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Permit Details

Inspections Complete
Commercial Building
4312 S 6TH AV
Apply Date:
Andres Amado
Installation of a new private water service line from the new meter to 10 feet outside the house or business’s existing water connection. The water line will be 1-inch pex for residential homes and 1-1/4 pex and 1-1/4 BFA for businesses; pex will be buried at 14 inches. 12AWG tracer wire will be taped to the pex every 10 feet from the new meter to the tie-in point. New meters will have meter valves installed on the customer's side. This is of Tucson Water’s 6th AVE/Ajo Way 2” Galvanized Main Abandonment project.

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - TC-COM-0924-01888
Permit Status: Inspections complete
Permit Description: Installation of a new private water service line from the new meter to 10 feet outside the house or business’s existing water connection. The water line will be 1-inch pex for residential homes and 1-1/4 pex and 1-1/4 BFA for businesses; pex will be buried at 14 inches. 12AWG tracer wire will be taped to the pex every 10 feet from the new meter to the tie-in point. New meters will have meter valves installed on the customer's side. This is of Tucson Water’s 6th AVE/Ajo Way 2” Galvanized Main Abandonment project.
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
10/01/2024 COMMERCIAL PDSD SIMPLE REVIEW v.1 10/29/2024 APPROVED Review Details

Completed Inspections

Permit Status: Inspections Complete
Permit Number: TC-COM-0924-01888
Permit Description: Installation of a new private water service line from the new meter to 10 feet outside the house or business’s existing water connection. The water line will be 1-inch pex for residential homes and 1-1/4 pex and 1-1/4 BFA for businesses; pex will be buried at 14 inches. 12AWG tracer wire will be taped to the pex every 10 feet from the new meter to the tie-in point. New meters will have meter valves installed on the customer's side. This is of Tucson Water’s 6th AVE/Ajo Way 2” Galvanized Main Abandonment project.
Total Completed Inspections - 2
Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/04/2025 COT - LCPL - Yard Water Line Passed
02/04/2025 COT - LCPL - Plumbing Final Passed Approved 1" PEX yard line with water pressure from meter to house, okay to shade fill progress areas


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