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Permit Number: TC-COM-0323-00775
Parcel: 11706187E

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0323-00775
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/28/2023 Site Zoning APPROVED
04/07/2023 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
04/10/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
04/03/2023 External Reviewers - Willdan REQUIRES RESUBMIT Activity Number: TC-COM-0323-00775

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

Sheet A.01: This business should Not classified as an M occupancy. Depending on how the space is designed and occupant load totals it will be classified as either an A2 or B. Please see related comments on Sheet A.02 and correct, revise, coordinate through sheets as required. 2018 IBC section 303, 1004, 107.2.1
Sheet A.01: Plumbing fixture calculation will need to be revised in relation to Occupancy classification depending on occupant load total in this case. Please revise as required per Table 2902.1 & Section 1004
Sheet A0.1: No a5.1 sheet found in set; Please revise to include a5.0 or re-lable a5.0 to match index. IBC 107.2.1
Sheet A.01: Assembly use of space per Table 1004.5
Sheet A.01: Kitchen use of space per table 1004.5
Sheet A0.2: This space will need to be calculated at 5/sf with no chairs and tables or you can show the chairs and tables and calculate at 15/sf or per fixed seating/booth calculation loads as provided for section 1004. See Table 1004.5 and revise as required.
Sheet A0.2: Please appropriately classify and calculate this area as kitchen space @ 200/sf. IBC Table 1004.5
Sheet A0.2: Please provide and show for dining area (ice-cream, treats, coffee, etc. consumption): Dining surfaces for consumption of food or drink shall be at least 5%, but not less than one seating space shall be accessible. 2018 IBC section 1108.2.9.1 and shall comply with 2010 ADA section 902 and 2009 A117.1 section 902. Provide detail(s) showing required dimensions. IBC Section 1109.10; ADA Section 902.3, 305, 306; ANSISection 902.3, 305, 306
Sheet A0.2: Please provide detail + dimensions showing ADA compliance for pos counter. 2010 ADA 227.3 and 904.4
M&P Sheets: Please provide energy conservation compliance report for the mechanical system & service water heating. Commercial buildings shall comply with 2018 IECC Section C403 for building mechanical systems, & C404 for service water heating. (Note all required values or alternative compliance report signed and dated by designer.)
Sheet M2.0: Revise occupancy category to related Food and beverage service Fast food or dining and recalculate per Table 403.3.1.1
M&P Sheets: Please provide energy conservation compliance report for the mechanical system & service water heating. Commercial buildings shall comply with 2018 IECC Section C403 for building mechanical systems, & C404 for service water heating. (Note all required values or alternative compliance report signed and dated by designer.)
Sheet E4.0: Please verify/confirm: The SES size is 760A?

If you require additional clarification regarding these comments, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov
04/10/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
03/14/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED