remove, correct, or clarify extraneous notes.

Circuit information for HVAC equipment not shown vs shown completely for Sheet 22.

22. ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN-2ND FLOOR: Two sets of non-identical General Notes. Remove, correct, or clarify extraneous notes.

23. ELECTRICAL PANELS & SCHEDULES: Need to provide an interior lighting calculation (hand calculation or comcheck).

Incorrect F2 calculation. This incorrect calculation is shown for Panel HP on Service Entrance Diagram. This erroneous value was used to select a 65 KAIC rating for Panel HP.

Incorrect F4 value shown for Panel B on Service Entrance Diagram. This erroneous value was used to select a 65 KAIC rating for Panel B.

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Date Completed : 9/4/2023 11:36:43 PM
First plumbing Review:
1). Add gutter & downspout information, & sizing calculations to sheet 7 or add note stating sheet to grade. - IPC 1101.2, 1106.1, 1106.3, 1106.6

2). second floor mens toilet & urinal need partitions

3). Add enlarged restroom plan with fixture spacing measurements -IPC 405.3.1

4). Sheet 12 & 14 First floor 3" building drain undersized. -IPC 710.1

5). Missing vent thru roof configuration for furthest downstream first floor toilets & urinal group on sheet 14 -IPC 904.3

6). both bldg drain exits on sheet 12 need cleanouts -IPC 708.3.1

7). Show main water entrance & shut off valve location on sheet 12 - IPC 606.1

8). Provide civil site utility piping plan for continuation of sewer & water service - _IPC 106.3.1

9). Second floor kitchen drains on sheet 13 & 14 need to discharge thru a grease interceptor - Tucson Plumbing code amendments chapter 10

10). Remove all UPC code references from sheet 14 general notes- Tucson has adopted International plumbing code

11). Provide plumbing fixture schedule with manufacturer names & model numbers including water information within plumbing sheets. or provide spec manual -IPC 303

12). Provide Piping material spec schedule or provide spec manual. -IPC 605.4, 702

13). Lavatories within plumbing sheets need ASSE 1070 mixing valves -IPC 419.5

14). Water heater location not clear within plumbing sheets? -IPC 501.4

15). Hot piping system will need to include a hot water recirculation system on sheets 12 & 13 - IPC 607.2

16). will this project include any hose bibs? if yes add to plan -IPC 106.3.1
09/05/2023 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT Address SafeBuilt comments prior to Fire review.
08/26/2023 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT See Zoning Comment
08/30/2023 Site Landscape REQUIRES RESUBMIT The proposed development on this site also needs a full development package, which will include all landscape plans, irrigations plans, grading plans, and commercial rainwater harvesting plans.

Please reach out to Zone1.Desk@tucsonaz.gov for information about the submittal process.

FROM: Wyatt Berger
Lead Planner

PROJECT: TC-COM-0823-02036
617 West Miracle Mile – C-2
Church (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: August 23, 2023

Please resubmit revised drawings with a detailed response letter stating how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. Per Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Section 3.3.3.G.2.a, a site plan (development package) is required for all new non-residential development and shall comply with the standards set forth within Administrative Manual Section 2-06.0.0. The development package is required to be submitted, reviewed, and approved by all review agencies prior to zoning approval of TC-COM-0823-02036.

The development package is a separate submittal and shall be applied for under application type “Development Package” through the Tucson Development Center Online.

2. If civil sheets are provided within the building plan set, the civil sheets shall be the stamped and approved sheets from the associated development package.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, contact me at Wyatt.Berger@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4951.
08/22/2023 PDSD Application Completeness REVIEW COMPLETED