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Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing 

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0224-00179

Inspection Description - COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing 

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing  Re-inspection required 8/22/24: Anchor bolts missing 12" from edge, multiple MASA clips not properly fastened, STHD14 needs RFI (not properly fastened), missing RSP4 at every other stud throughout, missing gable end bracing not per plan (6' O.C), No truss clacs provided at time of inspection, verify shear transfer detail per SD3-6c. Not ladder access
08/23/2024 COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing  Re-inspection required 8/22/24: Anchor bolts missing 12" from edge, multiple MASA clips not properly fastened, missing RSP4 at every other stud throughout, missing gable end bracing not per plan (6' O.C), No truss clacs provided at time of inspection, verify shear transfer detail per SD3-6c. Not ladder access.
8/23/24: MASA clips required 12" from edge of sill plate, gable end bracing over spaced 6' max, no ladder for roof access.
08/26/2024 COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing  Passed