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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2
Permit Number - TC-COM-0624-01215
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/14/2024 | Commercial Mechanical | APPROVED | |||
10/15/2024 | Commercial Plumbing | APPROVED | |||
10/15/2024 | Site Engineering | APPROVED | |||
10/01/2024 | Site Zoning | APPROVED | |||
10/23/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
10/17/2024 | Commercial Structural | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Please submit your revised documents and provide a letter with a written response letter addressing each of the comments indicating how the Building Review comments were addressed. Additionally, please submit complete copies of all permit documents (i.e. plans, calculations, reports, etc.) even if they have not been changed. Please note the submittal was incomplete and the plan review was conducted using the information presented. The subsequent review could generate more comments after original comments have been addressed. Please, on the next submittal please provide separate PDF’s for each type of document. For example, • Comment Response • Plan set – Construction drawings • Structural Calcs • Mechanical Calcs • Special Inspection forms • Additional Supporting documents – ICC ES reports, and manufacturers installation guides, etc. Comments remaining or added to the second review to be addressed. 3. Sheet CS1.2: Please amend the plans to name the registered design professional in responsible charge, with contact info. IBC 107.3.4 3R2. Please identify the registered design professional in responsible charge is on this project. If the architect is to perform this role, please state this on the plans. 4. Sheet CS1.2: Please amend the Deferred Submittals to include a note to not install until approved. IBC 4R2. Please include a note to not install Trusses until approved, next to Truss Package deferred submittal listing. 5R2. Please include Special inspection form for balcony impervious moisture barriers. IBC 110.3.6 Exception • Please add this special inspection to one of your forms, if you use special inspection for this installation. 6. Please provide an architectural site plan or otherwise identify the following: B. Please amend plans to show the fire-resistance rating of all exterior walls meeting IBC Table 602. IBC 602.1 i. The exterior wall next to the exterior exit stairway and below the Covered Deck E201 are approximately 8 feet from the property line and are required to have a fire-resistive rating of 1-Hour per IBC Table 602. Please demonstrate this on the plans. ii. Where fire-resistance rated construction is required, amend plans to indicate the fire-rating and cross-reference assembly detail. For new 1-hour fire-rated assemblies, provide construction details with basis of approval by one of the following: a. Listing number approved by third-party testing agency (i.e., UL, GA) b. Item number for prescriptive fire-resistive assembly under IBC Table 721.1(2) c. Prescriptive assembly constructed under IBC 722.6. Please note: NFPA 285 is a standard fire test method that evaluates the fire propagation characteristics of exterior wall assemblies that contain combustible materials. C. Please amend plans to show exterior exit stairways have a measured 10-foot separation distance to other buildings, the building itself, and lot lines. IBC, 1027.5 6CR2. Please amend plans to show how the exterior exit stairway is either separated from the adjacent lot line or provide rated separation between lot line and stairs closer than 10 feet to the property line. The reason for the minimum required distance to a lot line is to provide for a future building that could be built on an adjacent lot. The exterior exit stairs in their current configuration would only work through a successful appeal to the Building Official process. D. Please amend the plan to show a method of protecting wall openings on the taller building near the shorter building. IBC 705.8.6 6DR2. The above code requirement only applies to buildings on the same lot, to use this code section for this building would require an appeal from the Building Official. • Please demonstrate this with a section drawing of all three buildings, to include the buildings on either side and the proposed new building to show the required vertical and horizontal separation. Indicate the elevation change from the adjacent existing roofs to the lowest elevation of the openings. Provide the adjacent roofing materials and the fire-resistive ratings of the adjacent lower roofs. 107.2.1 This solution would only work through a successful appeal to the Building Official process. 6FR2. The openings in Exterior Walls are regulated by 705.8 and Table 705.8, and openings are not allowed in walls located on property lines. The openings in the covered Deck areas are governed by this code section. 6FR2A. Please provide a separate opening percentage analysis for each of the exterior walls for the two wall lines adjacent to the property lines running approximately North to South 1. Tested and Approved glazed wall assemblies with a 1-hour fire resistive rating would be allowed in cases where openings are not permitted due to Fire Separation Distance. IBC 602 2. Alternative solutions configuration would only work through a successful appeal to the Building Official process. 7. Please amend plans to provide the following information about the roof: E. For roofs over 16 feet high with equipment, please amend plans to provide a permanent ladder is provided. IMC 306. And roof access method and hatch if located on the interior. IBC 107.2.1 7ER2. Portable ladders are not allowed as a substitution. I have provided an excerpt of the code below and a link to the section http://codes.iccsafe.org/content/IMCComm2018/chapter-3-general-regulations#IMCComm2018_Ch03_Sec306.5 Where equipment requiring access or appliances are located on an elevated structure or the roof of a building such that personnel will have to climb higher than 16 feet above grade to access such equipment or appliances, an interior or exterior means of access shall be provided. Such access shall not require climbing over obstructions greater than 30 inches in height or walking on roofs having a slope greater than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal. Such access shall not require the use of portable ladders. Where access involves climbing over parapet walls, the height shall be measured to the top of the parapet wall. 8. Please amend plans to provide the following Stairway, handrail and guard information: 8IR2. Please amend plans to provide structural calculations, and connection details indicating: a. Handrails and guards shall be designed to resist a linear load of 50 pounds per linear foot (p in accordance with Section of ASCE 7. b. Handrails and guards shall be designed to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in accordance with Section of ASCE 7. IBC 1607.8.1.1 c. Intermediate rails (all those except the handrail), balusters and panel fillers shall be designed to resist a concentrated load of 50 pounds in accordance with Section of ASCE 7. IBC 1607.8.1.2 d. Revised Structural calculations were not submitted with this review cycle, please submit with next submittal. IBC 107.2.1 9. Please amend plans to provide ICC ESR #, or listing number approved by third-party testing agency for Porcelanosa raised deck system and Uradeck UI-7016 system. Treat as typical note for similar materials used in this project. IBC 107.2.1 • This information is still outstanding and is required. Please provide the Listing number approved by third-party testing agency (i.e., UL, GA, InterTech, IAMPMO etc) • What is the load bearing capacity of this system? How thick are the Tile? 13. Provide geotechnical report used to design the foundation-GEOTECHNICAL REPORT #34365-23 BY SOUTHERN ARIZONA TESTING LABORATORY DATED 8/14/23. With next submittal. IBC 107.2.7 13R2. The submitted Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation is dated August 11, 2023. Please amend Foundations note 1 and Structural Calculations to match the date of the submitted report or submit the Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation with a date that matches the note on the construction drawings. Structural Comments • 17. Sheet S1.4: Please coordinate the Footing Schedule with the structural calculations so the information is consistent throughout the construction documents. IBC 107.2.7 For example, Footing schedule Marks F3, F4, F6, F7 do not appear to match the structural calculations. Additionally, calculations were not found for Moment Frame footings F8 and F9. If these are within the calcs, please direct me to the location. • 18. Sheet S1.4: Please coordinate the Shear Wall Schedule with the structural calculations so the information is consistent throughout the construction documents. IBC 107.2.7 For example, Shear Wall 3 is shown on the foundation plan; however, SW3 could not be found in the structural calculations. • 19. Sheet S3.0: Please amend plans and structural calculations to show the roof framing was designed to resist the 1500# load for each of the mechanical units, AC-1 and AC-2. IBC 107.2.7 • 20. Structural Calculations: Page 58 referring to W1, the Design Summary indicates FAIL for Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio. Please resolve to result in a PASS or explain why this is acceptable. • 8. I. Please amend plans to provide structural calculations, and connection details indicating: • Handrails and guards shall be designed to resist a linear load of 50 pounds per linear foot (p in accordance with Section of ASCE 7. • Handrails and guards shall be designed to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in accordance with Section of ASCE 7. IBC 1607.8.1.1 • Intermediate rails (all those except the handrail), balusters and panel fillers shall be designed to resist a concentrated load of 50 pounds in accordance with Section of ASCE 7. IBC 1607.8.1.2 • Revised Structural calculations were not submitted with this review cycle, please submit with next submittal. IBC 107.2.1 Please contact me if you have any questions about these comments. Mark Masek Plans Examiner – Building Safety Planning and Development Services | City of Tucson main 520.837.4994 email mark.masek@tucsonaz.gov |
09/18/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |