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Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: ENGR Engineering Final

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0423-00839

Inspection Description - ENGR Engineering Final

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/08/2024 ENGR Engineering Final Passed
10/06/2023 ENGR Engineering Final Not Ready this site is not ready at this time due to the following two reasons, the drainage swells from the back of the property to the street have not been cut correctly or defined enough that they’re evident and these need to be reworked to ensure that the drainage is done properly. The small retaining wall between this property and the property to the east has some damage block that will need to be re-paired prior to the release of this project or shortly there after. I need to have an on-site meeting with a representative from the builder before consideration of approval for this property can be done. You can call David Roberts at 520-349-7643.