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Plan Number: SD-1124-00112
Parcel: 117110170

Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - SD-1124-00112
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Historic NOT REQUIRED There are no historic-designated structures on site, so no historic preservation review is needed. If the IID will be pursued for this project, then SD-1124-00112 will need to be cancelled, and an IID Design Package will need to be submitted under a different SD Activity #, plus historic preservation review will be required. For historic preservation questions, please send an email to PDSDHistoric@tucsonaz.gov. Thank you.
Design Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT Please see application completeness comment.
Special Districts Application Completeness Express REQUIRES RESUBMIT Authorization letter from property owner required.
Proposed land uses in site plan and design narrative required.
Please resubmit after first round of comments to ensure reviewers do not identify any issues that may affect design.
Provide dimensions on existing building elevations.
Site plan should include parking calculations, square footage of existing establishment and proposed outdoor seating area.

Updated liquor license will be required if the patio is an extension of the bar area.

Landscape plans must show property lines according to the map legend.
Identify new construction on landscape plan. Plan should match what's included in the development package, may require revision based on review comments in the DP.

Canopy does not shade pedestrian sidewalk. Please break the shade coverage calcs down by shade structure and landscaping.