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Parcel: 13313005E



Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: Consultation SITE

Permit Number - TD-DEV-0423-00224

Inspection Description - Consultation SITE

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/28/2024 Consultation SITE Passed Discussed use of football field for practice. If temporary fencing is installed along south east, and emergency vehicle access is maintained, there are no safety concerns present. TCO for stadium use is expected in October.
09/20/2024 Consultation SITE Not Ready Met with representatives from Lloyd construction and from Desert Christian school to look over the area that they are anticipating wanting a TCO for this coming week. We walked this site and I pointed out things that were wrong and would need to be changed or completed correctly in this coming week if they wanted their TCO. Some of the sidewalk they’re planning on using east of the new football field is OK for you, but there is an area that is a driveway into the field that is noncompliant for cross slope at this time. I have advised the school and the contractor that this area will be upon them to choose whether they use it or not due to the noncompliance of sloping grade. Reinspection site will be scheduled for Monday so that we can look at what is being done in the parking lot that they want to use. Pavement will be placed this coming week and should be done and complete by next Friday the 27th. They also schedule another inspection on the 26th to verify that they have completed everything they need to for this event. I have reminded them that all areas were pedestrian. Traffic is adjacent to the particular traffic. Will have to have a 6 inch vertical separation.
10/02/2024 Consultation SITE Partial Pass inform the contractor that he needs fencing along the roadway and grading on both sides of the roadway. And grading up by the baseball field and all construction material must be behind a fence. Good for T. C. Of.O
11/21/2024 Consultation SITE Partial Pass Contractors go to grout the sidewalk area from the parking lot of the school leading to the football field. They’re good to grout and they’re also good to pour the sidewalk in that area.