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Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: COT - LCME - Mechanical Final 

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0523-01095

Inspection Description - COT - LCME - Mechanical Final 

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/02/2024 COT - LCME - Mechanical Final  Re-inspection required 12/2/24: south wing: (unit 9207 leak at expansion tank at water heater, no hardware at water heater room),(unit 9208 exhaust fan at laundry no power, water heater door hardware not installed). (Unit 1907 no water pressure, receptacle at kitchen countertop must be properly secured)
12/04/2024 COT - LCME - Mechanical Final  Re-inspection required 12/2/24: south wing: (unit 9207 leak at expansion tank at water heater, no hardware at water heater room),(unit 9208 exhaust fan at laundry no power, water heater door hardware not installed). (Unit 1907 no water pressure, receptacle at kitchen countertop must be properly secured)
12/4/24: clean out cap missing at laundry unit 2904, 2906 clean out cap at laundry missing.
12/06/2024 COT - LCME - Mechanical Final  Re-inspection required 12/2/24: south wing: (unit 9207 leak at expansion tank at water heater, no hardware at water heater room),(unit 9208 exhaust fan at laundry no power, water heater door hardware not installed). (Unit 1907 no water pressure, receptacle at kitchen countertop must be properly secured)
12/4/24: clean out cap missing at laundry unit 2904, 2906 clean out cap at laundry missing.
12/6/24: supports required at roof drains in fire riser room, (9105unit mirror missing ada restroom, flush hardware at water closet not on appropriate location, hardware at water heater door required, WR receptacle required at exterior),( 9103 unit missing address tag, kitchen exhaust no cover no power), (9205 unit clean out cap required at laundry) STOPPED INSPECTION MORE ITEMS MAY BE ADDED TO WEST TOWER.
12/09/2024 COT - LCME - Mechanical Final  Partial Pass 12/2/24: south wing: (unit 9207 leak at expansion tank at water heater, no hardware at water heater room),(unit 9208 exhaust fan at laundry no power, water heater door hardware not installed). (Unit 1907 no water pressure, receptacle at kitchen countertop must be properly secured)
12/4/24: clean out cap missing at laundry unit 2904, 2906 clean out cap at laundry missing.
12/6/24: supports required at roof drains in fire riser room, (9105unit mirror missing ada restroom, flush hardware at water closet not on appropriate location, hardware at water heater door required, WR receptacle required at exterior),( 9103 unit missing address tag, kitchen exhaust no cover no power), (9205 unit clean out cap required at laundry) STOPPED INSPECTION MORE ITEMS MAY BE ADDED TO WEST TOWER.
12/9/24: Unit 9202 water heater pressure relief discharge must slope downward,
12/12/2024 COT - LCME - Mechanical Final  Passed