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Permit Number: TC-COM-0224-00249
Parcel: 12217278F

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3

Permit Number - TC-COM-0224-00249
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/14/2024 Commercial Electrical APPROVED
06/06/2024 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
05/16/2024 Commercial Mechanical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Identify the type of projection equipment that is to be installed in Room 201. Reference: Section 502.11.2, IMC 2018.
05/16/2024 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT Show the secondary roof scuppers; provide a detail showing how they are to be installed. Note: Detail 8/A1.7 does not meet the requirements of Section 1108.1, IPC 2018. Reference: Section 1101.7 and 1102.2, IPC 2018 and Section 1611.1, IBC 2018.
06/06/2024 Commercial Structural REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised documents along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed.

1. Sheet A0.0: Please change the word incidental to accessory per IBC 302.1

2. Sheet A0.0: Please provide the maximum allowable area compared to the actual area per floor including the calculations used. IBC 107.2.1

3. Sheet A0.0: Please clarify if this building is to be permitted as one building or two buildings 107.2.1

4. Sheet AC1.1: Please add a table to display the occupant loads for each significant area or building as provided on sheet AC1.1. For example, provide the information for Screen 1, Screen 2, Lobby, Screen 3, Screen 4, and The Loft Outdoors all in one table. This information assembled and presented in one table would be greatly appreciated. IBC107.2.1

5. Sheet AC1.1/AC1.2: Please show elevator controls, and signs per 2009 ICC A117.1 Chapter 407 and provide the clear floor space 407.2.1.3 for each elevator landing. Typical note for both landings.

6. Sheet A1.1: Please provide the design and calculations for the anchoring of these containers (Laundry 116, Storage 117 and Storage 129), as they appear to just rest on concrete blocks with no connection to prevent lateral movement. IBC 107.2.7

7. Sheet A1.1/Sheet B1.1: Please amend plans as the Northern exterior wall of the Screen 4 building appears to be less than 10' from the property line, if so please provide a 1-hour fire resistive rated wall assembly.

For new 1-hour fire-rated assemblies, provide construction details with basis of approval by one of the following:

A. Listing number approved by third-party testing agency (i.e., UL, GA)
B. Item number for prescriptive fire-resistive assembly under IBC Table 721.1(2)
C. Prescriptive assembly constructed under IBC 722.6

8. Sheet A3.7: Please amend detail1/A3.7 to show at the bottom of a stair flight, handrails shall extend at the slope of the stair flight for a horizontal distance equal to one tread depth beyond the bottom tread nosing. Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight. 505.10.3 Bottom Extension at Stairs.

9. Sheet A4.2: Please amend plans to show the primary and secondary drain system separated from inlet to outlet per IPC 1108.2 Secondary roof drain systems shall have the end point of discharge separate from the primary system. Discharge shall be above grade, in a location that would normally be observed by the building occupants or maintenance personnel.

10. Sheet A6.2: Please amend plans to add the glazing U-factor (.29) & SHGC (.25) to the Window Schedule. IBC 107.2.1

11. Sheet E3.1/Sheet BE2.0: Please amend plans to provide exit sign at these doors, 120A & 115A. IBC 1013
06/06/2024 Fire New Construction REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please update the plan set to include Fire Alarm as a deferred submittal.
An operational permit for places of assembly will also be required.
Questions: patricia.shelton@tucsonaz.gov
05/06/2024 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED