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Permit: T22RW02608

Parcel: 117160220



Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: TRSP - ROW - Recurring

Permit Number - T22RW02608

Inspection Description - TRSP - ROW - Recurring

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/03/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - All underground gas work completed, waiting on roadway emblems to be reinstalled
09/29/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Asphalt patch is in place. Concrete cap doweled into existing concrete has been poured. Waiting on bike emblem to be re-installed
09/22/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Underground gas work completed. Dowels and concrete being completed today. Asphalt patch will be installed after concrete has cured
11/02/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Passed