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Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: COT - RSBU - Roof Nailing 

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0723-01227

Inspection Description - COT - RSBU - Roof Nailing 

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/12/2024 COT - RSBU - Roof Nailing  Re-inspection required 8/12/24: anchor bolts needed at shear walls and breake in plates. Sthd 10 outside of garage needs to be nailed in place. Htt5 needs to be set. Window in kitchen missing king studs. Stopped inspection.
08/14/2024 COT - RSBU - Roof Nailing  Re-inspection required Missing h25 at stairway trusses. Secure loose bottom plates that haven't been cut. Loose shear wall at garage area near water heater. 8/14/2024
08/15/2024 COT - RSBU - Roof Nailing  Passed Corrections were made. 8/15/2024