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Permit Number: TC-COM-0223-00582
Parcel: 11619053A

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - TC-COM-0223-00582
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/07/2023 Site Engineering NOT REQUIRED
03/09/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
02/15/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REQUIRES RESUBMIT Activity Number: TC-COM-0223-00582

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

All plan pages need the engineer's seal.
Need the elevation views.
The floor plan needs to how the dimensions.
Need a building section view that includes the wall and roof projection fire-rated construction, framing details, and insulation.
Mechanical pages show different ceiling designs - correct design needs to be shown on the structural plans and building section view.

All plan pages need the engineer's seal.
Need the elevation views.
Show the fire extinguisher locations.
Need the COMcheck for the envelope, mechanical, interior and exterior lighting as applicable.
The floor plan needs to show the dimensions.
Show the new door and window details.
Accessibility notes state that panic hardware is being installed but the door swings in.
Need a building section view that includes the wall and roof projection fire-rated construction, framing details, and insulation.
Need to show the means of egress exit discharge lighting per Section 1008.
Mechanical pages show different ceiling designs - correct design needs to be shown on the structural plans and building section view.
Show the location of the electrical and mechanical equipment along with the vehicle travel paths and parking on the site plan to determine if vehicle impact protection is needed.

All plan pages need the engineer's seal.
Need the COMcheck for the envelope, mechanical, interior and exterior lighting as applicable.
Mechanical pages show different ceiling designs - correct design needs to be shown on the structural plans and building section view.
Detail how the condensate drain is being protected from freezing.
Need the kitchen equipment spec sheets.

All plan pages need the engineer's seal.
Need the COMcheck for the envelope, mechanical, interior and exterior lighting as applicable.
Need to show the means of egress exit discharge lighting per Section 1008.
Electric water heater is shown differently on plumbing pages (P1.0) and electric pages. The electric pages show the water heater being 120/240V 4500W.
Need the meter equipment disconnect and load breaker schedule.
If the new panel "B" is fed on the load side of the main disconnect, the grounding of panel "B" is not correct. The neutral and ground bars need to be separated and connected to the earth ground through the equipment ground wire.
The one-line diagram shows panel "B" as 100A but the schedule details show that it is 200A. The feeder conductors and conduit sizes are not correct.
Show the location of the service equipment and electrical panels on the plans including the site plan and any required vehicle impact protection.

All plan pages need the engineer's seal.
The mop sink shown for discharging the water heater pan and TPR valve is not shown on the plumbing pages.
Water supply piping is not shown for the hand sink.
Electric water heater is shown differently on plumbing pages (P1.0) and electric pages. The electric pages show the water heater being 120/240V 4500W. Provide spec sheets for the water heater.
Show the grease interceptor and cleanouts on the site plan.

If you require additional clarification regarding these comments, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov

FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

329 W Franklin St. – HO-3
Convert Garage to Commercial Kitchen (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL: March 6, 2023
This site is located in HO-3 zone (UDC 4.7.15), Medical Service Outpatient is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-3), subject to Use Specific Standard 4.9.13.K.

1. Per UDC Article 3.3.3.G.2.c A site plan (Development Package) is required for the following types of development: Existing development undergoing a change of use, building structure additions, and/or a reconfiguration of an area outside a building. A development package (DP) meeting the requirements of Administrative Manual (AM) 2-06 must be submitted and approved prior to approval of this building plan.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov.
03/09/2023 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
02/10/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED