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Permit Details

Certificate of Occupancy
Apply Date:
Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems

Outstanding Inspections

Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: TC-CFO-0824-00162
Permite Description: Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
Total Outstanding Inspections - 1
Last Inspection Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/16/2024 Consultation SITE N/A Not Ready I checked the Running Slope of the Ramp and it is currently 10.4%, exceeding the Maximum Allowable of 8.33%. The handrails have not been installed at this time onto the Ramp. The sidewalk has been poured at the south end of building #7 where it was missing or damaged and is dry enough to walk on. The Door Latches or Panic Hardware is missing on the door located at the southeast entrance to the Southern Stairwell exit to the east side.

Completed Inspections

Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: TC-CFO-0824-00162
Permit Description: Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
Total Completed Inspections - 2
Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/01/2024 Consultation SITE Passed Building 7 okay for TCO, floors 2-4. Discussed improvements for full C of O
01/23/2025 COT - HCBU - TCO Passed Ok to apply for TCO level #4.