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Parcel Search



Parcel Number - 115051520
Date - 03/14/2025 5:41 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (4)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T05AN00681 Issued 06/23/2005 N/A ADDRNEW
T05BU00384 Final 02/22/2005 04/25/2006 DEMO DEMO:COMM BLDG
T05BU02795 Final 11/22/2005 09/25/2006 SPKLR FIRE SPKR:99LF OF 4" UNDERGROUND PIPE
T05CM03032 C of o 06/23/2005 01/31/2007 COMBO ADDT SERVICE CENTER/WARHOUSE: 1. INSPECTOR VERIFY EXISTING BUILDING COMPLIES TO CODE AND IS PART OF C OF O. ( Existing records show no permit for the tenant improvement of the warehouse shell space, no certificate of occupancy for the existing warehouse, no permit for the existing drinking fountain to remain, no permit for the sewer connection to the water fountain, no permit for the water connection to the drinking fountain, provide permits for the items not permitted in the existing warehouse and provide information to accomplish a certificate of occupancy for the existing warehouse and this addition.) 2. ADDITION 40' x 54' METAL BUILDING W/ 2-HOUR MASONRY FIRE WALL AT PROPERTY LINE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS SUBSTITUTING FOR ONE-HOUR CONSTRUCTION AND 2ND FLOOR OF WOOD JOISTS AND DECKING - 2ND REVISION: PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING SHOP DRAWINGS APPROVED 4/14/06, DGL.