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Parcel: 141434010

Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: COT - RSPL - Plumbing Final 

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0224-00169

Inspection Description - COT - RSPL - Plumbing Final 

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/22/2024 COT - RSPL - Plumbing Final  Re-inspection required 8/22/24: pressure relief termination must be 6" above grade. SWG meter not hooked up, 3" clearance around hvac condenser to grade, HVAC being over amped (30amp max),post tension tag required at hose bib, remove covers off of smoke detectors, electrical at garage not complete, receptacle spacing at counter exceeds 24", from edge of counter. Water closet must be caulked, clean out required at A.V.V., tempered glass required at shower per plans,
08/29/2024 COT - RSPL - Plumbing Final  Passed Corrections were made. 8/29/2024