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Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing 

Permit Number - TC-RES-0424-02310

Inspection Description - COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing 

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/12/2024 COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing  Re-inspection required 12-12-24, city approved revisions shall be on site during time of inspection. Also, the nailing on the exterior sheathing is not per code. Many nails were over-penetrate; add additional nailing where the nails are driven so that their heads are flush with the surface of the sheathing.
12/18/2024 COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing  Re-inspection required 12/18/24 missing blocking and h25 clips at king studs and cripples above sliding door. Fill penetrations where nails went through on shear wall.
12/20/2024 COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing  Passed 12/2-/24 corrections made