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Parcel: 141431120



Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: RSBU - Building Final 

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0923-01542

Inspection Description - RSBU - Building Final 

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
04/17/2024 RSBU - Building Final  Re-inspection required Must pass engineering final, cut drain line 6” above grade, a/c base must be 3” above grade, dishwasher not installed, attic exhaust not on in attic, missing outdoor lighting at back porch.
04/18/2024 RSBU - Building Final  Re-inspection required Base for a/c unit must have 3” clearance above earth, discharge pipe for dishwashing machine must rise to underside of countertop per P2717.2, loose bond at gas meter.
04/22/2024 RSBU - Building Final  Passed