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Permit: T22RW00919

Parcel: 112012160



Inspection Status: Re-inspection required

Inspection History: TRSP - ROW - Recurring

Permit Number - T22RW00919

Inspection Description - TRSP - ROW - Recurring

Inspection Status - Re-inspection required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/19/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Final asphalt repairs on prince have been completed. Asphalt was repaired due to bypass installation. Concrete adjustments completed. Waiting on final striping
09/09/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Underground sewer work has been completed. Bypass has been removed. Small punchlist which includes
1. One small asphalt patch
2. Reinstall 3 signs
3. Restrip Roadway
4. General cleanup and sweep
5. Mill and pave one lane of Prince rd for 180 ft
08/18/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - North end of Tucson Boulevard has been re-paved. Barricades still in place. Clean up and repairs still needed throughout project. Backfilling area on Prince and Tucson
08/17/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Repaving of Tucson blvd in progress
08/15/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - All underground sewer work completed. Went over limit of repairs with Hunter. Sewer bypass in process of being removed
07/14/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect - All barricades up and appear to be sandbagged walked daily and all appeared to be in good working order at this time.
08/03/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - All underground sewer work has been completed. Hunter contracting in the process are removing bypass system. Bypass system should be removed by the end of next week. Roadway repairs will still need to be completed.
04/22/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect - Sewer by pass in place.
07/14/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - underground work still on U of a property or the north end of Tucson Boulevard. Checked bypass set up and traffic control. No issues at this time
04/06/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-Routine Barricade Inspect - Precon was held. Notices have been sent out. Message boards have been in place for three days now. Sewer bypass work in progress
07/11/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Re-inspection required TDOT-EXCAV GENERAL INSPECTION - Work in progress. Slow progress on Tucson Boulevard, most work still on U of a property. Sewer bypass still in place. No issues at this time
11/02/2022 TRSP - ROW - Recurring Passed