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Review Status: Approved


Plan Number - CIP-0324-00003
Review Status: Approved
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Signs NOT REQUIRED RE: signage information
For: CIP-0324-00003
CIP - Dev Site + Comm Structure
Zone: HR-1
Reviewer: Heather Thrall (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)
Date: 4/22/24

Codes: Unified Development Code 7A, sign standards & 5.8.9.M.

1. No signage elements were shown within the package. Please note that any signage needed for the location will require historic minor review and be limited to 8 square feet of total sign area per sign, and limited to one sign per street front (Historic Residential zone). A sign permit package would be submitted first for examination. (Signs can be attached or detached.)

Please let me know if you have any questions (Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov)
Zoning Administration NOT REQUIRED
Zoning Compliance Review NOT REQUIRED
Zoning Modifications - DDO NOT REQUIRED
Zoning Modifications - MS&R NOT REQUIRED
Building Official REVIEW COMPLETED
Commercial Building REVIEW COMPLETED Please provide accessible routes, interior and exterior as well as accessible signage details and locations. IBC Chapter 11
Commercial Electrical REVIEW COMPLETED Please address the electrical plan review comments and provide a written response.

1 Indicate branch circuit and breaker panel designations for all lighting and power Luminaires and electrical devices and equipment on the New power and lighting plans. NEC 408.4.

2 Ref; Plan sheet ‘EP101’. There are 2 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT KEYNOTES #2 shown on the plan identified as SERVICE ENTRANCE RATED FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH ‘SED-1’. Please clarify.

3 Plan sheet ‘EP601’ is blank.

4 Ref; Plan sheet ‘EP701’. Single Line Diagram.

(a) Provide total service load calculations.

(b) Provide Available Fault Current at the service and AIC ratings for all electrical equipment associated with the electrical service.

5 Provide a complete panel schedule for panel ‘D1’.

6 Provide complete compliance with the 2012 City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code for the exterior lighting.

7 Provide complete compliance with the 2018 IECC for the lighting.

8 Provide electrical requirements and show the locations of all mechanical and plumbing equipment on the electrical plans.
Commercial Mechanical REVIEW COMPLETED
Commercial Plumbing REVIEW COMPLETED
Entitlements REVIEW COMPLETED Special Exception not required.
Fire New Construction REVIEW COMPLETED
Historic REVIEW COMPLETED These properties are located within the Fort Lowell Historic Preservation Zone and will require review and approval from the Fort Lowell Historic Zone Advisory Board (FLHZAB) and the Plans Review Subcommittee (PRS). Once plans are 100% plans will be docketed for review by these boards/subcommittees once a Historic submittal is completed. Items for a Full review are listed on page 2 of the Historic & Special Districts Application Instructions (https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/3/pdsd/documents/submission-documents/special_districts_application_instructions_7.18.23.pdf).
Properties are located within the Fort Lowell Archaeological Sensitivity Zone and the proposed work will require a monitor to be present during any grading, boring, trenching, digging, etc. Clarify with the County who will be completing this task. Questions? Jodie.Brown@tucsonaz.gov
New Services/JOC REVIEW COMPLETED CIP-0324-00003 - CIP - Dev Site + Comm Structure - Initial v1 - 5477 E FORT LOWELL RD

Please be aware that Tucson Water has a 42” concrete cylinder water transmission main in Fort Lowell Road that may be impacted by the construction of the Commissary. Please contact Mr. Jesus Suarez, the Water Administrator of Tucson Water’s Operational Reliabilitiy & Condition Assessment Division and ask if any special precautions that need to be made while moving heavy equipment on Fort Lowell Road. Mr. Suarez may be contacted at by sending an e-mail to Jesus.Suarez@tucsonaz.gov or by calling 520-837-2412.

See Tucson Water’s NE351314 and NW361314 Valve Maps and the as-built plans of PN 074-1982 and PN 016-1982 for more information about the location of this large water transmission main in Fort Lowell Road and Craycroft Rd. Copies of the valve map(s) and ‘as-built’ plans referenced in these comments may be obtained from Tucson Water’s Mapping & GIS Center by sending an e-mail request for them to TWMapInfo@tucsonaz.gov.

Tucson Water’ New Development Section has no developer built water main projects in the immediate area of this project.

Any questions, comments or concerns about these comments may be directed to:

Tim Rowe, P.E., Civil Engineer
Tucson Water, New Development Section
201 N. Stone Avenue, #2-220
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7210
(520) 837-2106
NPPO REVIEW COMPLETED See Site Landscape Comments.

Thank you,

Chad Keller
ROW Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED No Comments

David Stiffey

Site Engineering REVIEW COMPLETED 1. See zoning comments and need for 3 separate development packages for this project.
2. Include grading information for all three sites: Area of disturbance in acres and cut/fill quantities. SWPPP will be required if area of disturbance is 1 acre or greater.
3. A drainage statement/report will be required to address how this project is compliant with retention/detention requirements.
4. Include waste stream calculations and show any type of trash enclosures for trash service.
5. Show complete pedestrian circulation paths for the sites and ensure that the paths are ADA compliant.

Stephen Blood
(520) 837-4958

ACTIVITY NO: CIP-0324-000003
ADDRESS/PARCEL: 5477 E FORT LOWELL RD/ 11009006L, 11009032C, 11014013B

This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants, and water harvesting.

Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Landscape/NPPO Review Section comments are addressed.

1. Ensure that Zoning, Engineering comments and concerns are addressed prior to landscape section approval.

2. UDC 2-10.4.1 Identification and Descriptive Data - All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or tentative plat). Should amendments be required to the base plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the landscape plan which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan.

3. Please identify the site monitor and list contact information for the NPPO.

4. Provide the development package case number, CIP-0324-0003, adjacent to the title block on all sheets. 2-06.4.3

5. Label sight visibility triangles and ROWs (existing and future) to all landscape plans.

6. A permit is required from Department of Transit and Mobility for any planting or irrigation being done in the right of way. Please reach out to David Marhefka (david.marhefka@tucsonaz.gov) if this is the case.

7. Please label the project property lines on all landscape sheets.

8. Please provide the required number of trees in the parking area (1 tree per 4 parking spaces). The parking area has three parking spaces, please provide one shade tree in the parking area.

9. An irrigation plan and specifications are required per UDC Administration Manual 2-10.4.2.C and Technical Standards Manual Section 4-01.4.2, Irrigation Standards.

10. Please label irrigation meter as “irrigation only”. See TSM 4-01.6.0

11. Please show all irrigation sleeves for irrigation lines crossing hardscape.

12. Include a construction detail showing root barriers for plants located near hardscape areas. (see Detail 402 located here: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Transportation-Mobility/Landscape/Landscape-Architects

13. Please depress all landscape areas 6 and 9 inches to maximize water harvesting on-site.

14. Identify curb inlets to landscape areas on grading and landscape plans.

1. Please provide an NPPO or an NPPO Waiver for this site.

2. Please identify the site monitor and list contact information on the NPPO sheet.

3. Please provide a landscape planting plan, including a planting schedule.

4. Include a construction detail showing root barriers for plants located near hardscape areas. (see Detail 402 located here: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Transportation-Mobility/Landscape/Landscape-Architects

5. An irrigation plan and specifications are required per UDC Administration Manual 2-10.4.2.C and Technical Standards Manual Section 4-01.4.2, Irrigation Standards.

6. Please depress all landscape areas 6 and 9 inches to maximize water harvesting on-site.

7. Identify curb inlets to landscape areas on grading and landscape plans.

1. Please identify the site monitor and list contact information on the NPPO sheet.

2. Please provide the required number of trees in the parking area (1 tree per 4 parking spaces). The parking area has three parking spaces, please provide one shade tree in the parking area.

3. An irrigation plan and specifications are required per UDC Administration Manual 2-10.4.2.C and Technical Standards Manual Section 4-01.4.2, Irrigation Standards.

4. Please label irrigation meter as “irrigation only”. See TSM 4-01.6.0

5. Please show all irrigation sleeves for irrigation lines crossing hardscape.

6. Please depress all landscape areas 6 and 9 inches to maximize water harvesting on-site.

7. Identify curb inlets to landscape areas on grading and landscape plans.

If you have any questions about these comments, I can be reached at chad.keller@tucsonaz.gov
Site Zoning REVIEW COMPLETED COMMENT 1: This CIP submittal includes three separate sites that will each require their own development package when plans are at 100% and ready for formal permitting. Comments provided below are broken into three different sections each reflecting the different sites.

Donaldson House Comments
COMMENT 2: This site is located in the HRX-2 zone and will require historic review and approval prior to zoning approving.
COMMENT 3: A lot combination will be required with the parcel to the south of this project (11014012C).
COMMENT 4: The use being proposed implies the use will formally be called “Cultural: Government owned and Operated” and is permitted in the HRX-2 zone.
COMMENT 5: The required number of motor vehicle parking spaces required for Cultural uses is 1 space per 300sf of GFA. However due to the contributing structure located on site, this requirement can be waived.
COMMENT 6: The required number of short-term bicycle parking spaces is 1 space per 8,000sf of GFA (min 2 spaces). Long-term bike parking requirements are 1 space per 12,000sf of GFA (min 2 spaces).
COMMENT 7: The proposed parking lot must comply with Section 7.4.6 of the UDC. The proposed PAAL width is not meeting minimum width (24ft).

Adkins Parking
COMMENT 8: This site is zoned HR-1 and will require historic review and approval prior to zoning approving.
COMMENT 9: Demonstrate how the proposed parking lot meets Section 7.4.6 of the UDC.
COMMENT 10: The use being proposed implies the use will formally be called “Cultural: Government owned and Operated” and is permitted in the HR-1 zone.
COMMENT 11: The required number of motor vehicle parking spaces required for Cultural uses is 1 space per 300sf of GFA. However, due to the contributing structure located on site, this requirement can be waived.
COMMENT 12: The required number of short-term bicycle parking spaces is 1 space per 8,000sf of GFA (min 2 spaces). Long-term bike parking requirements are 1 space per 12,000sf of GFA (min 2 spaces).

COMMENT 13: This site is zoned HR-1 and will require historic review and approval prior to zoning approving.
COMMENT 14: The use being proposed implies the use will formally be called “Cultural: Government owned and Operated” and is permitted in the HR-1 zone.
COMMENT 15: Demonstrate how the proposed parking lot meets Section 7.4.6 of the UDC. The proposed parking on the southern edge of the site is located in the ROW and will need to be approved by DTM.
COMMENT 16: The required number of motor vehicle parking spaces required for Cultural uses is 1 space per 300sf of GFA. However, due to the contributing structure located on site, this requirement can be waived.
COMMENT 17: The required number of short-term bicycle parking spaces is 1 space per 8,000sf of GFA (min 2 spaces). Long-term bike parking requirements are 1 space per 12,000sf of GFA (min 2 spaces).
Storm to Shade Review REVIEW COMPLETED Unable to add GSI elements due to historic nature of site, per historic preservation office.
Traffic Engineering Review REVIEW COMPLETED No Comments

David Stiffey

Zoning Modifications - IPP REVIEW COMPLETED Pending on how zoning site review comments are addressed, an IPP may or may not be required for vehicle parking spaces. Email Mark.Castro@tucsonaz.gov if you have questions.
Zoning Modifications - Variance REVIEW COMPLETED Pending on how zoning site review comments are addressed, a variance may or may not be required for vehicle parking and/or bike parking and vehicle use areas. Email Mark.Castro@tucsonaz.gov if you have questions.