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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - TC-COM-0125-00204
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/04/2025 | Site Engineering | NOT REQUIRED | |||
03/04/2025 | Bldg Permits - Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
02/13/2025 | Commercial Electrical | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | Commercial Electrical Review TC-COM-0125-00204 (3142 N BALBOA AV Unit:UNIT 9 TUCSON, AZ 85705) Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. Provide updated Plans/calculations and a written response Letter to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Resubmitted plans that do not contain a written response Letter addressing each of the notated items indicating action taken, may be delayed until response letter is received. Code reference, 2018 International Building Code (IBC), 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC). 1. Provide a complete electrical plan-set showing all proposed electrical work. 2. Should include but not be limited to: a. Provide a complete line diagram, NEC 110.2, 2018 IBC 107.1. b. Provide an electrical riser diagram, 2017 NEC 230.9. Notate the grounding and bonding method, 2017 NEC 250.20(B), 250.24, 250.30(A)(4). Metallic gas lines must be bonded and not be used as the primary grounding method, 2017 NEC 250.50, 250.52(B)(1). c. Provide electrical load calculations and rating, for the Main Service Panel, Per NEC 220.40. d. Show the location of the panel on the Electrical Plan with clear working space compliance, 2017 NEC 110.26(A). e. Provide a panel schedule highlighting the circuits that are being modified and added. f. Show all wiring methods in detail for all branch circuit wiring along with branch circuit and breaker panel designations and correlate with the panel schedules. NEC arts;300 and 408.4. g. Designate the circuit number at the location of each light fixture, receptacle, appliance, and equipment disconnect switch, NEC arts;300 and 408.4. h. Show locations of each smoke alarm. 3. Additional comments may be required with the submittal of electrical plans. Outdoor Lighting Review: 1. Show compliance with City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code with an approved lighting calculation in accordance with OLC 3.1.2 or show the exterior light as full-cutoff and under a canopy or overhang, OLC 401.2.1 item 3. 2. Show unshielded fixtures with a maximum of 3,000 lumens, OLC 401.4. Show lamps with a maximum of 3500K color temperature, OLC 402.1. 3. Submit catalogue or specification sheets of the proposed light fixture illustrating the type of fixture they are whether full cut-off or unshielded. Contact Jeremy Hamblin with any questions: Jeremy.hamblin@tucsonaz.gov |
03/01/2025 | Commercial Mechanical | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | ACTIVITY NO. TS-PRM-0125-00006 ADDRESS/PARCEL: (850 N 11TH AV TUCSON, AZ 85705) Submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed. Please paste the review comment individually and enter your response directly below it. Please do this for every comment. Review will not proceed without the response letter. The submitted documents were incomplete and a thorough plan review could not be performed. Please be aware, new comments may arise with the next review. Should the above not followed, it may delay your approval. COMMENTS: 1. ARCHITECTURAL: a. WATER HEATER - Confirm the requirement by the Mobile Home Park as to exposed appliances such as Water Heater (is enclosure required). Provide detail drawings as to what is being provided for a platform used to protect or keep the water heater from damage from the soil below as well as protection from the elements. Provide detail drawing as to how this water heater is strapped to resist lateral forces or the elements such as the wind. Show the overflow line and its distance from the soil below making sure to ensure that it empties properly and safely with in mind not scalding any humans such as children in the neighborhood since the drawings shows the water heater exposed with not enclosure. b. SIDING - It is not clear as to what type of siding is used. Wood siding, sheathing, wall framing on the building exterior having clearance of less than 6 inches from the ground or less than 2 inches from concrete steps, porch slabs, patio slabs, etc shall require protection from decay by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative-treated. R317.1 (Indicate on your drawing, the distance from the bottom of the siding to the soil below.) c. EMERGENCY ESCAPE - Provide emergency escape and rescue openings for every sleeping room, habitable attic and basement space. Net clear opening of 5.7 sf (5.0 sf allowed on grade floor rescue openings). Minimum 24 inches opening height, minimum 20 inches opening width. Sill height maximum 44 inches from finish floor to the bottom of the clear opening. IRC R310.1 (Identify this adjacent to the subject window.) d. SOLAR READY ROOF - IRC Appendix T103.3 Solar-ready zone area shall not be less than 300 sf exclusive of mandatory access or setback areas per International Fire Code. The solar-ready zone shall be composed of areas not less than 5 ft width and not less than 80 sf. (Locate/label this on the roof plan.) e. EXHAUST FAN – Locate/label the Exhaust System per IRC R303 f. INCLUSIVE HOME DESIGN - Comply to the City of Tucson Inclusive Home Design requirement. Below is the website address. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/city-services/planning-development-services/documents/inclusivehomedesignordinance.pdf 2. MECHANICAL: a. Submit the Manual J, D, S and the Extended Rating Table Information. b. Locate/label the location of the Compressor exterior unit and its disconnect as well as the indoor unit on the plans. Locate the diffuser grills and return air grill on the plan. c. In the Electrical Panel Schedule, identify the breakers used for the HVAC. 3. PLUMBING: a. Provide plumbing plans for the new work, including water isometrics and waste and vent isometrics. Reference: Section P2602, IRC 2018. 3. Show the plumbing fixtures and drainage fittings installed correctly and, in a manner, consistent with the Code and the manufacturer’s instructions. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2018. b. Clothes Washer and Dryer are not shown on the plan. Should it apply, install water hammer arrestor for the clothes washer. c. Provide gas single line diagram. Provide the effective length, length of gas line segments and their diameters, locate the appliances connected to the gas line and their BTU demands and the location of the gas meter. 4. Please resubmit. |
03/01/2025 | Commercial Plumbing | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | ACTIVITY NO. TS-PRM-0125-00006 ADDRESS/PARCEL: (850 N 11TH AV TUCSON, AZ 85705) Submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed. Please paste the review comment individually and enter your response directly below it. Please do this for every comment. Review will not proceed without the response letter. The submitted documents were incomplete and a thorough plan review could not be performed. Please be aware, new comments may arise with the next review. Should the above not followed, it may delay your approval. COMMENTS: 1. ARCHITECTURAL: a. WATER HEATER - Confirm the requirement by the Mobile Home Park as to exposed appliances such as Water Heater (is enclosure required). Provide detail drawings as to what is being provided for a platform used to protect or keep the water heater from damage from the soil below as well as protection from the elements. Provide detail drawing as to how this water heater is strapped to resist lateral forces or the elements such as the wind. Show the overflow line and its distance from the soil below making sure to ensure that it empties properly and safely with in mind not scalding any humans such as children in the neighborhood since the drawings shows the water heater exposed with not enclosure. b. SIDING - It is not clear as to what type of siding is used. Wood siding, sheathing, wall framing on the building exterior having clearance of less than 6 inches from the ground or less than 2 inches from concrete steps, porch slabs, patio slabs, etc shall require protection from decay by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative-treated. R317.1 (Indicate on your drawing, the distance from the bottom of the siding to the soil below.) c. EMERGENCY ESCAPE - Provide emergency escape and rescue openings for every sleeping room, habitable attic and basement space. Net clear opening of 5.7 sf (5.0 sf allowed on grade floor rescue openings). Minimum 24 inches opening height, minimum 20 inches opening width. Sill height maximum 44 inches from finish floor to the bottom of the clear opening. IRC R310.1 (Identify this adjacent to the subject window.) d. SOLAR READY ROOF - IRC Appendix T103.3 Solar-ready zone area shall not be less than 300 sf exclusive of mandatory access or setback areas per International Fire Code. The solar-ready zone shall be composed of areas not less than 5 ft width and not less than 80 sf. (Locate/label this on the roof plan.) e. EXHAUST FAN – Locate/label the Exhaust System per IRC R303 f. INCLUSIVE HOME DESIGN - Comply to the City of Tucson Inclusive Home Design requirement. Below is the website address. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/city-services/planning-development-services/documents/inclusivehomedesignordinance.pdf 2. MECHANICAL: a. Submit the Manual J, D, S and the Extended Rating Table Information. b. Locate/label the location of the Compressor exterior unit and its disconnect as well as the indoor unit on the plans. Locate the diffuser grills and return air grill on the plan. c. In the Electrical Panel Schedule, identify the breakers used for the HVAC. 3. PLUMBING: a. Provide plumbing plans for the new work, including water isometrics and waste and vent isometrics. Reference: Section P2602, IRC 2018. 3. Show the plumbing fixtures and drainage fittings installed correctly and, in a manner, consistent with the Code and the manufacturer’s instructions. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2018. b. Clothes Washer and Dryer are not shown on the plan. Should it apply, install water hammer arrestor for the clothes washer. c. Provide gas single line diagram. Provide the effective length, length of gas line segments and their diameters, locate the appliances connected to the gas line and their BTU demands and the location of the gas meter. 4. Please resubmit. |
03/01/2025 | Commercial Structural | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | ACTIVITY NO. TS-PRM-0125-00006 ADDRESS/PARCEL: (850 N 11TH AV TUCSON, AZ 85705) Submit your revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Building Review Section comments were addressed. Please paste the review comment individually and enter your response directly below it. Please do this for every comment. Review will not proceed without the response letter. The submitted documents were incomplete and a thorough plan review could not be performed. Please be aware, new comments may arise with the next review. Should the above not followed, it may delay your approval. COMMENTS: 1. ARCHITECTURAL: a. WATER HEATER - Confirm the requirement by the Mobile Home Park as to exposed appliances such as Water Heater (is enclosure required). Provide detail drawings as to what is being provided for a platform used to protect or keep the water heater from damage from the soil below as well as protection from the elements. Provide detail drawing as to how this water heater is strapped to resist lateral forces or the elements such as the wind. Show the overflow line and its distance from the soil below making sure to ensure that it empties properly and safely with in mind not scalding any humans such as children in the neighborhood since the drawings shows the water heater exposed with not enclosure. b. SIDING - It is not clear as to what type of siding is used. Wood siding, sheathing, wall framing on the building exterior having clearance of less than 6 inches from the ground or less than 2 inches from concrete steps, porch slabs, patio slabs, etc shall require protection from decay by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative-treated. R317.1 (Indicate on your drawing, the distance from the bottom of the siding to the soil below.) c. EMERGENCY ESCAPE - Provide emergency escape and rescue openings for every sleeping room, habitable attic and basement space. Net clear opening of 5.7 sf (5.0 sf allowed on grade floor rescue openings). Minimum 24 inches opening height, minimum 20 inches opening width. Sill height maximum 44 inches from finish floor to the bottom of the clear opening. IRC R310.1 (Identify this adjacent to the subject window.) d. SOLAR READY ROOF - IRC Appendix T103.3 Solar-ready zone area shall not be less than 300 sf exclusive of mandatory access or setback areas per International Fire Code. The solar-ready zone shall be composed of areas not less than 5 ft width and not less than 80 sf. (Locate/label this on the roof plan.) e. EXHAUST FAN – Locate/label the Exhaust System per IRC R303 f. INCLUSIVE HOME DESIGN - Comply to the City of Tucson Inclusive Home Design requirement. Below is the website address. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/city-services/planning-development-services/documents/inclusivehomedesignordinance.pdf 2. MECHANICAL: a. Submit the Manual J, D, S and the Extended Rating Table Information. b. Locate/label the location of the Compressor exterior unit and its disconnect as well as the indoor unit on the plans. Locate the diffuser grills and return air grill on the plan. c. In the Electrical Panel Schedule, identify the breakers used for the HVAC. 3. PLUMBING: a. Provide plumbing plans for the new work, including water isometrics and waste and vent isometrics. Reference: Section P2602, IRC 2018. 3. Show the plumbing fixtures and drainage fittings installed correctly and, in a manner, consistent with the Code and the manufacturer’s instructions. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2018. b. Clothes Washer and Dryer are not shown on the plan. Should it apply, install water hammer arrestor for the clothes washer. c. Provide gas single line diagram. Provide the effective length, length of gas line segments and their diameters, locate the appliances connected to the gas line and their BTU demands and the location of the gas meter. 4. Please resubmit. |
02/26/2025 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | ZONING REVIEW TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: TC-COM-0125-00204 - CE-VIO0624-02345 3142 N BALBOA AV Unit: 9 – O-3 Fire Damage Repair (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL: February 26, 2025 Resubmittal requires a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This site is located in the O-3 zone (UDC 4.7.15). A Mobile Home Parking is not an allowed use in the Zone, (UDC Table 4.8-3). This site is nonconforming for the use. 1. Based on the plans submitted and aerial photos you are proposing an addition of a covered porch to the east side of the existing structure. As this site is considered a nonresidential use, UDC Article 6.6.3.B. Per UDC Article 3.3.3.G.2.c A site plan (Development Package) is required for the following types of development: Existing development undergoing a change of use, building structure additions, and/or a reconfiguration of an area outside a building. A Development Package (DP) meeting the requirements of the Checklist for Minor Changes to Commercial/Industrial Sites is required to be submitted and approved. The DP is a separate submittal from the building plans. The checklist can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/permits/minor_changes_to_commercial_industrial_sites_.pdf. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Zone1.desk@tucsonaz.gov. |
02/14/2025 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
02/12/2025 | PDSD Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |