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Permit Details

Needs Resubmittal
Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility
Apply Date:
Jaime Hoyt
2679081 1385 E Tucson Market pl Blvd 14-14-30SE install new full service south of posted address in road:6lf asphalt concrete dirt/MLM

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - TR-UTL-1123-02950
Permit Status: Needs resubmittal
Permit Description: 2679081 1385 E Tucson Market pl Blvd 14-14-30SE install new full service south of posted address in road:6lf asphalt concrete dirt/MLM
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
11/21/2023 RIGHT-OF-WAY REVIEW v.1 11/22/2023 REQUIRES RESUBMIT Review Details

Outstanding Activity Conditions

Permit Number - TR-UTL-1123-02950
Permit Status: Needs resubmittal
Permit Description: 2679081 1385 E Tucson Market pl Blvd 14-14-30SE install new full service south of posted address in road:6lf asphalt concrete dirt/MLM
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 1
Date Name
11/22/2023 Traffic control set-up approved between 9AM - 3:30PM