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Permit: TC-COM-0323-00905
Permit Details
Apply Date:
Cody M Perry
The original Building Permit (T22CM02497) was issued for 4110 S Houghton Rd but TEP is requesting Dish to obtain a new Electrical Permit with the address of 4118 S Houghton Rd which is the meter address so electrical inspections can be done and sent to TEP.
Permit Reviews
Permit Number - TC-COM-0323-00905
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Description: The original Building Permit (T22CM02497) was issued for 4110 S Houghton Rd but TEP is requesting Dish to obtain a new Electrical Permit with the address of 4118 S Houghton Rd which is the meter address so electrical inspections can be done and sent to TEP.
Completed Inspections
Permit Status: Issued
Permit Number: TC-COM-0323-00905
Permit Description: The original Building Permit (T22CM02497) was issued for 4110 S Houghton Rd but TEP is requesting Dish to obtain a new Electrical Permit with the address of 4118 S Houghton Rd which is the meter address so electrical inspections can be done and sent to TEP.
Total Completed Inspections - 2