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Permit: T22OT00426

Parcel: 10409002D



Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: COT - ENGR - Signage Final

Permit Number - T22OT00426

Inspection Description - COT - ENGR - Signage Final

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
07/22/2022 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Hthrall Approved Entered by HTHRALL1 - Signs approved. Will resub rope light data under separate review.
06/30/2022 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Hthrall Partial Approval Entered by HTHRALL1 - RE: sign review (all new wall signs / rebranding) + light bar review For: Buffalo Wild Wings / 4329 N Oracle Rd Sign permit: T22OT00426 Reviewer: H .Thrall Date: 6/30/22 (resbumittal review) Sign permit status: partially approved. Codes: Unified Development Code (UDC) 7A Sign Standards, National Electrical Code (NEC) 600, Tucson-Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code 2018 1. Signage approved. The following comments pertain to the proposed sleeved LED light bars on the building. Page 6 of the package did not scan well, thus the following items need to be clarified and noted on this sheet: 2: LIGHT BAR COMMENTS: a. List the volts, amps, circuit and show shut off labeled clearly, indicate UL or equivalent b. list that a timer is provided and that shut off shall be 12 a.m., and whether connected to sign timer or separate timer (and where it is) c. note whether the individual LED lights are completely invidually obscured within the light bar sleeve so as not to be seen through the sleeve (nothing directly visible through the sleeve) d. thank you for the length dimensions, please note the material of the sleeve and the diameter of it (as in, like a slice-thru view) e. thank you for the dimmer to ensure the light bar never exceeds 3500k color temp when in operation - please note dimmer location / how it's accessed and operated (i.e. connected to timing device?) f. per our discussion, the light bar has clips and a track. Please note this information on the plan, and provide a notation how the track is installed (i.e. bolts, screws - size and how many each linear foot of track). Please send page 6 with this information back to Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov
06/28/2022 COT - ENGR - Signage Final Hthrall Continued Entered by HTHRALL1 - Resubmittal received for review of sign package and light bars
06/16/2022 COT - ENGR - Signage Final hthrall Continued Entered by HTHRALL1 - RE: sign review (all new wall signs / rebranding) For: Buffalo Wild Wings / 4329 N Oracle Rd Sign permit: T22OT00426 Reviewer: H .Thrall Date: 6/14/22 Codes: Unified Development Code (UDC) 7A Sign Standards, National Electrical Code (NEC) 600, Tucson-Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC), International Building Code 2018 1. UDC 7A: a. Provide street frontage on the aerial photo as measured from southern building wall of the establishment to the north end of the to go parking spaces north of the building, north of the building. This dimension is approximately 122' as measured on city maps. 2. NEC. 600: a. On all signs - call out the toggle switch as "shut off" switch to ensure it's clear that is the disconnect for service. 3. OLC Ch 4 & 5: a. List the curfew for the timer shut off to be midnight (all signs) b. Provide a timer for control of each sign and for the LED light bar c. Provide note to list location of timer for inspections 4. IBC 2018 a. List length of lag screws for sign mounting 5. Review of the LED light bar: Note 104.2.1 applies for this - as it is a light (or luminaire), not a sign (note, some notes may not apply, but are shared here to guide towards a "full cut off shield category of lighting for this project) : (104.2.1 Lumen calculation on plans. There shall be documentation on the plans to demonstrate compliance with the lumen cap per Table 401.1, and which includes the following information: 1. Each exterior luminaire type with the lumens for that type, the quantity of each type and whether the luminaire is full cut-off or unshielded. 2. The total of full cut-off and unshielded lumens for the parcel. 3. A statement of the lighting area, the size of the permitted parcel, and the maximum allowed full cut-off and unshielded lumens. Also: 401.4 Other than Full Cutoff Lighting. Unshielded fixtures or lighting sources shall not exceed 3,000 lumens per luminaire. Chart 401.1 - max of 11,000 unshielded lumens per acre Note: 402.1 Rated Color Temperature. The rated color temperature of light sources (lamps and fixtures) shall not exceed 3500K. (This light bar cannot be like the sign, at 4400k temp.) 501.4 Exposed Lamps. Lamps not concealed from view by opaque or translucent material shall be considered outdoor lighting and shall conform to the lamp source, shielding requirements, color temperature, and lumen caps of Chapter 4. (note, this light bar may meet this criteria) a. Provide a side view of the light bar showing the mounting, the size of the light bar / sleeve materials and opacity used b. Show the light has full cut off shield light cover at the top to ensure light is contained downward, or fully enclosed by a qualifying "full cut off shield" material, or list the total lumens and be advised the site has to comply with total unshielded lumens per acre to include the light bar. c. Provide the volts, amps, circuits, shut off, timer, UL spec d. Clarify the number of lumens for the light bar e. Clarify if light fully contained within the bar so as to not see the light source, which may be considered fully shielded, if not see F and G f. Clarify the size of the site and provide a lumen count for the site (i.e. existing lights) (see existing plan from 2012 forwarded from staff to assist you) g. Clarify the color temperature for the light bar (cannot exceed 3500k)
08/03/2022 COT - ENGR - Signage Final hthrall Continued Entered by HTHRALL1 - Your sign package has been authorized for a self-certification inspection. (8 or less signs, and all attached to a building) Either schedule 09830 as a remote video inspection by leaving your date desired, and then include in the message your phone number and email address OR Email PDSDsigninspections@tucsonaz.gov pictures of the following items to conduct the self-certification inspection: Elevation view of installed signs to match approved plans Angled pic of sign lettering to contain the UL sticker in install sticker Shut off switch labeled breaker panel - clearly ID signs, ID business location in pic breaker panel switches in "on" position for signs Pic of timer - ID shut off time set to, and ID business location in pic Note that a lock out may be required, depending on location of shut off and location of sign.