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Permit Details

In Review
Commercial Building
Apply Date:
Rachael Randolph
Prefabricated freestanding building with accompanying walk-in cooler delivers coffee, tea, and energy drinks to customers via drive-through lanes. No interior or exterior dining components is provided; The interior is only occupied by staff. Drink items are the only items offered on the menu.

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - TC-COM-1123-02691
Permit Status: In review
Permit Description: Prefabricated freestanding building with accompanying walk-in cooler delivers coffee, tea, and energy drinks to customers via drive-through lanes. No interior or exterior dining components is provided; The interior is only occupied by staff. Drink items are the only items offered on the menu.
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
05/01/2024 COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.3 06/04/2024 REQUIRES RESUBMIT Review Details
11/21/2023 COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.1 12/20/2023 REQUIRES RESUBMIT Review Details
06/27/2024 COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.4 N/A IN REVIEW Review Details
03/13/2024 COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2 04/12/2024 REQUIRES RESUBMIT Review Details

Outstanding Activity Conditions

Permit Number - TC-COM-1123-02691
Permit Status: In review
Permit Description: Prefabricated freestanding building with accompanying walk-in cooler delivers coffee, tea, and energy drinks to customers via drive-through lanes. No interior or exterior dining components is provided; The interior is only occupied by staff. Drink items are the only items offered on the menu.
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 2
Date Name
11/21/2023 Contractor with active Arizona Contractor's License for specified scope of work required prior to issuance of permit. Contractor must have a TDC Online account and be added to the permit as a contact.
11/21/2023 Separate submittal to PC RWRD is required for new connections to sewer, new water meters and upsized water meters. Contact sewer@pima.gov for review and assessment.