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Permit Number: DP21-0073
Parcel: 140445590


Review Status: Approved


Permit Number - DP21-0073
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/16/2024 Design Review APPROVED To: Nicholas Martell, Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD)
Re: Design Professional review comments for AVP Review: DP21-0073, BHK
After review, based upon Unified Development Code (UDC) Section 8.7.3.M. of the required deferred
documents submitted to PDSD (Submission 2, AVP Tracker, and Elevation D), I recommend approval
of the resubmittal of this project, as noted in Italics below:
M. Design Criteria
1. Architectural Variation
c. Requirements
(1)The same architectural elevation shall not be repeated more often than every fourth lot.
Based on the Lot Release Schedule Example provided in AVA, the requirement is met.
With the understanding all lot releases maintain the exampled pattern. It is
recommended a follow-up Asbuilt review be conducted to assure compliance.
(2)Architectural variation may be accomplished by incorporating a minimum of two of the
following design features into the affected elevations: different building footprint orientation,
building elevation,garage placement, roof type, ornamentation, or architectural style.
(3)Garage Placement. For FLD projects with over 20 or more single-family detached
residential units, no more than 50% of detached residential units throughout the FLD shall be
designed with garages that protrude from or are flush with the front wall of the living area or
front porch of the house.
(4)Based on the Lot Release Schedule Example provided in AVA, the application does
comply. No more than 50% of the models show in the Tracker are shown with garages
that protrude from or are flush with the front wall of the living area or front porch of the
d. Architectural Variation Plan Required
(1) An Architectural Variation Plan (AVP) demonstrating compliance with the requirements of
this section shall be prepared in accordance with the Section 2-06.5.3.E, Architectural
Variation Plan, of the Administrative Manual.
(2) The AVP shall be included with the subdivisionplat, site plan, or building permit submittal.
(3) An AVP is reviewed and considered for approval as part of the subdivisionplat, site plan,
or building permit review procedure, whichever is applicable, with the Design Professional
included as the reviewer of the AVP. The Design Professional will review AVPs for
compliance with this Section and forward his or her findings and recommendation in writing to
the PDSD Directorfor consideration of approval.
(4) The PDSD Director s decision may be appealed in ’ accordance with Section 3.9.1, Design
Review Board Appeal Procedure.
(5) Conditions of the approved AVP shall be included as notes on the approved plat or site
plan, whichever applies, and the building plan.
(6) An AVP shall be approved prior to issuance of a building permit.
2. Transition Edge Treatment for Adjacent Properties
a. Transition Edge Treatment
Where a single-family attached or multi-family FLD project is adjacent to existing single-family
residential development, the FLD shall provide buffering in order to preserve the privacy of
the existing residential development. Examples of buffering include, but are not limited to,
landscaping, a fence, or a wall. The proposed buffering shall be included as conditions on the
approved subdivisionplat or site plan.
01/12/2024 CDRC Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED
01/17/2024 CDRC Post Review Express REVIEW COMPLETED