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Plan: S20-007
Plan Details
Apply Date:
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Outstanding Inspections
Permit Status:
Permit Number:
Permite Description:
Total Outstanding Inspections - 1
Last Inspection Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
06/16/2022 | COT - ENGR - Site - Assurance Release | Partial Pass | {Activity date: 06/16/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERT5; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - ALL LOTS BLOCKS AND COMMON AREAS OK FOR A FULL RELEASE} ; {Activity date: 06/16/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - PARTIAL/I CHECK THE SIDEWALK GOING INTO THE BASIN GOOD COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF TUCSON. 155 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 06/16/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - PARTIAL/I CHECK THE SIDEWALK GOING INTO THE BASIN GOOD COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF TUCSON. 120 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 05/06/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - IS PARTIAL, OK TO RELEASE LOT #14 155 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 05/06/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - PARTIAL OK TO RELEASE LOT #14 120 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 03/11/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - IS NOT READY AT THIS TIME. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS WILL BE POSTED AT A LATER DATE. The La Terra Reserve site was walked on 3/10/2022 and the following was noted during this site Inspection that will need to be addressed prior to calling in additional Inspections. 1) Excessive weeds were noted growing within the project limits, these have not been maintained as needed throughout and adjacent to this site. Remove all excessive vegetation that is not shown on the Approved Plans prior to scheduling another Inspection for this site. 2) The walls on this site need to be constructed per the detail B/7, placement of the proper backfill on both sides of the wall as needed to provide for proper drainage of the adjacent areas. This will include but is not limited to North and East sides of the exterior areas adjacent to the channels or drainage ways on the north and east sides of this project, spot inspection of this work will be looked at during the next scheduled Inspection. 3) Remove all Construction Trash and debris that are on the exterior of the project and maintain all future debris as best as possible. This will be checked during the Final Grading Inspection to ensure that the site trash is removed prior to the closing of the site. This list will include but is not limited to sheet rock, block, packaging materials from insulation and other materials, as well as excessive soils, concrete on the outer areas of the new exterior walls. 4) Ensure that all of the Trees, Plants, Shrubs, and Landscape Materials are constructed per the Approved Plans, these will be verified in the coming weeks during future Inspections. The type and placement of all Landscape Materials will be checked, if the plants do not meet the Approved Plans within reason it will need to be corrected prior to the Final Approval. Also verify that all of the Tree or Plant stakes are per the details shown in the Approved Plans, plant counts will be done at a later date prior to the Final. All areas of Rock Rip Rap will be checked to verify that it has been placed on Filter Fabric as noted in the detail sheets on sheet 7/17. 5) I will be scheduling additional Inspections for the Verification that all sidewalks meet the ADA Standards of less than 2% in any direction with a running slope of less than 5%. The pathways and the Decomposed Granite areas within the Common Areas will also be checked utilizing the same ADA Standards. It has been noted during this Inspection that some of the Concrete Sidewalk will need to be removed and re-poured in the Common Area "B" north of Lot #31 due to it being Non-Compliant for the Cross Slope Grades exceeding 2%. During the site walk various locations of damaged or cracked Sidewalks were also noted, any sidewalk that has damage needs to be replaced. If you feel that any portions of the damage areas can be saved then arrange for a site visit with me to look at the Specific areas and make a determination on the removal. 6) General site cleanup and adjacent areas is required prior to the City Accepting the Final Closure of all associated Permits. During this last Inspection I will look over the adjacent areas and the outer boundaries to verify that we will be leaving the Neighborhood better than it was when this project started. I will verify that all Construction Trash, Debris, Concrete Spoils, and SWPPP Construction Controls have been removed totally.} ; {Activity date: 03/08/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by VVERA1 - PARTIAL, OK TO RELEASE THE FOLLOWING LOTS 13, 20, 21, 22, 24 AT THIS TIME. THE DEVELOPER OR CONTRACTOR HAS NOT SCHEDULED ANY INSPECTIONS FOR DP19-0197-0000 SINCE 6/28/2021, THE RELEASE OF LOTS WILL BE DEPENDENT ON THE CLOSING OF THIS OPEN PERMIT. THERE WILL BE NO MORE LOTS TO BE RELEASED AT THIS TIME WITHOUT FURTHER INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS BY DAVID ROBERTS. THIS SITE NEEDS TO BE CLOSED OUT ASAP TO PREVENT ANY MORE DELAYS FOR THE RELEASE OF LOTS FROM BEING SOLD. ALL FUTURE LOT RELEASE REQUEST WILL BE DETERMINED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS, NO MULTI RELEASE REQUEST WILL BE ACCEPTED. } ; {Activity date: 02/01/2022; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by VVERA1 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 15,16,17,AND 19.} ; {Activity date: 11/24/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 7,8,10 AND 37 120 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 11/24/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 7,8,10 AND 37 155 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 11/09/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 9,11,12,23,32,33,34,35,36 120 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 11/09/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 9,11,12,23,32,33,34,35,36 155 E MEDINA RD} ; {Activity date: 10/07/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 4,5,6,30, AND 31} ; {Activity date: 10/07/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - OK TO RELEASE LOTS 4,5,6,30 AND 31 } ; {Activity date: 08/19/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - OK TO RELEASE LORS 26,27,28 AND 29.} ; {Activity date: 08/19/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - OK TO RELEASE LORS 26,27,28 AND 29.} ; {Activity date: 07/29/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - OK TO RELEASE LOT 25} ; {Activity date: 07/29/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - OK TO RELEASE LOT 25} ; {Activity date: 06/30/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - PARTIAL FOR 155 E MEDINA RD OK TO RELEASE LOTS. 1,38,39 AND 40 } ; {Activity date: 06/30/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by VLEON1 - PARTIAL FOR 120 E MEDINA RD OK TO RELEASE LOTS. 1,38,39 AND 40} ; {Activity date: 04/28/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - 155 OK TO RELEASE LOTS 2,3} ; {Activity date: 04/28/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - 122 OK TO RELEASE LOTS 2,3} ; {Activity date: 04/27/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - OK FOR THE INITIAL RELEASE OF THE LOTS BUT NOT FOR THE FINAL} |
Completed Inspections
Permit Status:
Permit Number:
Permit Description:
Total Completed Inspections - 3
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
04/22/2021 | COT - WATR - Design Plan Construction | Passed | {Activity date: 04/22/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: SharonB; Comment: Entered by SBEASLE1 - The document "Tucson Water final inspection & acceptance letter, 04.21.21" was filed in OnBase/PRO today.} | |
04/27/2021 | SPECIAL INSPECTION - Pima County Sewer (Third Party) | Passed | {Activity date: 04/27/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: Sharon; Comment: Entered by SBEASLE1 - See in PRO: "Pima Co Wastewater final approval letter, 03.17.21". Filed in PRO/onbase today. Pima Co. Reference # G-2019-093.} | |
05/25/2022 | TRSP - PIA - Engineering Final - Completion of PIA Work (Final Lot Release/Acceptance) | Passed | {Activity date: 05/25/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: RL; Comment: Entered by RLEIGH1 - } |
Plan Reviews
Plan Number - S20-007
Plan Status: Approved
Plan Description: LA TERRA RESERVE , Final Plat
Start Date | Submittal | Complete Date | Status |
01/29/2020 | FINAL PLAT - REVIEW | 03/13/2020 | COMPLETED |
07/22/2020 | FINAL PLAT - REVIEW | 08/14/2020 | COMPLETED |
08/24/2020 | FINAL PLAT - REVIEW | 09/02/2020 | COMPLETED |
09/24/2020 | FINAL PLAT - REVIEW | 09/25/2020 | COMPLETED |
10/06/2020 | FINAL PLAT - PACKAGE | 11/20/2020 | COMPLETED |
12/23/2019 | SUBPLAT- OK TO SUBMIT | 01/29/2020 | COMPLETED |