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Plan Number: SD-0324-00028
Parcel: 117030020

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: HISTORIC REVIEW v.2

Plan Number - SD-0324-00028
Review Name: HISTORIC REVIEW v.2
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Historic Districts Application Completeness Express REQUIRES RESUBMIT This property is listed as a contributor to the West University Historic Preservation Zone and requires review by the West University Historic Zone Advisory Board (WUHZAB) and the Plans Review Subcommittee (PRS).
Staff has reviewed the submittal and has the following comments: (1) Provide photos showing precedent only within the DZ. (2) Please provide the Arizona Historic property Inventory Form; (3) Provide an aerial photograph of surrounding areas; (4) Please note that West University Design Guidelines call for wood windows and no vinyl. Alternative window materials are evaluated on a case-by-case only and within the development zone.
Resubmit revised plans under the Historic sub-record.
See link below for steps on resubmitting.
If you have any questions, contact Michael Taku at Michael.Taku@tucsonaz.gov