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Plan Number: SD-0723-00081
Parcel: 117130410


Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - SD-0723-00081
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Historic REQUIRES RESUBMIT Project submittal does not included information on how the historic buildings flanking the new construction will be protected during construction. Revise the packet to include this information.
Please provide scaled elevations in a revised packet.
Special Districts Application Completeness Express REQUIRES RESUBMIT Thanks for submitting the Design Package. Ccould you please make the following revisions to the Design Package:

1) On PDF page 65, IID Application Responses, item 1: Please include in the list of requested breaks from UDC requirements the project is proposing through the IID overlay, and make sure to include the solid waste collection requested break. Here's the example provided with on my email of 7/17/23:
"We are requesting the following modifications to the Unified Development Code (UDC) through the IID:
a) Motor vehicle and bicycle parking. The project requires a total of XX parking spaces per UDC standards. We are proposing XX parking spaces on the property, by using option XX of the SMD;
b) Landscaping and screening. The project proposes to modify the traditional requirements for landscaping and screening, by providing XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
c) Solid waste collection. Project includes a service area offsite, on the property adjacent to the west of the project site, addressed 2711 E. Broadway Bl., within a completely screened utility enclosure.
d) Street perimeter yard. Proposal is to reduce the required street setbacks from Broadway Bl. of 21 feet and from Treat Av. of 20 feet from back of curbs. “

2) On PDF page 65, item 1, AND PDF page 91, Site Plan, Sheet C3.0: Please address the comments Andy Vera provided under TD-DEV-0523-00257:
1st Submittal Review:TD-DEV-0523-00257, ES Comments as follows: Cover Sheet C1.0, Solid Waste/Recycle, Collection: Proposes 2/4cy trash and 2/4cy recycle containers collected 3x per week, however, Site Plan Sheet C3.0 Keynote 22, notes for 1/4cy trash and recycle. Correct so accurately identifies for 2/4cy trash and 2/4cy recycle. Provide complete trash room and container detail to include wall protection and all dimensions. Clarify if 4cy containers will be positioned under a chute or waste materials will be transported to and dumped directly into the 4cy containers manually. Call out the width of the path for the containers to be rolled from the trash room to the collection area/loading zone. TSM 8-01.4.A Detail Sheet C6.0, Solid Waste & Recycle Collection: The proposed collection method where the vehicle partially obstructs right-of-way and requires maneuvering around parked vehicles is not recommended. Must provide a clear pull up lane in front of collection area so not obstructing traffic or requiring backing into oncoming traffic. TSM 8-01.5.3 Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments regarding this review. Thanks, Andy Vera City of Tucson -Environmental Services Accounts

3) Please proceed with payment of the review fees for SD-0723-00081 via TDC online.

Thanks, and please let me know if there are any questions.
Zoning Modifications - IPP REVIEW COMPLETED