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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3
Permit Number - TC-COM-0724-01390
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/14/2024 | Site Engineering | APPROVED | |||
10/16/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
10/14/2024 | External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Structural(S) Reviewer Janet Matz jmatz@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/11/2024 10:40:32 PM Building(B) Reviewer Janet Matz jmatz@safebuilt.com Denied Reason: Date Completed : 10/11/2024 11:02:22 PM All corrections must be clouded, delta numbered, with a brief explanation within the plan sheet or the title block. Please include with the resubmittal a separate response narrative, which is numbered or itemized to correspond to each of the noted plan review comments items. Revised items on the architectural plans have not been identified, Please bubble or cloud all revisions to the drawings. 1. Unresolved. Clarify the overall cost of the proposed project on the permitting system. The system indicates $83,333.00. it is unclear if this is just for building A. If this review is for all three buildings, the valuation should reflect all three. Not addressed, this information was not provided, indicate an estimated evaluation for all of the work to be done. 2. Sheet 1 (Site Plan)- Indicate with the general and zoning information that “all work will be done in accordance with the following codes as adopted by the City of Tucson”: Comment addressed. i. 2018 International Building Code ii. 2018 International Existing Building Code iii. 2018 International Energy Code iv. 2018 International Mechanical Code v. 2018 International Plumbing Code vi. 2017 National Electrical Code vii. 2018 International Fire Code viii. ICC A117.1-2009 3. Unresolved. Sheet 1 (Site Plan)- Indicate with the general and zoning information the following additional information: Comment not addressed. provide the following information on the drawings. i. Indicate the Alteration Level per the classification of work as identified per chapter 6 of the 2018 International Building Code. ii. Indicate the Occupancy Classification for the area being renovated per Chapter 3 of the 2018 International Building Code. iii. Indicate the Construction Type for the building per Chapter 6 of the 2018 International Building Code. iv. Indicate the approximate square footage of area to be remodeled per unit or per building. v. Indicate if the existing structure has an existing automatic fire sprinkler or fire alarm system. 4. Sheet 2 (Floor Plan Enlarged Plan)- The electrical plan for building A indicates it is for units 101-103 and 105-107. There is no unit 105-107 listed to be renovated nor shown on the overall floor plan for building A. Correct the unit number references. Comment addressed. 5. Sheet 3 (Floor Plan Building A)- Clarify if the scope of work in the enlarged plans will be done on all units specified or just a few. The enlarged plans on sheet 2 indicate work for all the units but the overall plans indicate only part of the notes. For example, the enlarged plan for building A units 101-103 and 105-107 indicates to replace all the plumbing fixtures however note 6 is not shown noted in unit 101. If the intention was to use the enlarged plans for the notes, then remove the notes here and reference the enlarged plans OR add all the applicable notes to the drawings, not just some. Comment addressed. 6. Sheet 2 (Floor Plan Enlarged Plan), Sheet 3 (Floor Plan Building A), Sheet 4 (Floor Plan Building B), Sheet 5 (Floor Plan Building C)- Note 2 indicates to remove and replace all windows with energy efficient windows. Note that the new windows will be the same size as the existing (or provide a new natural light and vent schedule for the new sizes). Indicate the minimum U value and SHGC for the new windows in the note. (2018 IECC Table R402.1.2). Comment addressed. 7. Sheet 2 (Floor Plan Enlarged Plan), Sheet 3 (Floor Plan Building A), Sheet 4 (Floor Plan Building B), Sheet 5 (Floor Plan Building C)- Note on the drawings that the existing fire rating of the walls and floors will be maintained and not be reduced. (2018 IBC Section 420.2 and Section 420.3). Comment addressed. 8. Sheet 2 (Floor Plan Enlarged Plan), Sheet 3 (Floor Plan Building A), Sheet 4 (Floor Plan Building B), Sheet 5 (Floor Plan Building C)- Note on the plans that fire blocking and draft stopping will be provided in accordance with 2018 IBC Section 708.4.2. Comment addressed. Mechanical(M) Reviewer (from previous submittal TUC9583001.072324) Janet Matz jmatz@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 8/7/2024 1:32:12 AM Electrical(E) Reviewer Janet Matz jmatz@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/11/2024 10:45:57 PM Plumbing(P) Reviewer Janet Matz jmatz@safebuilt.com Approved Reason: Date Completed : 10/11/2024 10:43:43 PM |
10/16/2024 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Resolve SAFEBuilt comments. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov |
10/07/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |