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Permit Number: TC-COM-0724-01394
Parcel: 11918087A

3660 S 16TH AV

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-COM-0724-01394
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/05/2024 Commercial Electrical APPROVED
08/08/2024 Commercial Mechanical APPROVED
08/01/2024 Site Zoning APPROVED
08/08/2024 Water - PDSD APPROVED
08/06/2024 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
08/09/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
08/09/2024 Commercial Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised documents and provide a letter with a written response letter to address each of the comments indicating how the Building Review comments were addressed. Additionally, please submit complete copies of all permit documents (i.e. plans, calculations, reports, etc.) even if they have not been changed.
1. Sheet TS1: Please amend plans to provide a sheet index that includes all the drawing sheets, each with unique labels, in this permit’s scope. IBC 107.2.1For example, sheets labeled P1.1, P3.0& P4.0 are listed in the index and are not included in the plan set. Additionally (2) sheets are included with P2 sheet label
2. Sheet TS1: Please amend the list of deferred submittals to add a note to not install until approved. IBC
3. Sheet TS1: Please verify the construction type used is Type IV. IBC 602.4 Additionally, if IV is the construction type, update the Fire-Resistance Ratings for the Buildings Elements as indicated in IBC Table 601. For example, all Interior walls and partitions shall be of solid wood construction formed by not less than two layers of 1-inch matched boards or laminated construction 4 inches thick, or of 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction.
4. Sheet A1.1: Please amend drawing to show the path of egress from doors 101A and 101B to the exit include is a demarcated, minimum 44-inch-wide aisle and by a full- or partial-height fixed walls or similar construction that will maintain the required width and lead directly from the retail area to the exit without obstructions. IBC 1016.2 #5 exception 2.4
5. Sheet A2.1: Please elaborate on the meaning of Electric Strike in the Notes Column of the Door Schedule. For example, are these electronically controlled access doors? If so, please describe how the hardware is operates. IBC 107.2.1
Please contact me if you have any questions about these comments.
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner – Building Safety
Planning and Development Services | City of Tucson
main 520.837.4994
email mark.masek@tucsonaz.gov
08/08/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT Show the size, route, and termination of the drain for the water heater pan. Reference: Section 504.7, IPC 2018.
08/02/2024 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT -IFC 1016.2 #5, Exception #2.4. The second exit from the M shall have a minimum 44" wide isle defined by full or partial height fixed walls per the exception.
07/22/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED