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Permit: T21RW01488
Permit Details
Apply Date:
Replace Existing Street Light withl new STREET LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING CITY LOOK AND DESIGN TH; Work Order: TUC40_021_A
Permit Reviews
Permit Number - T21RW01488
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Description: Replace Existing Street Light withl new STREET LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING CITY LOOK AND DESIGN TH; Work Order: TUC40_021_A
Start Date | Submittal | Complete Date | Status |
04/26/2021 | ROW SWF - POWER SHARE | 04/29/2021 | COMPLETED |
07/07/2021 | ROW SWF - SUBMITTAL | 07/14/2021 | COMPLETED |
03/23/2023 | RIGHT-OF-WAY REVIEW v.1 | 03/29/2023 | APPROVED |
Outstanding Activity Conditions
Permit Number - T21RW01488
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Description: Replace Existing Street Light withl new STREET LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING CITY LOOK AND DESIGN TH; Work Order: TUC40_021_A
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 2
Date | Name |
04/03/2023 | The following extended traffic control set-up times were approved: 24 hrs PED PATH |
04/03/2023 | Traffic control set-up approved between 9AM - 3:30PM |
Outstanding Inspections
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: T21RW01488
Permite Description: Replace Existing Street Light withl new STREET LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING CITY LOOK AND DESIGN TH; Work Order: TUC40_021_A
Total Outstanding Inspections - 3
Last Inspection Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
08/01/2022 | TRSP - ROW - Recurring | N/A | Re-inspection required | TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Velex should finish work this week. Ada wall is down for roughly 60% of length of pedestrian path. Asked velex to have quail fix asap. |
08/01/2022 | COT - TRSP - ROW NOV - Initial | N/A | Re-inspection required | TDOT-Barricade Complaint Call - Continued ada wall down notified velex and asked quail to come fix asap |
TRSP - SWF - Recurring | N/A | Scheduled |
Completed Inspections
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: T21RW01488
Permit Description: Replace Existing Street Light withl new STREET LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING CITY LOOK AND DESIGN TH; Work Order: TUC40_021_A
Total Completed Inspections - 1
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
07/14/2023 | TRSP - SWF - Final | Passed |
Scheduled Inspections
Scheduled Inspections - T21RW01488
Status: Complete
Description: Replace Existing Street Light withl new STREET LIGHT POLE TO MATCH EXISTING CITY LOOK AND DESIGN TH; Work Order: TUC40_021_A
Scheduled Date | Description | Entered By | Entered Date |
02/22/2023 | TRSP - SWF - Recurring | Scheduled |
For information about today’s scheduled inspections please refer to the
PDSD Daily Inspections Dashboards (Desktop)
PDSD Daily Inspections Dashboards (Mobile)