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Permit Number: T22CM05854
Parcel: 127122760

Review Status: Approved

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1

Permit Number - T22CM05854
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/01/2022 Commercial Electrical APPROVED Please address the electrical plan review comments and provide a written response.

1 The option to use ASHRE 90.1 for energy lighting and power requires automatic control for receptacle at 50%. Please provide this information on the power and lighting plans. Show how this requirement is addressed in detail.

Ref; 2018 IBC sec 107.2.1, 2017 NEC, 2018 IECC, City of Tucson Commercial Plan Submittal Requirements.
10/31/2022 Commercial Mechanical APPROVED 1. Provide structural calculations and details to show that the Type I hoods are supported from the building structure in accordance with Section 507.2.4, IMC 2018 (the hood hanging weight plus the weight of personnel working in or on the hood). Reference: Section 302.1, IMC 2018.
2. Show that combustible materials (e.g. plywood) are not located within 18" of the Type I hoods. Reference: Section 507.2.6, IMC 2018.
10/31/2022 Commercial Plumbing APPROVED 1. With respect to detail 2/P1.2, all of the vents (except for vents serving interceptors located outdoors) shall rise vertically (i.e. an angle greater than 45 degrees) to at least 6" above the flood rims of the fixtures they protect prior to running horizontally. Reference: Section 905.4, IPC 2018.
2. Correct Plan Note 8 on sheet P5.0. The gas is to supply MUA-1, not RTU-2, which is a heat pump. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018.
10/31/2022 Commercial Structural APPROVED
11/15/2022 External Reviewers - Willdan APPROVED Restamp Required
10/31/2022 Fire New Construction APPROVED
11/21/2022 Fire New Construction APPROVED Restamp Required
10/31/2022 Site Engineering APPROVED
10/31/2022 Site Zoning APPROVED
11/14/2022 Site Zoning APPROVED Restamp Required
11/21/2022 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express REVIEW COMPLETED