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Plan Number: SD-0923-00108
Parcel: 11707229A

326 E 17TH ST

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: HISTORIC REVIEW v.1

Plan Number - SD-0923-00108
Review Name: HISTORIC REVIEW v.1
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Special Districts Application Completeness Express REQUIRES RESUBMIT Consistent with our previous discussion, please provide the following items.
• APHZAB has typically not approved vinyl windows. In the past they have approved wood and wood clad with aluminum windows. It should be noted that the the plans for the previous addition are in PRO and note that windows that were approved were Kolbe & Kolbe wood windows.
• The plans note Solid Core doors on the ADU but the material is not called out. Are they wood, fiberglass, metal?
• While the ADU may conform to the underlying zoning, APHZAB will be looking for it to conform to the Development Zone. Hence the Design Narrative which discusses similar properties in the Development Zone.
• In the last upload, I think that the pictures of surrounding homes was missing. If you could label them with addresses and note their contributing status, it would be appreciated.
• Please update the Development Zone per the copy that was previously provided.
• Also, as I was looking at the map to draw the Development Zone I noticed that the detached structure is listed as contributing to the district. Contributing structures within HPZs require Mayor and Council approval for demo. I would recommend that you do some research to figure out the date of construction to determine if it was constructed after the period of significance and if the status as contributing is appropriate.
Questions? Contact Jodie Brown at jodie.brown@tucsonaz.gov