Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Parcel Search



Parcel Number - 133233290
Date - 03/13/2025 11:12 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (8)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T02AN00779 Void 08/21/2002 N/A ADDRNEW
T02CM05846 C of o 12/20/2002 03/22/2004 COMBO NEW:RETAIL BLDG
T03BU00413 Final 02/14/2003 03/22/2004 GRADING GRADING: CUT 2100 FILL 700
T03BU00783 Withdrwn 03/27/2003 N/A WALL/FEN FENCE:350LF OF 6'HIGH
T03BU02909 Withdrwn 11/10/2003 N/A WALL/FEN FENCE:432LF OF 8' HIGH
T03OT00147 Final 01/30/2003 07/21/2004 SIGN SIGN:5012
T03OT00594 Final 04/08/2003 10/12/2003 SIGN SIGN:5325
T04BU00732 Closed 03/23/2004 09/19/2004 TENTS TENT EVENT 40' X 100'