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Permit Number: TC-COM-0423-01051
Parcel: 13313005J

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0423-01051
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/17/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
05/17/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Activity Number: TC-COM-0423-01051

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

Structural(S) Reviewer
Daljit Benipal
Date Completed : 5/17/2023 8:51:21 AM
1. Refer to Structural Drawing S1.0, Design Loads/Wind Loads. The Wind Speed is called as 110 mph and Risk Category as III. Refer to Structural Calculations submitted, sheet 1 calls for Wind Speed as 105 mph and Risk Category as II. Verify and make revisions as needed.
2. Refer to Structural Drawing S1.0, Design Loads-Floor (Platform/Stage) loading is called as 150 psf. Refer to Structural Calculations submitted, sheet 2 calls for Platform/Stage LL as 100 psf. Verify and make changes as needed.
3. Refer to Structural Drawing S1.0, Design Loads/Seismic Loads. Seismic Design Category is called as “C”. Refer to Structural Calculations page 143, the Seismic Design Category is called as “B”. Verify and make changes as needed.
4. Refer to Structural Drawing S1.0, Design Loads/Wind Loads. The Risk Category is called as III. Refer to Structural Calculations submitted, sheet 277 calls for Risk Category as II. Verify and make revisions as needed.
5. Refer to Structural Drawing S1.0, Design Loads-Floor (Platform/Stage) loading is called as 150 psf. Refer to Structural Calculations submitted, sheet 278 calls for Platform/Stage LL as 100 psf. Verify and make changes as needed.
6. Refer to Structural Drawing S1.0, Design Loads/Seismic Loads. Seismic Design Category is called as “C”. Refer to Structural Calculations page 427, the Seismic Design Category is called as “B”. Verify and make changes as needed.
7. Refer to Drawing S2.0B. Provide missing Footing mark for the Footing located at lines BE and 8.
8. Refer to Drawing S3.2, Perforated Steel Screen South Elevation. Locate Screen on Plan and verify the details of screen near line 4 as shown.
9. Structural steel, components and fasteners for the roof screen are to be protected against corrosion in accordance with AISC 360 Section B.13 as indicated in IBC 2018 Section 2203.1.
10. Designer is to coordinate venting and drainage hole requirements for HSS tube members that are galvanized using the hot-dip galvanizing process. Provide for plugs as needed.
AWS D-19.0 calls for welds on galvanized steel to be free of zinc. Field welds on galvanized parts requires the removal of the zinc coating in the area of weld. Provide zinc paint (approved by the galvanizer) and apply as required to the weld and steel area to provide protection.
1. Provide galvanized bolts on the roof platform framing connections.
Submit a response letter addressing these correction items and provide bubbles on the revisions to the drawings.

Building(B) Reviewer
Andrew Bevis
Date Completed : 5/10/2023 3:10:20 PM
1. Sheet CS.1: The incorrect edition of ANSI 117.1 is provided. Provide the correction edition of ANSI 117.1 as adopted by the City of Tucson.
2. Sheet CS.2: There are multiple rooms that are not labeled. Provide a completely labeled egress drawing.
3. Sheet CS.2: There are multiple rooms that have not been included into the occupant load calculations. Provide a room by room occupant load calculation in accordance with Section 1004.
4. Sheet CS.2: Door #13 and #43 of the interior exit stairway are swinging in the incorrect direction. Provide doors that swing in the correct direction in accordance with Section 1010.1.2.1.
5. Sheet CS.3: Provide the location of the lot line on the architectural site plans to ensure compliance with fire resistance rating for exterior walls in accordance with Table 602.
6. Sheet A-A2.0: It appears there several wall types that have not been included in the wall type schedule. Provide a more detailed wall schedule and wall type indicators that clearly indicate the wall types that are being used.
Additionally, provide all listed assembly drawings for rated assemblies.
7. Sheet A-A3.1: The location of egress illumination has not been provided. Provide the location of all egress illumination in accordance with Section 1008.
8. Sheet A-A4.0: Roof drainage sizing calculations have not been provided. Provide roof drain sizing calculations to the roof plan in accordance with Section IPC 1106.1 & 1106.2
9. Sheet A-A4.0: GPM discharge amounts have not been provided for the roof/drain overflows. Provide the roof/drain overflows in accordance with Section IPC 1106.2
10. Sheet A-A6.2: The stairway handrails do not return to the wall or the floor. Provide handrails that are in accordance with Section 1014.6.
11. Sheet A-A8.0: Doors #13, #43 are not rated correctly. Provide a correctly rated stairway door in accordance with Table 716.1(2).
12. Sheet A-A9.1: The level 2 staff restroom is not sized appropriately. The water closet vanity is within the clear floor space of the toilet. Provide a correctly sized restroom in accordance with 2010 ADAAG Section 604.3.2
13. Sheet A-B2.0: Emergency ventilation and smoke control is required for stages larger than 1,000 sq. ft. Provide emergency ventilation in accordance with Section 410.2.7, 410.2.7.1, and 410.2.7.2.
14. Sheet A-B2.0: Dressing and appurtenant rooms are required to be separated from the stage. Provide properly rated walls separating the dressing and appurtenant rooms in accordance with Section 410.4.1.
15. Sheet A-B2.0: The arrangement of the egress off the stage is incorrect. Provide the proper arrangement of egress off the stage in accordance with Section 410.5.1.
16. Sheet A-B2.0: Door #16 projects into the the clear width of door #15. Provide a door swing or location that does not impede the clear width of door #15 in accordance with Section 1010.1.1.1.
17. Sheet A-B3.0: The location of egress illumination has not been provided. Provide the location of all egress illumination in accordance with Section 1008.
18. Sheet A-B3.1: The location of egress illumination has not been provided. Provide the location of all egress illumination in accordance with Section 1008.
19. Sheet A-B4.0: Roof drainage sizing calculations have not been provided. Provide roof drain sizing calculations to the roof plan in accordance with Section IPC 1106.1 & 1106.2
20. Sheet A-B4.0: GPM discharge amounts have not been provided for the roof/drain overflows. Provide the roof/drain overflows in accordance with Section IPC 1106.2
21. Sheet A-B6.1: The stairway handrails do not return to the wall or the floor. Provide handrails that are in accordance with Section 1014.6.
22. Sheet A-B6.2: The stairway handrails do not return to the wall or the floor. Provide handrails that are in accordance with Section 1014.6.
23. Sheet A-B8.0: Doors #05 and #34 are not rated correctly. Provide a correctly rated stairway door in accordance with Table 716.1(2).
24. Sheet A-B9.0: The level 2 restroom is not sized appropriately. The water closet vanity is within the clear floor space of the toilet. Provide a correctly sized restroom in accordance with 2010 ADAAG Section 604.3.2
25. General: Provide all listed rated assembly and penetration detail drawings.

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Neil Samaan
Date Completed : 5/2/2023 11:34:51 PM
1. Refrigeration piping shall not be installed in public stairways therefore VRV heat pump can not be installed in the stairway sheet MA1.0 (IMC2018,1107.2)
2. Provide the condensing unit refrigerant charge and the additional piping charge to calculate RCl sheet M3.3 (IMC2018,106.3.1)
3. Emergency ventilation shall be provided for stages larger than 1,000 square feet (93 m2 ) in floor area, or with a stage height greater than 50 feet (15 240 mm). Such ventilation shall comply with Section 410.3.7.1 or 410.3.7.2 (IBC2018,410.3.7)

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Date Completed : 5/15/2023 7:26:38 PM
Electrical Review of Desert Christian
By: Ron Ross PE
E3.0 ONE LINE DIAGRAM - SITE: Switchboard SES-2 panel schedule’s mains rating (2000 A) has to be equal to, or greater than MCB rating (currently 3000 A).
E-A.2.1 BUILDING A LEVEL 2 POWER PLAN: What are the round circles in the lab with circuit numbers? Ceiling receptacle drops? Floor plugs? Need to provide a detail description on E0.0 sheet.
E-A.2.3 BLDG A LVL 2 MECHANICAL POWER PLAN: Should provide Keynotes when used.
E-A.2.4 BLDG A ROOF MECHANICAL POWER PLAN: Notes overlap Fixture Schedule
E-A.4.1 PANEL SCHEDULES - BLDG A: AH1 is called out as a 400A MCB on One-Line, but shown in Panel schedule as 200A MCB.
E-B.2.0 BUILDING B LEVEL 1 POWER PLAN: Receptacles around perimeter of building are exterior and shall be WP GFCI. Comment applies to all exterior receptacles.
E-B.2.4 BLDG B ROOF MECHANICAL PLAN: All of the HP-B# units have undersized conductors.
E-B.4.0 ONE LINE DIAGRAM - BLDG B: BH1 panel schedule calls for an 800-amp panel, but One-line shows as a 400-amp panel. Coordinate.
Panel BLD1 is shown as a 400A MCB on One-Line, but shown in Panel schedule as 200A MCB.
Panel BL2 schedule’s mains rating (60 A) has to be equal to, or greater than MCB rating (currently 200 A).

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Date Completed : 5/10/2023 1:00:31 PM
First Plumbing Review:
1). the #5 parapet scupper drain detail on plan page A-A4.0, AB4.0 is not compliant with IPC 1106.5 & 1108. , IBC 1502.2 the secondary scupper also needs to be located in the parapet wall elevated above the primary. the current secondary overflow is located in the scupper collector beyond the primary, which would not be considered a secondary to the primary wall scupper if the primary became blocked.
2). Plan pages A-A4.0 , AB4.0, P-A1.9, P-B1.3 needs to show secondary scupper locations. -IPC 1106.5, 1108 3). plan pages A-A4.0 AB4.0, P-A1.9, P-B1.3 needs to detail the primary/secondary scupper & downspout sizes with calculations - IPC 1106.1, 1106.3, 1106.5, 1108
4). add Fixture Spacing Measurements to plan pages A-A9.0 & 9.1 , A-B9.0, & 9.1 -IPC 404.2, 405.3.1 5). Buildings A & B on plan pages P-A1.0 & P-B1.0, P3.0 need service sinks, update all affected pages. -IPC 403.1
6). Food prep/coffee sink on plan pages CS2.0, A-B2.0, P-B1.0, P-B1.1 needs to discharge to a grease interceptor. - IPC 1003.1, Tucson Plumbing Amendments
7). Illustrate where the 2nd floor water heater on plan page P-B1.2 will discharge to. -IPC 504.6, 504.7.2
8). Show the locations of the WH4 instantaneous water heater within the plumbing pages -IPC 607.1 ( p-B1.2 detail 32 doesn't show any hot water to lav)
9). Plan set needs to be accompanied with a civil site utility piping plan for continuation of sanitary, water & storm -IPC 106.3.1
05/16/2023 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT See zoning comment

FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

7525 E. Speedway Bl. – O-3
New Building - Education (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL: May 8, 2023

Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in O-3 zone (UDC 4.7.15), Educational Use: Elementary and Secondary is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-3), subject to Use Specific Standards 4.9.3.D and 4.9.13.K.

1. Per UDC Article 3.3.3.G.2.c A site plan (Development Package) is required for the following types of development: Existing development undergoing a change of use, building structure additions, and/or a reconfiguration of an area outside a building. A development package (DP) meeting the requirements of Administrative Manual (AM) 2-06 must be submitted and approved prior to approval of this building plan.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
05/17/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED Address SAFEBuilt comments. Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov
04/20/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED