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Permit Number: TC-COM-0125-00208
Parcel: 12407179C

Review Status: In Review


Permit Number - TC-COM-0125-00208
Review Status: In Review
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/20/2025 Site Zoning APPROVED
02/06/2025 Outdoor Lighting NOT REQUIRED No changes to outdoor lighting.
N/A Addressing Validation PENDING ASSIGNMENT The building address appears to be 700 E Broadway BL and should have a Suite number, additionally the plans have 700 E Broadway BL, but no suite number. However the permit is under 702 E Broadway BL, which is listed as the administrative address for the site.
N/A Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT
02/20/2025 Commercial Building REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please submit your revised documents and provide a letter with a written response letter addressing each of the comments indicating how the Review comments were resolved. Please note the submittal was incomplete and the plan review was conducted using the information presented. The subsequent review could generate more comments after original comments have been addressed.
1. Please update the drawings to include the address and suite number with next submittal. IBC 107.2.1
2. Please amend the plans to provide a list of the year and name of the adopted applicable codes from the adopting ordinance. IBC 107.2.1 For example,
2018 International Building Code (IBC)
2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC)
2009 ICC A117.1 Accessibility Code (by reference)
2018 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2018 International Plumbing Code (IPC)
2017 National Electrical Code (NEC)
2018 International Fire Code (IFC)
2018 International Fuel Gas (IFGC)
2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
City of Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
Local Amendments to Above Codes ( www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/building-codes )
3.Please amend the plans to provide detailed description of the work involved in this permit’s scope. IBC 105.3 For example, it appears two suites are being combined into one suite, does the demolition include load bearing structural members as well as non-bearing?
4.The Occupant load and Exiting data indicates an occupant load factor (OLF) of 150 square feet per occupant for the whole interior, however the room names would suggest some of the rooms are being used for other business. For example, a training room in a business office may utilize the 20-square-feet net established for educational classroom areas. Please show the use of each space and the OLF used for each room. What is happening in the “Studio” areas? Assembly? IBC 1004.5
5.Please amend the plans to provide a dimensioned floor plan for the altered areas. IBC 107.2.1
6.Please amend the plans to show the exit access travel distance with a clear start and stop point. IBC 1017.2
7.Please amend the plans so exit signs are shown at doors, as required to direct egress, and every 100 feet. IBC 1013.1
8.Provide illumination for the means of egress, including the exit discharge per IBC 1008. Show compliance with the following:
A. The means of egress shall be illuminated at all times the building space is occupied.
B. The means of egress illumination level shall not be less than 1 foot-candle at the walking surface.
C. The means of egress illumination shall be supplied by backup power (consisting of storage batteries, unit equipment, or an on-site generator) for a duration of not less than 90 minutes. IBC 1008.3
9. Please amend the plans to provide construction drawings and detail for all new walls to include connections at the top and button, bracing and wall coverings. IBC 107.2.1
Please contact me if you have any questions about these comments.
Mark Masek
Plans Examiner – Building Safety
Planning and Development Services | City of Tucson
main 520.837.4994
email mark.masek@tucsonaz.gov
02/06/2025 Commercial Electrical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Commercial Electrical Review TC-COM-0125-00208 (702 E BROADWAY BL TUCSON, AZ 85719)
Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. Provide updated Plans/calculations and a written response Letter to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Resubmitted plans that do not contain a written response Letter addressing each of the notated items indicating action taken, may be delayed until response letter is received.
Code reference, 2018 International Building Code (IBC), 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC).

1. Provide electrical load calculations, for the Main Service Panel, Per NEC 220.40.
2. Provide a panel schedule showing the circuits that are being modified and added.
3. Show all wiring methods in detail for all branch circuit wiring along with branch circuit and breaker panel designations and correlate with the panel schedules. NEC arts;300 and 408.4.
4. Provide GFCI protection per NEC 210.8(B)(8).

Contact Jeremy Hamblin with any questions: Jeremy.hamblin@tucsonaz.gov
02/18/2025 Commercial Mechanical REQUIRES RESUBMIT Provide calculations to verify that adequate ventilation will be provided for the occupied spaces, especially those labeled as “studios.” Reference: Section 403.3.1.1, IMC 2018.
02/18/2025 Commercial Plumbing REQUIRES RESUBMIT 1. Show the location of keynote 16 on the demolition plan, 2/A-1. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018.
2. Provide the third-party listing information for the specified Buffalo Bottle Trap Kit. Reference: Section 303.4, IPC 2018.
3. Verify that the suite contains the required number of drinking fountains. Reference: Section 410.3, IPC 2018.
02/18/2025 Water - PDSD REQUIRES RESUBMIT Provide the size of the water meter serving this suite, the size of the backflow preventer associated with the water meter, and the total water demand served by the water meter. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018.
02/05/2025 Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
02/05/2025 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED