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Permit Number: TC-COM-0724-01365
Parcel: 11709158B

401 E 22ND ST

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Permit Number - TC-COM-0724-01365
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/02/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
08/01/2024 Commercial Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised documents and provide a letter with a written response letter to address each of the comments indicating how the Building Review comments were addressed. Additionally, please submit complete copies of all permit documents (i.e. plans, calculations, reports, etc.) even if they have not been changed.
Please provide the Geotechnical Report TG 22-045G by ConformaTech, Inc. dated 12th January 2023 with next submittal. IBC 107.2.1
Please contact me if you have any questions about these comments.
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner – Building Safety
Planning and Development Services | City of Tucson
main 520.837.4994
email mark.masek@tucsonaz.gov
08/01/2024 Commercial Electrical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please address the electrical plan review comments and provide a written response.
1 Please provide compliance with the 2018 IECC for the Comfort Station lighting.
Ref; 2018 IECC.
08/01/2024 Commercial Mechanical REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. Provide a list of the proposed chemicals and the quantities of the chemicals that are to be stored in the new splash pad pump room. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018.
2. Provide a roof coating for the splash pad pump room (detail 3/A-SP 1.0) that complies with the solar reflectance and thermal emittance requirements of Section C402.3, IECC 2018.
3. Provide the mechanical plans for the splash pad and the splash pad pump room. The development package is not a substitute for a complete set of construction plans.
08/01/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. Verify that the specified thermostatic mixing valve, Leonard 170-LF, is designed for use with multiple fixtures ( the specified unit has 3/8” compression fittings, typically used for serving a single fixture). Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2018.
2. Verify that the distance from the hot water source to the hot water termination for the public lavatories complies with the requirements of Section C404.5, IECC 2018 (e.g. 24” for ½” pipe).
3. Provide the plumbing plans for the splash pad and the splash pad pump room. The development package is not a substitute for a complete set of construction plans
08/02/2024 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT see zoning comment
07/30/2024 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

PROJECT: TC-COM-0724-01365 - TD-DEV-1223-00473
401 E 22ND ST. – R-2
Santa Rita Park Improvements (1st Review)


Please resubmit revised drawings detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in the R-2 zone (UDC 4.7.26). Parks and Recreation is a permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-2), subject to Use Specific Standards 4.9.13.B & C.

1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with development package TD-DEV-1223-00473 and although it appears that the building plans comply until DP until the revision is approved by all review agencies, Zoning cannot approve this building plan.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
08/01/2024 Water - PDSD REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. Provide the size of the water meter and backflow preventer that will ultimately be serving the water demand of the splash pad, comfort station, and the drinking fountains. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018
2. Show how the new water piping relates to the existing water supply system and show that the additional connections do not cause the existing piping to be overloaded. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018.
08/01/2024 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
07/17/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED