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Permit Number: TC-COM-0623-01485
Parcel: 14002002C

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0623-01485
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
06/29/2023 Site Engineering APPROVED
06/16/2023 Site Zoning APPROVED
06/30/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
06/30/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Activity Number: TC-COM-0623-01485

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

Structural(S) Reviewer
Daljit Benipal
Date Completed : 6/30/2023 9:26:08 AM
1. Refer to Drawing S2.0, Foundation Plan shows wall type 1 at interior and along the outer walls. On the interior walls, Section 101 is called out. Section 101 on drawing S3.0 shows a typical stud wall. At one location, Section 103 is also called out at one location on the interior wall on Drawing S2.0. Section 103 on Drawing S3.0 calls for HSS 5x2x3/16 with new foundations @ 4 feet oc. The Structural Calculations submitted also shows HSS 5x2x3/16 with New Foundations at 4 ft oc. Verify the extent of supported interior/exterior walls using HSS and mark the extent on Plan.
Submit a response letter addressing these correction items and provide bubbles on the revisions to the drawings.

Building(B) Reviewer
Kimiyoshi Shimabukuro
Date Completed : 6/20/2023 7:05:22 AM
Sheet a1.1 and g2.0 – Do not show exterior entry door while x1.1 shows the door. Coordinate all drawings showing the egress door.
Sheet g2.0 – Does not show scope of fire alarm system. Is it deferred submittal?
Sheet g2.0 – The total plumbing fixtures shown in provided plumbing fixture do not match fixtures in code analysis floor plan.
Clearly show the plumbing fixtures provided in the code analysis – floor plan. For example, where are the plumbing fixtures for S occupants? Occupants B and S are separate classification in 2018 IPC Table 403.1.
Sheet g2.0 – Provide accurate minimum plumbing fixture count calculations. 2018 IPC Table 403.1 uses 1 per 100 lavatories factor while 50 is shown in the drawing. Business is 1 per 25 for the first 50 and 1 per 50 for the remainder exceeding 50 for male and female water closets. Service sink is missing from Business occupancy.
Sheet g2.0 – Show fitness equipment in Gym and Group fitness rooms providing exit access.
Sheet g2.0 – What are stored in Moderate-hazard storage, Group S-1? Buildings in which combustible materials are stored and that burns with ease are classified in Group S-1. In addition, to avoid a Group H classification, the amounts of hazardous materials should be less than the maximum allowable quantity per control area permitted in 2018 IBC Table 307.1(1).
Sheet g2.0 – Is the warehouse high-piled combustible storage accordance with 2018 International Fire Code Chapter 32?
Show pallet racks height in a5.0.
Sheet g2.0 – Exit door missing at Gym entry.
Sheet g2.0 – Show required and provided exit access travel distance per 2018 IBC Table 1017.2 in B and S occupancies.

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Neil Samaan
Conditionally Approved
Date Completed : 6/13/2023 9:29:06 PM
Approved/subject to field approval

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Conditionally Approved
Date Completed : 6/26/2023 12:20:01 PM
Electrical Review
By: Ron Ross PE
Approved with the following comments that should be incorporated into IFC drawings.
e2.1 power plan - east, elec/comm room: Missing Keynote 11 description.
e2.3 mechanical power plan - east: Notes 7 & 8 are unreadable.
e4.0 one line diagram, panel schedules and calculations: One-line existing SES names do not match Panel Schedules.
e4.1 panel schedules & dock leveler cut sheet: Panel P3 size (150 amp) doesn’t match One-Line on Sheet e4.0.

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Date Completed : 6/25/2023 11:35:43 AM
First Plumbing Review:
1). Building plan review fixture related comments #3 & #4 need to be addressed -IPC 403.1
2). Is this Gym, warehouse, Reprographics, & records a combined facility that utilizes the same plumbing fixtures throughout? If these are not shared spaces/fixtures each space will need the minimum plumbing fixtures required for each type/load -IPC 403.1
06/30/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
06/13/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED