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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1
Permit Number - TC-COM-0524-00999
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/25/2024 | Site Engineering | APPROVED | |||
06/18/2024 | Site Zoning | APPROVED | |||
06/27/2024 | Water - PDSD | APPROVED | |||
06/27/2024 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
06/11/2024 | External Reviewers - Stantec | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | June 11, 2024 1st Review CMA, LLC Attn: Chuck Meyer 11598 W. Rock Village St. Marana, Arizona 85658 Re: HOFF MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW BUILDING City of Tucson Permit Number: TC-COM-0524-00999 Stantec Project Number: 185215066 Stantec File Number: TUC-24-056 Plan review for the above referenced project has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. PLEASE send all response to comments back to the City through the permit portal! Responses sent directly to Stantec will be ignored. Also, please submit complete copies of all permit documents (i.e. plans, calculations, reports, etc.) even if they have not been changed. Please cloud and delta all changes and provide a letter with a written response to each of the comments indicating the action taken. The scope of this review covers the architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical designs as they relate to the codes adopted by the jurisdiction. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval. Occupancy Group Construction Type Area (Square feet) Occupant Load Automatic Fire Sprinklers Fire Alarms R-2 V-B 4,129 21 Yes Yes Separate Permits: Automatic fire sprinklers and fire alarm. Deferred Submittals: Pre-engineered wood trusses. Special Inspections: Epoxy and expansion anchors, field welding, and structural steel. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Please provide on the site plan the location and rim height of the upstream manhole in the public sewer lines [2018 IBC Sec. 714]. 2. The site plan indicates a new gas connection and gas line to the proposed multi-family unit. The plumbing plans do not show gas connections for appliances. Please clarify the use of the gas. 3. Please clarify on the site plan if the private site utilities are part of this permit or are under a separate permit. {An approved development plan does not constitute a building permit to build private site utilities; on-site private utilities need to be submitted as part of this permit or under a separate permit.} ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTS Sheet C1 1. Please indicate that the fire alarm system [2018 IBC Sec. 907] is to be provided as part of this project and is to be submitted as a separate permit (not a deferred submittal). 2. Note on the cover of the drawings that special inspection is required for epoxy and expansion anchors, structural steel, and field welding. Also, provide City of Tucson special inspection certificate(s) with Parts A and B completed. Make sure that the owner or their legal representative signs the form. Sheet X1 1. Please include an occupant load for the occupied roof. The occupant load should be calculated at 15 net for unconcentrated tables and chairs based on the use given. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 1004.5] 2. Please remove the Inclusive Home Design Ordinance verbiage from this sheet as it does not apply to this project. [Ref. Inclusive Home Design Ordinance Sec. 106.5] Sheet X1.1 1. The exit plans indicate a travel distance of 162’9”. This exceeds the maximum common path of travel allowance of 125’ Please revise plans to meet this common path of travel distance. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 1006.2.1] 2. The through-penetration detail shown references the incorrect fire stop system listing number. The number indicated is for non-metallic pipe. The detail on this sheet is for metallic piping. Please revise. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 714.4.1.2] Sheet A1 1. Please provide a detail and a listed rated assembly number for the ½-hour rated fire partitions. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 708] 2. Kitchen 205 on this sheet indicates a clearance of 36” from the refrigerator to the opposite counter. The minimum clearance between all opposing cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 40” minimum. Please revise the floor plan to show this clearance is being met. [Ref. ICC A117.1-2009 Sec. 1004.12.1.1] Sheet A3 1. The exterior wall on the north side of the building requires a parapet not less than 30” above the point where the roof surface and the wall intersect. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 705.11] Sheet A4 1. Please provide a listed assembly & detail for the minimum ½-hour fire-resistance rated horizontal assembly. Please also provide a listed assembly for through penetrations of the horizonal assembly. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 711 & 714] 2. The fire partitions on the second floor do not appear to go to the underside of the roof sheathing. Fire partitions shall extend from the top of the floor/ceiling assembly to the underside of the roof sheathing. [Ref. IBC 2018 Sec. 708.4] STRUCTURAL COMMENTS General 1. The are multiple Enercalc pages within the structural calculations set that reference the 2012 IBC. Please revise these designs to reflect the 2018 IBC as adopted by the City of Tucson. Sheet S4.0 1. The plans do not address the additional load of the second water heater in the dwelling unit to the south. Please revise. MECHANICAL COMMENTS General 1. Please provide an energy conservation compliance report for the mechanical systems. [Ref. IECC 2018 Sec. C403] Sheet M2 1. The weight of units FC-4.1 and FC-5.1 exceed the 200lb max designated on Sheet S4.0 of the structural plans. Please revise. PLUMBING COMMENTS There are no comments. ELECTRICAL COMMENTS General 1. Please provide energy conservation compliance reports for interior and exterior lighting. [Ref. IECC 2018 Sec. C405.3 & C405.4] Should you have any questions regarding the plan review comments, please contact the plan reviewer listed for the appropriate discipline. Plans reviewed by: Trevor Bies, Senior Plan Reviewer 602-338-9922 trevor.bies@stantec.com |
06/27/2024 | Fire New Construction | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Address Safebuilt comments. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov |
05/28/2024 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |