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Permit Number: TC-COM-0224-00249
Parcel: 12217278F

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0224-00249
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/05/2024 Commercial Mechanical APPROVED
02/27/2024 Site Engineering APPROVED
02/14/2024 Site Zoning APPROVED
03/05/2024 Water - PDSD APPROVED
03/05/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
02/28/2024 Commercial Electrical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please address the electrical plan review comments and provide a written response.

Scope #1

1. Identify the electrical plan sheets and correlate with the Drawing Index on plan sheet A0.0.

Ref; Electrical Line Diagram, SES #2, and Panel schedules.

2a. Show AIC ratings for the service disconnects.

2b. Indicate the total amp rating of SES #2.

2c. Revise the feeder identifications for existing Panel ‘A3’ and ‘NC’ to show the correct conductor sizes and quantities. The 4-250 KCMIL (AL) is shown feeding both panels.

2d. The 3 #1 conductors feeding the elevator equipment is undersized for 150 amp fuses, NEC art(s) 240.4, 240.12, 310.15(B)(16).

2e. The line diagram shows a 200 amp disconnect feeding existing panel ‘A3’ and the panel schedule shows existing panel ‘A’. The fault current calculations show ‘F4’ as Existing Series Rated Panel and the panel schedule for panel ‘A’ or ‘A3’ (whichever it is) as Fully Rated. Please clarify.

2f. The line diagram shows 400 amp panel ‘NB’ as existing and the panel schedule shows 400 amp ‘NB’ as a new panel. Please clarify.

3. It appears that the panel schedules show panel identification(s) that could be associated with either SES #1 or SES #2. For clarity, please indicate in the panel schedule(s) the source of power.

4. Where Series Rated System are utilized, please include the requirements (Notation) in the plans for Series Rated Systems as required per NEC art(s) 110.22(B), (C).

5. Show the location of SES #1 on the Site Electrical Plan.

6. Ref; Detail Concession Power Plan (2).

6a.There are references that refer to certain plan sheets that cannot be found because the electrical plans are not identified... Be advised that this issue may result in additional electrical review comments to be generated per the subsequent plan review.

Ref’ 2018 IBC section 107.2.1, 2017 NEC, 2018 IECC. 2012 City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code, City of Tucson Commercial Plan Submittal Requirements.
03/05/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT Provide a calculation of the number of required plumbing fixtures for the proposed building additions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) including the proposed “Loft Outdoors.” Reconcile the occupancy numbers used in the Code Analysis on sheet A0.0 with the occupancy numbers on sheet P1.1. Reference: Sections 107.2.1 and 2902.1, IBC 2018.
03/05/2024 Commercial Structural REQUIRES RESUBMIT TC-COM-0224-00249 Scope 1

Connection of 2 existing buildings with new building (lobby, concessions & restrooms), elevator for ADA access to the existing second floor, new outdoor cinema, new enclosed movie screen.

Please submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed. Additional comments may be generated after the below comments are addressed.
1. Sheet A0.0: Please amend Code Information to include all applicable codes as amended by the City of Tucson. IBC 107.2.1 For example, in addition to the 2018 IBC please add the following.
• 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC)
• 2009 ICC A117.1 Accessibility Code (by reference)
• 2018 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
• 2018 International Plumbing Code (IPC)
• 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) • 2018 International Fire Code (IFC)
• 2018 International Fuel Gas (IFGC)
• 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
• City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
• Local Amendments to Above Codes ( www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/building-codes )

2. Sheet A0.0: Please amend plans to include all sheets in the sheet index as Sheet A5.3 was missing from the set, sheets S5.3 & M 4.1 are included in the plan set but not in the index. Additionally, all Electrical sheets appear to be in the set however, the alphanumeric sheet labels were not populated or were corrupt. IBC 107.2.1

3. Sheet A0.0: Please amend plans to add notes indicating deferred submittal items are not to be installed until approved. IBC

4. Sheet A0.0: Please amend plans to name Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge, with contact info. IBC 107.3.4

4a. Further, related to the comment above, please have the Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge of this project complete and return the City of Tucson Special Inspections Certificate.

5. Sheet A0.0: Please amend the Code Review to indicate the type of Fire Sprinkler system, Fire alarm, and if Emergency voice/alarm communication is specified IBC 107.2.1

6. Sheet A0.0: Please amend the Code Review to include all the occupancy classifications contained in the scope of this project. IBC 107.2, IBC 302.1 For example, the outdoor theater, storage areas, laundry area, support areas, etc.
7. Sheet A0.0: Please amend plans to identify the mixed occupancy methodology as either accessory, nonseparated, separated, or a stated combination of types. IBC 508.1
8. Sheet A0.0: Please amend Code Review to include all buildings and connecting structure as one building in the code analysis. Alternately, if separate buildings are proposed, please Clarify method of building analysis used to comply with Chapter 5 for existing separation wall. Where fire-resistance wall separation is required, amend plans to indicate the existing fire-rating of the partition wall or provide new and cross-reference assembly detail. For new fire-rated assemblies, provide construction details with basis of approval by one of the following:
A. Listing number approved by third-party testing agency (i.e., UL, GA)
B. Item number for prescriptive fire-resistive assembly under IBC Table 721.1(2)
C. Prescriptive assembly constructed under IBC 722.6.

9. Sheet A0.0: Further, related to the comment above please show how these walls comply with IBC 706.2 regarding structural stability, as it appears the new construction is connected to the existing construction. For example, Fire walls shall be designed and constructed to allow collapse of the structure on either side without collapse of the wall under fire conditions. Fire walls designed and constructed in accordance with NFPA 221 shall be deemed to comply with this section.

10. Please amend plans to show the method of compliance with IECC C401.2. For example: COMcheck. Additionally, Please amend plans to provide U-Factors, and SHGC for fenestration. IECC C402.1.

11. Please amend plans to provide dimensioned architectural drawings showing the outdoor screen supported by the cargo containers wit references to the structural drawings. IBC 107.2.1

12. Please amend plans to provide Means of Egress plan to show in sufficient detail the location, construction, size, and character of all portions of the means of egress including the path of the exit discharge to the public way in compliance with the provisions of this code. The construction documents shall include the following.
A. The total number of occupants for the story or floor is shown. IBC 107.2.3
B. The number of occupants is shown for every room and space. IBC 107.2.3
C. The occupant load factor and area are shown for every room and space. IBC 1004.5
D. The occupant load factor used reflects the use/function of the space. IBC 1004.5
E. The area of corridors and similar spaces is included in gross area. IBC 1004.5
F. The area of aisles and aisle accessways are included in the net area. IBC 1004.5
G. Assembly occupancy spaces show occupant load signage. IBC 1004.9
H. The number of occupants being served by each egress door and stairway is shown. IBC 107.2.3
I. The size of each egress door and stairway is shown and is compared to allowable. IBC 1005.3
• Exception 1 reduced widths are only allowed if an emergency voice/alarm is provided.
J. The loss of one means of egress does not reduce required capacity by more than 50%. IBC 1005.5
K. The paths of egress are shown. IBC 107.2.3
L. Stairways are labeled as exit stairways or exit access stairways. IBC 107.2.3
M. The exit access travel distance is dimensioned with a clear start and stop point. IBC 1017.2
N. The common path of egress travel is dimensioned with a clear start and stop point. IBC 1006.2.1
O. Two paths of egress are provided from spaces and stories that require it. IBC 1006.2.1, 1006.3
P. Exits and exit access components are separated by 1/3rd the distance of the space. IBC 1007.1
Q. An indication for where to find the construction information and dimensions for the stairways. IBC 1011.1 For example, width and capacity, headroom, stair treads and risers, riser height and tread depth, nosing and riser profile, nosing projection, landings, etc.
R. Doors swinging into the path of egress and obstructions/protrusions are dimensioned. IBC 1003.3, 1005.7
S. Exit signs are shown at doors, as required to direct egress, and every 100 feet. IBC 1013.1
T. Doors have landings, min 44” long, min door width wide. IBC 1010.1.5, 1010.1.6
U. Interior exit stairways go to an exit passageway, exit discharge, or a sprinkled lobby. IBC 1023.3, 1028.1

13. The exit discharge path must be delineated on the submitted and approved plans to ensure the path is reviewed for code compliance. This will also provide a historical reference once the building is occupied to ensure the exit discharge path is maintained as intended for the life of the building or structure unless modifications are approved. IBC 107.2.3

14. Sheet A0.2, A3.7: Typical for all stair handrails. Please amend detail to show the bottom of a stair flight, handrails shall extend at the slope of the stair flight for a horizontal distance equal to one tread depth beyond the bottom tread nosing. An extension equal to the dimension of one tread anticipates that the landing at the bottom riser effectively serves as a tread when descending because the user must step down to that surface before completing the stair-stepping cadence. Thus, the handrail is required to extend to the point at which the landing surface effectively serves as a tread. An additional horizontal extension is not required at this point, however, when provided, it exceeds the minimum requirements. 2009 ICC A117.1 505.10.3 Please consider this as a typical comment for all stair handrails.

15. Sheet A1.1: Please amend plans to show the wall type, fire-resistance rating, and basis of approval for the elevator shaft walls. IBC 3002.1, IBC 713.2 For example, are the walls CMU or Frame

16. Sheet A1.2: Please amend plans to ensure the following.
1. All spaces are labeled with a name or further description as needed to adequately convey the intended purpose (use) or the multiple uses of the space. IBC 302.1 For example, what is the use of Room #113 Support?
2. All spaces are labeled with their occupancy classification or classifications. Blanket labels of multiple spaces are acceptable if the differing occupancies are specifically labeled. IBC 302.1, 508.1

17. Sheet A1.7: Sheet A1.7: Please amend plans to indicate the size as well as the calculations used to size the roof drains and overflow system. IBC 107.2.1

18. Sheet A3.7: Please amend plans to provide the rise and run for the stairs and additionally provide construction details and drawings including connections and show enclosed usable space below stairways are protected by fire-rated construction. IBC 107.2.1, IBC 1011.7.3

19. Please amend plans to provide details for penetrations at any floor penetrations, etc. IBC 718.2.5, IBC 714.6.1

20. Please amend plans to provide fire extinguishers and travel distance on plans as required by IBC 906.1
20A. Please amend plans to provide interior finish schedules and specify the materials conform to the flame spread index limitations, heat release and flashover limitations or flame propagation limitations established by this IBC Section 801 and Table 803.13


21. Please amend plans to provide the following regarding accessibility elements associated with this construction.

22. Please amend the plans to show at least one accessible route within the site from public transportation stops, accessible parking, accessible passenger loading zones, and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible building entrance served. IBC 1104.1, 1104.2, ICC A117.1 Chapter 4
21. Please amend the plans to show at least 60 percent of the public entrances are accessible. IBC 1105, ICC A117.1 Chapter 4

23. Please amend the plans to show that at least one accessible route shall be provided to each portion of the building, to accessible building entrances connecting accessible pedestrian walkways and to the public way. he interior routes: IBC 1104.3, IBC 1104.5, ICC A117.1 Chapter 4

24. Please amend plans to show interior accessible route connecting each portion of the building and show at least one accessible route is between stories, mezzanines in a facility IBC 1104.3IBC 1104.4, ICC A 117.1 Chapter 4

25. Please amend plans to show dimensioned clear floor space, and dimensioned maneuvering clearances at doorways and elevator. IBC 1009, ICC A 117.1 Chapter 4
Please amend plans to show Accessible drinking fountain in room #129 as referred to in the Electrical drawings sheet E1.1
25a. Please amend plans to show accessible and directional signage as required by IBC Section Section 1111 Additionally, provide typical elevation drawings to show mounting locations and sign requirements. 2009 ICC A 117


26. Scope 1 Calculations: Please amend calculations to provide a page index. IBC 107.2.1

27. Scope 1 Calculations: Please provide calculations indicating the existing 12” CMU wall can withstand the new imposed loads from the connection of the addition and the outdoor screen supports. IBC 107.2.7

28. Scope 1 Calculations Part 1 Page #4: Please name all roof beams and provide a corresponding calculation. Plan reviewer was unable to verify that all roof beams had calculations. For example, GLB-1 and two instances of GLB-4 (one of the GLB-4 has the RB# crossed out) on High Roof Key Plan, do not appear to have a RB# and corresponding calculations. IBC 107.2.7

29. Scope 1 Calculations Part 1 Page #8: Further, related to the comment above, GLB-6 and GLB-5 do not appear to be assigned a FB#, and presence of their calculations cannot be located.RB6 is shown as G? on Low Roof/Floor Key Plan. Please provide member size on Key Plan. IBC 107.2.7

30. Scope 1 Calculations: Plan reviewer was unable to find stairway structural design calculations, please provide or indicate to plan reviewer where these can be found. IBC 107.2.7
a. Additionally, please provide structural plans to include all connections for stairways.

31. Scope 1 Calculations: Plan reviewer was unable to find structural, design and calculations for the elevator shaft walls and openings. Steel frame was shown, but not shaft wall construction. Please provide or indicate to plan reviewer where these can be found. IBC 107.2.7
31A. Scope 1 Calculations: Plan reviewer was unable to determine if the dead load of the exterior deck paving system was included in the calculations for the supporting members. Please indicate to the plan reviewer where this can be found in the calculations or revise calculations if necessary.. IBC 107.2.7

Project Manual

32. Project Manual page 28: Line item 4.A.1 indicates special inspection is not required for Masonry while the structural drawings indicate Masonry special inspections are required. Please amend submittal to ensure that all documents are consistent and provide the same information. IBC 107.2.1

Mark Masek
Plans Examiner
03/05/2024 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT -Resolve all building comments.
-Indicate if bulk CO2 for beverage dispensing will be used. If being used, show location of CO2 dewar and indicate CO2 gas detection alarm will be installed (deferred submittal).
-List occupant load for all buildings and occupiable spaces in the code analysis, including outdoor theatre area. Fire alarm requirements will be based on OL. Include type of fire alarm in the code analysis.
02/07/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED
02/28/2024 ROW Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED No Comments

David Stiffey
