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Permit Number: TC-COM-0323-00800
Parcel: 10709049C

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0323-00800
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/06/2023 Commercial Mechanical APPROVED
04/10/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
03/29/2023 Commercial Electrical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please address the electrical plan review comments and provide a written response.

1 Ref; Plan sheet E1.2, Outdoor Lighting Calculations. (a) The Site lighting plan shows 28 ‘SW1’ exterior luminaires but the Lumen Calculation shows 33 luminaires. Please clarify.

2 The adjacent property to the west of this project is Residential. The light poles on the west boundary of the new commercial project are 24’ per the site plan (not sure if that includes the concrete pole base). Verify that there is no conflict with the ‘Commercial Property Adjacent to Residential Property’ requirements stated in section 401.3.1.

3 Ref; Plan sheet E4.1. The Luminaire (Light Fixture) schedule is not complete. Please include all the Luminaires proposed for this project and indicate whether the exterior Luminaires have shielded or unshielded optics.

4 Ref; Plan sheet E1.1. For clarity, please identify the North and South Distribution Meter Stacks on the Electrical Site Plan.

5 Ref; Electrical Line Diagrams. Plan sheet E3.1 and Panel schedules. (a) Plan sheets E4.1, E4.2 . Provide for signage on Panel ‘HPE’ and associated electrical service equipment indicating type and location of Emergency or Stand by power source. (b) Provide signaling devices as required. NEC art 700.6, 700.7, 701.6, 701.7. (c) Is the Elevator Sump Pump on a 1-pole or 2-pole circuit breaker? Please clarify. (d) Why is KEYNOTE #5 attached to the Unit Panels? Please clarify. (e) Provide a Service and distribution panel schedule and identify the load served for all the Sub-Main breakers in the Electrical Service and Distribution panels downstream. For example; Which sub-main breaker feeds Panel ‘HPA’ ?. (f) Why are there no panel schedules for Panels ‘HPR’, ‘HPC’, ‘LD’? (g )Panel ‘M’ is not shown in the Line Diagram. Please clarify. (g) Indicate Voltage, Phase, and Amp rating for the Main Electrical Service on the Line Diagram. (h) TEP is not responsible for providing 3- phase service secondary installations. Please provide the electrical service secondary conduit, conductor Sizes and types on the Line Diagram. (I) Provide Labeling affixed to the Main Service and downstream electrical equipment as required per NEC art 110,22 for the Series Rated AC system. (j) Verify compliance with the ARC ENERGY REDUCTION requirements at the Main Service Overcurrent Device per NEC art 240..87.

6 Plan Sheet E2.6 shows the Condensing units fed from the ‘Respective Residence unit Panels’ Branch circuits #22,24. This is not correlate on the Panel schedules. Please clarify.

7 Ref; Details/Enlarged Electrical Plans. The details do not correlate or cannot be located. Ref; Plan sheet E2.1. (a) Unit ‘F105’. Where is detail A1/AB101 located? (b) Unit C. Where is Detail A1/AS101 located? (c) Why are Details #1/E2.6 (COMMUNITY LOUNGE 10-100), # 4/E2.6 (COMMUNITY LOUNGE 2-100), # 5/E2.6 (no room identification) , Referenced to plan sheet E2.6 Roof Plan? Why is Panel ‘M’ (not shown in the line diagram? (d) Why are Details # 4/E2.5 OFFICE AND LOBBY, # 4/E2.5 UNIT D, AND # 6/E2.5 LAUNDRY Referenced to plan sheet E2.5 ‘ENLARGED COMMUNITY LIGHTING AND POWER’? (e) Ref; Plan sheet E2.5. Identify the unit shown in Details # 4. (f) Show lighting controls for all non-dwelling spaces and correlate with 2018 IECC section 405. (g) There are 2 plan sheets labeled as E2.5. was this intentional? (h) Ref; Plan sheet E 1.1. Where is Detail or Enlarged plan 2/E1.1? (I) Ref; Plan sheet E2.4 Enlarged Details # 6, #7. Please show Breaker panel location. (j) Enlarged Detail # 3. What is the difference between Units ‘D1’ and ‘D2’ and also ‘E1’ and ‘E2’? If different electrical/ lighting floorplan, provide an Enlarged Electrical floorplan for each. If not different indicate, this on the Enlarged Electrical plan Details.

8 Ref; Unit Panel Schedules Notes, Plan sheet E4.1. (a) Provide LISTED COMBINATION-TYPE ARC-FAULT circuit interrupters for all 120 volt 15- and 20-amp branch circuits as required per NEC art 210.12(A). (b) Provide Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection as required per NEC art 210.8. (c) The panel schedules for Unit Panels ‘D1’ and ‘D2’ appear to be identical. The Load Analysis shows a large difference between the units AC/Heating loads. Why is the ‘D2’ Units AC/Heating load only 208 VA? Also Units ‘E1’, ‘E2’? The panel schedules for these units all show a 40-amp OCPD for the load. Revise the building load calculations as necessary.

Please be advised that, due to the nature of the review comments, addition comments may be generated at the subsequent review.

Ref 2018 IBC section 107.2.1, 2017 NEC.
04/05/2023 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. Central laundry rooms containing automatic clothes washers in multi-family dwellings shall have a floor drain to drain the entire floor area. The minimum drain outlet is 3”. Reference: Section 413.4, IPC 2018.
2. Revise the vents for the lint trap so that the vents rise vertically (i.e. rise at an angle of 45 degrees or more above a horizontal plane) to at least 6” above the flood rim of the lint trap prior to running horizontally. Reference: Section 905.4, IPC 2018.
03/22/2023 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT If the new proposed pedestrian gates are to access the building TFD will require a KNOX gate key switch at the same location as the card reader entry system as shown on sheet AS1.4
Sheet 5 of 13 (of the DP) shows that you are installing a new fire hydrant. The building is being equipped with a fire sprinkler system and a standpipe system. IFC 2018, Chapter 5, Section 507.5.1.1 requires a fire hydrant within 100' of the fire department connections. Fire department connections are shown on the NE corner of the building and exceed the 100' requirement. If there is another hydrant on Oracle rd that meets this requirement, please show on your plans and or relocate the new hydrant so that it is within 100' of the fire department connections.

Sheet P2.3 shows the standpipe in the intermediate level of the stairwell. Standpipe shall meet the requirements of the 2016 NFPA 14, Chapter 7. Section Hose connections shall be provided at each main floor landing of required exit stairs.

Buildings 4 stories or more shall be provided with roof access stair and or meet IFC 2018, Chapter 10, Section 10.11.12 Exception. Please provide diagram. Sheet A4.2 shows #9 as a roof hatch, roof hatches shall meet the requirements of IFC 2018, Chapter 10, Sections 1011.12.2 & 1011.12.2 provide details

Schindler elevator 3300 MRL shall also be compliant with the interior elevator talk-to-text requirement of the 2018 IBC, Chapter 30, Section 3001.2

Structural drawings shall show the beam at the top of the shaft and provide documentation that it meets the manufacturers rating and OSHA for maintenance. Show design load and weight.

Building is required to have two-way communication per IFC 2018, Chapter 10, Section 1009.8 can be noted as a fire protection deferred submittal

Fire Protection deferred submittal note:
Building shall be tested for ERRC by PCWIN and the report provided to TFD prior to TCO
Fire sprinkler underground
Owner shall provide KNOX Boxes, KNOX F.D.C. capes, KNOX Elevator box, KNOZ gate key switches

Smoke alarms shall meet the requirements of NFPA 72, 2016, Chapter 29, Section (1-13)
Smoke alarm shall be interconnected with the fire alarm and or system smokes provided.
Smoke alarms shall be provided in the living rooms

Sheet G1.2 shows in Building areas that all buildings are getting a 13R system except for building 9. Conflict as you have noted fire protection systems twice and both reference 13R systems please correct.

Patricia Shelton
Fire Plans Examiner
Tucson Fire Department
03/23/2023 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT See zoning comment

FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

2445 N Oracle Rd. – C-2
Multifamily (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL: March 17, 2023

Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in C-2 zone (UDC 4.7.21), Multifamily is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-4).

1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with DP TD-DEV-1022-00007 and although it appears that the plans match until a DP approved Zoning cannot approve this plan.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.