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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Permit Number - DP22-0071
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/18/2024 | NPPO | NOT REQUIRED | |||
10/18/2024 | Site Landscape | NOT REQUIRED | |||
10/18/2024 | CDRC Post Review Express | PENDING ASSIGNMENT | |||
10/15/2024 | Site Engineering | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | 1. The site plan does not meet current requirements for access lane dimensions. Per TSM 7.4.6, a two-way access lane must be a minimum of 20 feet wide. The dimensions from 2008 show 15ft 11in for the access lane. Include dimensions on the resubmittal. 2. The building appears to be rotated on the plan compared to the 2009 plan. The building is not contained within the parcel boundaries on the new plan. Please clarify. 3. Per UDC 7.4.6, a back-up spur is required for the current parking design. Mike Ortiz michael.ortiz@tucsonaz.gov |
10/10/2024 | Site Zoning | REQUIRES RESUBMIT | PDSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: Office Remodel – 58 W Cushing St Development Package (2nd Review) DP22-0071 TRANSMITTAL DATE: October 10, 2024 DUE DATE: October 16, 2024 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also, compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, an applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One-year Expiration date is March 24, 2023 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 1. COMMENT: 2-06.4.4 – The location map shall be drawn at a scale of three-inch equals one mile. 2. This comment was not addressed correctly. The section corners are not correct. COMMENT: 2-06.4.4.C – Label the section corners on the location map. 2-06.4.7 - General Notes The following general notes are required. Additional notes specific to each plan are required where applicable. 2-06.4.7.A - Zoning and Land Use Notes 3. Based on your response to this comment the comment is still applicable. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.6.a – As this site is located in the HO-3 zone and you are proposing and addition Historic Review is required. Provide the Historic case number, T22SA00###, adjacent to the title block on all sheets and provide a general note stating the case number, date of approval, and if applicable any conditions of approval. 2-06.4.7.A.8 - For development package documents provide: 4. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.8.b – Remove all references to “LOT COVERAGE” as it is not applicable, see UDC Table 6.3-3.A. 2-06.4.8 - Existing Site Conditions The following information shall be provided on the plan/plat drawing to indicate the existing conditions on site and within 50 feet of the site. On sites bounded by a street with a width of 50 feet or greater, the existing conditions across the street will be provided. 5. This comment was not addressed. COMMENT: 2-06.4.8.C – Provide the following information for Cushing St., right-of-way width, dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks. 2-06.4.9 - Information on Proposed Development The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes. 6. This comment was not addressed. Based on the last approved site plan there was no fence and the new DP shows new fence. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5 – Per UDC Article 7.4.6.F.2.b Access lanes and PAALs must be setback at least two feet from a wall, screen , or other obstruction over six inches, show the required setback from the building and fence to the access lane along the east side of the building on the plan. 7. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5 – As you are showing an existing patio and new fence that was not shown on the last approved plan clearly show the limits of PAAL/access lane south of the new fence and provide a PAAL/access lane width dimension from the northwest end of the northern most vehicle parking space shown along the east property line. 8. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.d – As the short-term bicycle parking has been relocated clearly demonstrate that the requirements of UDC Article 7.4.9.B.1.g are met. Historic review is required and must be approved prior to approval of this DP. Historic application/requirements can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/Preservation/HPZ_Review_Application_Package_2020.pdf, and is a separate submittal from the building plans submitted at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd-filedrop, using Submission Type “Historic Review”. Board of Adjustment application/requirements can be found at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Zoning_Administration_Application_BA_fillable.pdf. The Board of Adjustment is a separate submittal from this building plan and is submitted at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd-filedrop, using the Submission Type “Zoning Administration”. Contact of the Board of Adjustment is Mark Castro at Mark.Castro@tucsonaz.gov. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Nicholas Ross at Nocholas.Ross@tucsonaz.gov. To resubmit your plans for additional review, please visit: https://docs.tucsonaz.gov/Forms/tucsonpermitapp RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package |
09/16/2024 | CDRC Application Completeness Express | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
10/09/2024 | Fire New Construction | REVIEW COMPLETED | |||
09/17/2024 | ROW Engineering Review | REVIEW COMPLETED | DTM has no comments. |