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Permit Number: TC-COM-0323-00800
Parcel: 10709049C

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3

Permit Number - TC-COM-0323-00800
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/13/2023 Design Review APPROVED DATE: May 13, 2023
TO: Maria Gayosso, Urban Planner/Principal Planner/Project Manager,
City of Tucson
RE: DP Review, Milagro, GRID-22-01; SD-1122-00003

I have completed a Review of the Stamped Construction Documents for Milagro On
Oracle, submitted in May 2022 for the purpose of determining its conformance with the
Requirements of the GRID. I have checked the submittal against the C-2 GRID Zoning
Option Design Standards.

C-2.a. Streetscape Design
1. Pedestrian Orientation
a. New Construction – architectural elements at 1st and 2nd Floor -- Complies
b. windows, displays, or visible activity on 50% of frontage -- Complies
c. Single Plane facade min. 50% of frontage -- Complies
d. Front Doors – visible or identified from street -- Complies
e. Uses – Commercial/Retail - 1st floor of multi-story. In the application meeting
it was discussed that Commercial space has not been viable under present marketing conditions and the fact that the space would serve better as Community Gathering area.
f. Sidewalk maintenance – per City's Streetscape Design Policy. Existing sidewalks: Provide access, connectivity to adjoining properties. Widen when appropriate to design. Where no sidewalks exist - May accommodate outdoor seating, dining, landscape where with
accommodated sidewalk. – Complies
2. Shade study (if applicable) -- Complies

C-2.b. Development Transition Standards
1. Applicability
Within 100' of single family or duplex dwellings.
2. Mitigation of Taller Structures -- /A
a. max. ht. 25' within 30' of setback.
b. faces residential property - bulk reduction required c.&d. windows/balconies at or above 2nd Story – block views to residential properties.
e. proposed building – reduce views into residential properties above 2nd floor of proposed building(s)
f. Buffers/screening: landscape/walls/architecturally decorative screening.
3. Mitigation of Service Areas
Noise/Nuisance areas direct away from residential property – avoid placement adjacent residential property, such as loading areas, garbage disposal, or place behind opaque barriers, landscape. -- Placed behind opaque barriers
4. Mitigation of Parking
Screen noise, lighting with opaque fence, landscaping, or architectural treatments.

C-2.c. Alternate Compliance -- N/A
1. Use “best practice” options
2. Use “urban design best practices”

C-2.d. Utilities -- Complies
1. Show layout on plans.

C-2.e. Multi-zone Parcels -- Property is All C-2

C-2.f. Land Uses
1. Permitted by underlying zoning
2. Limited to GRID Table C-2-GIIS-1 uses

C-2.g. Screening -- Complies
1. Service Areas: backflow preventers, generators
2. Screening Materials: Steel, safety glass, veg. Etc.
3. Service Areas: 6' max. wall, structure, or Evergreen veg. With 50% coverage at install and 90% when mature. -- Added to Landscape Notes
4. ht. Can be up to 20' adjacent to multi-story building

C-2.h. Landscaping -- Verified compliance with City plant List
1. New species – from City Plant List
2. Street trees – should be along pedestrian circulation or activity spaced for shade cover at maturity.
3. Trees in R/W: w/in 4' of curb, 10' of travel lane, or
adjacent to ped area – single trunk/no thorns
4. Trees – 60% - 36” box or >
5. Access plants/succulents: planters/containers
6. Surface planters – mass shrubs/ground covers
7. Street Trees – in R/W: City Approved List
8. Trees in sight visibility triangle – 36” box or > -- Complies
C-2 On-Site Water Management

C-2.i. On-Site Water Management
1. Stormwater Detention/Retention compliant
with manual
2. On-site retention required on lots > 1 acre -- Complies
3. Rain Harvesting not required in Residential
Mixed Use
4. Landscaping: incorporate passive water harvesting storage. -- Complies
5. Passive water storage may use public right-of-way as permitted by DTM -- N/A
6. Irrigation – use smart or central control tied into building w/moisture sensors/monitors -- Complies
7. Provide depressions/curb openings for flow to planters -- N/A
8. Building downspouts – direct away from ped circ./sidewalks -- Complies

C-2.j. Lighting -- Notes added into the plan
1. Follow City Outdoor Lighting Code and incorporate into landscaping

C-2.k. Hardscape Materials
1. Continuous monolithic expanse not to exceed 100 sf of right-of-way -- N/A
2. above not to be > 50% of total exterior landscaping, includes hand placed materials -- Complies
3. not < 25% pervious material

C-2.l. Environmentally Conscious Design -- Complies
Include a least 3 of below:
1. Shade – not < 70% of parking areas
2. Shade – not < 70% of pedestrian areas
3. Direct access to mass transit
4. LED outdoor lighting < 3600 kelvin
5. Shade – Shot Term Bike Parking
6. 100% desert plants, from State's Plant List
7. Solar Panels on roof or shade structures
8. Green Roof – not < 4” growth medium
9. Low E Glass – per min. of IECC (all windows
10. Adaptive reuse of existing structures
11. Innovative Design – eg. Energy reductive methods/production, reduction of water use
recycled paving materials
12. Use of government reclaimed water or harvested HVAC condensate/water harvesting
to landscape

C-2.m Modifications – Underlying Dev. Stnds.
Except as below, UDC articles called out in the GRID; dimension amount up to 25% for
Parking, Off-Street Loading, Landscaping (NPP excluded) -- Applied for 25% reduction – complies

C-2.n. Exceptions (to C-2.m)
1. Purpose: Article 6, Dimensional Stnds
and Measurements
a. Building Ht.: Per Figure C-2-GIIS-2 -- Complies
b. Street Perimeter Yard: with Director Request/Waiver, TDOT may modify MS&R
if adequate SVT, no traffic hazard, complies with B-2.b.2, setback does not effect future
road expansion -- Complies
c. No RAN standards apply
d. Single Family Detached – may develop at multi-family densities in R-2 (1 unit/2904 sf)
and O-3 (1 unit/1980 sf)
2. Section 7.4, Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Parking -- Complies when 25% reduction is used
a. Parking
(1) Parking as required by Section 7.4 of the UDC, Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Parking,
may be reduced up to 25 percent except for Alcoholic Beverage Service and Food Service
uses. Alcoholic Beverage Service and Food Service uses shall utilize a GRID Parking Plan
for any reduction in their parking requirements. Parking may be decreased by more than 25
percent per a written agreement with Park Tucson, or in accordance with Section C-2.E
Parking, if the analysis and findings show the proposed parking is adequate.
(2) The neighborhood meeting that is required under Section 7.4.5.A.6. in the UDC may be
held concurrently with the neighborhood meeting required by Section B-2.b.4.
b. Accessible Parking and Bicycle Facilities
(1) The number and location of accessible parking spaces required by the City's adopted Building Code shall not be reduced or eliminated and shall be based on the number of motor vehicle parking spaces required prior to any modification. -- Complies
(2) Bicycle facilities may not be reduced or eliminated and must be based on the number
of bicycle spaces required by Section 7.4.8 of the UDC for the use. -- Complies
(1) Parking may be provided by any one of the following options or by a combination
of the following options: -- Complies
(1) On-site;
(2) Off-site within 600 feet of the project site through a shared parking agreement
with the City so long as reasonable pedestrian access between the proposed development and off-site parking is shown; and
(3) With the approval of the DTM, proposals for non-residential uses may provide up to five on-street spaces on a collector or arterial street where parking is permitted.
(2) Parking is encouraged to be in a parking structure with the ground floor of the parking structure screened from view. -- The 25% reduction For the proposed use - a parking structure is not needed.
a. Exception
Parking may be located on a surface parking lot if it is determined by the PDSD Director to be impracticable to be located elsewhere and other options are not available. If located onsite, parking areas must be located at the rear or side of the building.
b. Changes of use and expansion of existing structures may use the site's current parking configuration.
c. Parking structures shall be designed so that parked vehicles are screened from view at street level through incorporation of design elements including, but not limited to, landscaping, pedestrian arcades, occupied space, or display space.
(3) Where parking is provided, the parking area must comply with the standards of Section 7.4.6.C and D of the UDC.
3. Section 7.5, Off-Street Loading or waived if PDSD and the TDOT determine that
no traffic safety issue is created. -- Applicant is applying with PDSD and DTM For approval
4. Solid Waste Collection -- Complies
On-site refuse collection container standards governing access, type, and location may be
modified if the ESD determines that no public health or traffic safety issue is created.
5. Section 7.6, Landscaping and Screening
a. Section 7.7 of the UDC, NPP may not be modified. -- invasive plant removal allowed
b. Except as required by Section B-2.b.2, Development Transition Standards, a complete
or partial exception to Section 7.6 of the UDC, Landscaping and Screening Standards, may be
granted if shade is provided for pedestrians and customers, such as along sidewalks, pedestrian
circulation paths, and outdoor patios, in accordance with Section C-2.a. The landscaping requirement may also be waived by the PDSD Director based on a written finding that the waiver is necessary to preserve the prevailing setback.
c. Any one or more of the following types of landscaping and improvements may be used to
comply with this section: -- Complies
(1) Existing landscaping;
(2) Shade trees in the right-of-way;
(3) Shade structures, such as awnings
6. Pedestrian Access -- Complies
Alternative pedestrian access that creates connectivity between public entrances to the
project and abutting sidewalks may be allowed as long as no safety hazard is created. All
pedestrian access shall conform to the accessibility standards of the City's adopted Building Code.

Based on review of the SD-1122-00003 – Milagro on Oracle, Stamped Construction
Documents, CONS-23.04.19 Milagro Building Permit Set Rev 1 v2, I recommend approval to the

Thank you,
Rick Gonzalez, Architect
05/22/2023 Water - PDSD APPROVED See Linked Records and Internal Notes - Total of 10 permits off this Studio Session
05/25/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
05/25/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Activity Number: TC-COM-0323-00800 , TC-COM-0323-00923, TC-COM-0423-01026,
TC-COM-0423-01027, TC-COM-0423-01028, TC-COM-0423-01029, TC-COM-0423-01030,
TC-COM-0423-01031, TC-COM-0423-01032, TC-COM-0423-01033

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

Structural(S) Reviewer
Daljit Benipal
Conditionally Approved
Date Completed : 5/23/2023 11:08:48 AM
NOTE: Every effort has been made to identify the code violations. Any oversight by the review team shall not be considered an authority to violate, set aside, cancel or alter applicable codes or ordinances. The plan review and permit issuance shall not be considered a warranty or guarantee. The Structural Engineer is responsible for following ALL applicable Federal, State and local Municipal Codes and Ordinances.

Building(B) Reviewer
Don Wilkins
Date Completed : 5/23/2023 4:01:53 PM
1. Please revise to include the design occupant load for Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. (2018 IBC Table 1004.5

Mechanical(M) Reviewer
Neil Samaan
Conditionally Approved
Date Completed : 4/1/2023 2:01:38 PM
Approved/subject to field approval

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Date Completed : 5/22/2023 6:59:07 PM
2nd Electrical Review
By Ron Ross PE
This set was originally reviewed by a Local Tucson Code reviewer and then reviewed by myself. The local AHJ’s comments were not completely addressed and are included with my additional comments below. Please respond more clearly than simply “Complied” as it is difficult to determine compliance without an explanation.
I was able to accept a couple of responses, however, most still need to be addressed.
E1.1. Ref Plan sheet: For clarity, please identify the North and South Distribution Meter Stacks on the Electrical Site Plan.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Did not see any response, but did see meter stacks on buildings. Accepted.
E1.2 Ref; Plan sheet: Outdoor Lighting Calculations. (a) The Site lighting plan shows 28 ‘SW1’ exterior luminaires but the Lumen Calculation shows 33 luminaires. Please clarify.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Did not see any compliance on my supposedly updated E1.2 sheet.
E1.2 Ref; Plan sheet: The adjacent property to the west of this project is Residential. The light poles on the west boundary of the new commercial project are 24’ per the site plan (not sure if that includes the concrete pole base). Verify that there is no conflict with the ‘Commercial Property Adjacent to Residential Property’ requirements stated in section 401.3.1.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Did not see any compliance or response.
E2.1: General comment concerning Sheets E2.1 to reference Details/Enlarged Electrical Plans. The details do not correlate or cannot be located.
(a) Unit ‘F105’. Where is detail A1/AB101 located?
(b) Unit C. Where is Detail A1/AS101 located?
(c) Why are Details #1/E2.6 (COMMUNITY LOUNGE 10-100), # 4/E2.6 (COMMUNITY LOUNGE 2-100), # 5/E2.6 (no room identification) , Referenced to plan sheet E2.6 Roof Plan? Why is Panel ‘M’ (not shown in the line diagram?
(d) Why are Details # 4/E2.5 OFFICE AND LOBBY, # 4/E2.5 UNIT D, AND # 6/E2.5 LAUNDRY Referenced to plan sheet E2.5 ‘ENLARGED COMMUNITY LIGHTING AND POWER’?
(e) Ref; Plan sheet E2.5. Identify the unit shown in Details # 4.
(f) Show lighting controls for all non-dwelling spaces and correlate with 2018 IECC section 405.
(g) There are 2 plan sheets labeled as E2.5. was this intentional?
(h) Ref; Plan sheet E 1.1. Where is Detail or Enlarged plan 2/E1.1?
(I) Ref; Plan sheet E2.4 Enlarged Details # 6, #7. Please show Breaker panel location.
(j) Enlarged Detail # 3. What is the difference between Units ‘D1’ and ‘D2’ and also ‘E1’ and ‘E2’?
If different electrical/ lighting floorplan, provide an Enlarged Electrical floorplan for each. If not different indicate, this on the Enlarged Electrical plan Details.
2nd review response: Comments/questions were not addressed.
E2.2: Keynotes 2 and 4 shall also require that the exterior receptacles shall be weather proof and GFCI protected. Comment applies to other sheets where applicable.
2nd review response: Comment was not addressed.
E2.4: Could not locate power panels in units F and G.
2nd review response: Comment was not addressed.
E3.1 Ref Electrical Line Diagrams. Plan sheet and Panel schedules.
(a) Plan sheets E4.1, E4.2. Provide for signage on Panel ‘HPE’ and associated electrical service equipment indicating type and location of Emergency or Stand by power source.
(b) Provide signaling devices as required. NEC art 700.6, 700.7, 701.6, 701.7.
(c) Is the Elevator Sump Pump on a 1-pole or 2-pole circuit breaker? Please clarify.
(d) Why is KEYNOTE #5 attached to the Unit Panels? Please clarify.
(e) Provide a Service and distribution panel schedule and identify the load served for all the Sub-Main breakers in the
Electrical Service and Distribution panels downstream. For example; Which sub-main breaker feeds Panel ‘HPA’ ?.
(f) Why are there no panel schedules for Panels ‘HPR’, ‘HPC’, ‘LD’? (g) Panel ‘M’ is not shown in the Line Diagram. Please clarify.
(g) Indicate Voltage, Phase, and Amp rating for the Main Electrical Service on the Line Diagram.
(h) TEP is not responsible for providing 3- phase service secondary installations. Please provide the electrical service secondary conduit, conductor Sizes and types on the Line Diagram.
(I) Provide Labeling affixed to the Main Service and downstream electrical equipment as required per NEC art 110,22 for the Series Rated AC system.
(j) Verify compliance with the ARC ENERGY REDUCTION requirements at the Main Service Overcurrent Device per NEC art 240.87.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Comments/questions were not addressed.
2.5: There are two different E2.5 sheets in set. 2nd sheet has no comments. Need to renumber/correct.
2nd review response: Comment was not addressed.
E2.6 Plan Sheet shows the Condensing units fed from the ‘Respective Residence unit Panels’ Branch circuits #22,24. This is not correlate on the Panel schedules. Please clarify.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Comment was not addressed.
E4.1 Ref Plan sheet: The Luminaire (Light Fixture) schedule is not complete. Please include all the Luminaires proposed for this project and indicate whether the exterior Luminaires have shielded or unshielded optics.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Did not see any response, but did find exterior fixtures on another sheet. Accepted.
E4.1 Unit Panel Schedules Notes, Plan sheet:
(a) Provide LISTED COMBINATION-TYPE ARC-FAULT circuit interrupters for all 120 volt 15- and 20-amp branch circuits as required per NEC art 210.12(A).
(b) Provide Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection as required per NEC art 210.8.
(c) The panel schedules for Unit Panels ‘D1’ and ‘D2’ appear to be identical. The Load Analysis shows a large difference between the units AC/Heating loads. Why is the ‘D2’ Units AC/Heating load only 208 VA?
Also, Units ‘E1’, ‘E2’? The panel schedules for these units all show a 40-amp OCPD for the load. Revise the building load calculations as necessary.
Response: See electrical engineer’s response letter. Which simply stated “Complied”
2nd review response: Comments/questions were not addressed.

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Date Completed : 5/20/2023 8:53:57 PM
Second Plumbing Review:
1). SAME-Plan page A4.1 needs to show primary scupper sizes, needs to show the required secondary scupper locations & sizes. & downspout sizes Along with sizing calculations. for Bldgs 1 thru 8 & 10. - IPC 1106.3, 1106.5, 1108
2). SAME-Plan page A4.2 needs to show primary & secondary roof details for Bldgs 1 thru 8 & 10. -IPC 1106.5, 1108
3). SAME-What is the roof draining method for new BLDG #3 shown on plan page A4.1 - IPC 1101.2
4). SAME- BLDG #10 on Civil Plan page 13, water service to Bldg. connection locations don't correlate with plan pages P3.2, P3.4, P3.5 -IPC 106.3.1
5). SAME-Bldg #3 laundry on plan page P3.2 has a larger capacity water heater than does Bldg. 9 common area & larger laundry on plan page P2.6? -IPC 604.3
05/19/2023 Historic REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please complete the Historic Demo Documentation form for the buildings that will be demolished on both the NoTel Motel and the Don Motel (https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/Preservation/Historic_Demolition_Application_Form.pdf)
05/15/2023 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT See zoning comments
05/11/2023 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT See Linked Records and Internal Notes - Total of 10 permits off this Studio Session


FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

2445 N Oracle Rd. – C-2
Multifamily (3rd Review)

TRANSMITTAL: May 11, 2023

Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in C-2 zone (UDC 4.7.21), Multifamily is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-4).

1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with DP TD-DEV-1022-00007 and although it appears that the plans match until a DP approved Zoning cannot approve this plan.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
05/01/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED See Linked Records and Internal Notes - Total of 10 permits off this Studio Session
04/27/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED