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Parcel Search: 132130320
Parcel Search
Parcel Number - 132130320
Date - 01/11/2025 12:43 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 1
Plan Number | Plan Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
C9-06-32 | Effected | 11/28/2006 | N/A | REZONING PROCEDURES | A 350-acre master planned mixed-use development with four principal land uses: 1) Approximately 1,000,000 square feet of commercial/retail/office land uses and an approximately 350 room hotel, on 128.7 acres, 2) A maximum of 1084 residential units consisting of single family attached homes, single family detached homes, and apartments, on 117.4 acres, 3) A 53.5 acre research park associated with the University of Arizona, and 4) 50.4 acres of open space and recreation areas. 2-21-18 2018 Bridges PAD Amendment for Sub-Areas B including B-i, B-II, B-III, and B-IV. The total land area of the parcels is 111.7 acres. This PAD Amendment requests that the City of Tucson establish Office/Commercial/Residential (OCR-1) Zone as the underlying zoning classification for Sub-Areas B. |