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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Plan Number - SD-0323-00036
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
Design Review | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | Gabriel Sleighter Planning and Development Services City of Tucson 201 North Stone Tucson, AZ 85701 Re: Jefferson Park NPZ Compliance Review for 1255 E Waverly St NPZ Case# SD-0323-00036 Permit Activity# T22CM07951 TAC# 23011 Date: 22 May 2023 Dear Gabriel: Per your request, I have reviewed the drawings and documents for the above address for compliance with the Jefferson Park NPZ Design Manual. My comments are below: Chapter 3: Compatibility Review Criteria 3.3 Defining Characteristics and Requirements A. Front Yard: 1. Project shall be no closer to the street than the contributing property closest to the street: Compliant - No alternations to the street front street side are being proposed Proximity to the street remains the same in compliance with the contributing properties. 2. Front Setback: Compliant - No changes are being proposed to the front of the existing residence. Setback remains the same, 30'-0". 3. Front Porch: Compliant - The front porch is unaltered remaining in compliance. 4. Screen Walls: Compliant- No screen wall located at the front of the property. Side yard has an existing 72" tall masonry wall located along Mountain Ave to remain. 5. Chain Link Fence: NIA 6. Low Retaining Wall: Compliant - Existing low retaining wall in front yard to remain. B. Massing: 1. Lot Coverage shall not exceed 50%: Requires Correction - The following inconsistencies were found in the amounts used for calculating the Lot Coverage. The correct Site Area (Parcel Area) is 11, 700 SF as officially stated in the Pima County Assessor's Parcel Data for Parcel 123-11-243A under "Land Measure". (See Comments in Paragraph 3.3.C.1 below) Applicant shall use the correct Site Area when calculating the Lot Coverage on the Site Plan (Sheet 1 ). Also when calculating the Lot Coverage, it appears the Applicant used the "Vehicle Use Area" square footage amount of 434 SF from the Historical Reference Site Plan. This number seems too low. The minimum parking space with the City of Tucson is ((8.5' X 18.0? = 153 SF per parking space) X 4 = 612 SF. The Jefferson Park NPZ Design Manual describes the "Vehicle Use Area" as •~ny area of a site or structure used for the parking, storage, or standing of motor vehicles. The vehicular use area includes access drives, maneuvering areas, refuse collection locations, loading spaces, and any landscaping and screening within ten (10) feet of these areas." For the purposes of this project, the Vehicle Use Area should include the four (4) designated parking spaces in the front yard as well as the circular access driveway from Waverly and the carport area on the west side of the house. Applicant shall consult with the Site Zoning Section when revising the Lot Coverage Calculations. 2. Second Floor Area shall not exceed 5.25% of total lot area: NIA 3. Building Height of single-story development shall be limited to sixteen (16) feet: Compliant - . Height to top of ridge at existing residence is 13'-3" AFF. Height at new addition roof ridge appears to be approximately 1 foot lower than the top of ridge of the existing residence. 4. Massing Design Features: Compliant - Based on the Elevations submitted with the current SDA application (dated 5-15-23), the massing design features of the existing residence include an open-end gable roof typical of the Simple Builder Ranch style. The addition is in keeping with the extended gable style roof. It is structurally integrated into the existing roof. The massing of the addition based on the Elevations appears to be in proportion with the existing house. (See Comments in Paragraph 3.3.D.5 "Roofs" below) C. Scale: 1. Residential Floor to Area Ratio (RFAR) shall not exceed 0.35: Requires Correction - The Special Districts Application (SDA) form shows the Site Area as 11,462 SF. This is an inaccurate number that was taken from the Pima County GIS Parcel Data which states that the parcel area is approximate. The correct Site Area (Parcel Area) is 11,700 SF as officially stated in the Pima County Assessor's Parcel Data for Parcel 123-11-243A under "Land Measure': Applicant shall revise the SDA form to show the correct Site Area and show the following RFAR calculation on the Site Plan (Sheet 1): RFAR = (2,735 SF I 11,700 SF) = 0.23 SFR 1 = 1225 SF New Addition = 630 SF SFR 2 = 880SF RFAR = 2735 SF I 11,700 SF= 0.23 2. Accessory Secondary Structures: Compliant - The second existing Single Family Residence (SFR 2) located in the rear of the property is not part of this project. The structure is "noncontributing" and was previously approved under COT Permit# T06CM05513. 3. Multistory Structures: NIA D. Architectural Style: General Requirements: 1. Additions to Existing Structure: Compliant - The project addition's architectural style is in keeping with the Simple Builder Ranch architectural style. The gable roof is incorporated into the existing gabled roof and keeps the low rectangular massing. 2. Incorporation of Contributing Property Architectural Styles: Compliant - Project appears to incorporate the Simple Builder Ranch style into the new addition with features including open gable style roof, asphalt shingles, matching brick veneer in keeping with the existing style. Individual Design Component Requirements: 1. Exterior Building Wall Materials: Compliant-According to the Project Statement provided with the Application, the red brick material of the existing residence will be painted white. Note that it is not ideal to paint the original red brick walls of the existing "contributing" residence, but it is acceptable. The new addition will include new white veneer brick to match the newly painted brick. 2. Garages and Carports: Compliant- The existing carport at the west end of the existing residence to remain. Access for parking is compatible with parking patterns in Jefferson Park. 3. Porches: Compliant- The existing porch at the front of the existing residence is comprised of extended eaves supported by wood posts which are in keeping with existing Simple Builder Ranch architectural style. 4. Balconies: NIA 5. Roofs: Requires Clarification - Based on the Elevations submitted with the current SDA application (dated 5-15-23), the gable roof of the new addition appears to be integrated into the existing residence and appears to be compatible with the existing gable roof style. However, the previous SDA application (dated 3-24-23) included a Roof Plan (Sheet #4) that was omitted from the current application. That roof plan shows the roof of the existing residence with a "hip roof' configuration at the west end of the house over the carport. And the new roof of the new addition is also shown as a "hip roof' that abuts the existing gable roof. Furthermore, the roof framing of both the existing residence roof and the new addition roof are completely inconsistent with what is shown in the Elevations. Applicant shall submit a revised Roof Plan to be evaluated for compliance with the Jefferson Park Design Standards 6. Windows a. Type, proportion and placement compatible: Compliant- Type, proportion and placement appear to reflect similar patterns existing residence. b. Type of windows visually compatible: Requires Clarification - Per Jefferson Park Design Manual, window materials do not have to be the same as those contributing properties in the neighborhood, but should be visually compatible. New or replacement windows should be wood double-hung or steel casement windows, or windows similar in appearance, including the trim, to those of nearby properties. Window material, type has not been identified on the drawings. Applicant shall indicate the material and type of all windows in the project and provide detailing that identifies new windows to be set in from the exterior surface of the wall with at least a two inch (2'? reveal. E. Landscaping: General Requirements: tac #23011 1. Landscaping in front yard shall be compatible with the Project's Development Zone: NIA - Existing landscaping in front yard to remain unchanged. Additional Guidelines: 1. Drought-Tolerant, Native Landscaping: NIA - Existing landscaping to remain unchanged. 2. Organic and Inorganic Ground Cover: NIA - Existing ground cover to remain unchanged. 3. Water Harvesting Techniques: NIA - None used but strongly recommended. Chapter 4: Advisory Design Guidelines 4.2 Pedestrian Ways: Compliant - Existing walk from front door to driveway is maintained and is acceptable per Jefferson Park NPZ Design Guidelines. 4.3 Vehicular Use Areas: Compliant - Existing residence features two entrances into the front yard with a loosely defined circular driveway that provides access for four vehicles to park in front of the house as well as access to a carport on the west side of the house. Although this is method of parking is not encouraged by the Jefferson Park design guidelines, it is typical of several nearby houses within the Development Zone. 4.4 Accessible Ramps: NIA - Not required to meet Inclusive Home Design accessibility requirements. Chapter 5: Privacy Mitigation: NIA - Project is an addition to an existing single story structure. 5.2 - 5.4 Privacy Mitigation: Privacy Mitigation is encouraged, but not required of proposed addition to the existing single story residence. 5.5 Balconies: NIA - Project is an addition to an existing single story structure. 5.6 Screening of Front, Side and Rear Yards 1. Front Yard Privacy Screening: Compliant - Existing low retaining walls are being maintained. 2. Side Yard Privacy Screening: Compliant- Existing 72" tall masonry wall along east property line is compliant with guidelines. Existing west masonry wall is being maintained. 3. Rear Yard Privacy Screening: Compliant- Existing 72" tall masonry wall is compliant with guidelines. 5. 7 Exterior Lighting: Exterior lighting shall be full cutoff types per Tucson Lighting Code. This project requires further clarification to meet the Jefferson Park NPZ Design Guidelines. request that the Applicant submit the exact same plan set as their "approved" Building Permit # T22CM07951 with all sheets included for compliance evaluation with the Jefferson Park Design Standards. As the Design Professional, I recommend Resubmittal of this project. Sincerely, Richard Fe Tom, AIA City of Tucson, Design Professional |
Historic | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | See design review comments. -GS | |||
Special Districts Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED |